Summary: Ficbit I wrote for 31(underscore)days, but in the wrong setting (October is AU month). So, posting here. Spoilers for Chapters 134-136.

And guilt that overthrow me
(theme- october 1; a screaming comes across the sky)

The bird, the swallow, was falling.

Moments before, she had happened to peer up into the sky, without meaning, without purpose, and she just saw it soaring there.

It had twittered and chirped with a rambunctious tone. It made daring dives back down to the ground to pluck a worm or beetle from its surface, so that just when she would feel her throat tighten at the threatening cry of 'No!', it would swerve ever so slightly, barely grazing the grass, to flap back up to the sky.

She stared because it enchanted her, really. And who honestly could have expected that hawk?

So now, when it is falling, swirling, plummeting, she thinks that her throat is tight again, but knows no words will come out. She thinks she can see the blood freeze in the air; deep red shards from a stained-glass window suspended in the air, to match her heart. She thinks she can hear someone ask her what is wrong.

And she thinks, I can't feel my feet touching the ground.

The End

Notes:Title from "Flood" by Jars of Clay— an excellent Kaien-personified song.

Kaien means "swallow of the ocean."