Writing Challenge from the site 'Unseen Paths'

: Any
CHALLENGE: Zuko is following Aang's trail, and finds a certain rebel frozen against a tree. What does he say to the frozen teenager? What's the rebel's reply?

Chapter One: Zuko's Interrogation

The muscle in his neck burned with pain from turning to fast. Rubbing the screaming muscles he kneeled down to examine the lush, moist ground. Running his hand across a set of footprints, he was confused for a moment when he saw another set of footprints that were larger than his own Komodo Rhino. Then it struck him like a blow in the stomach: the Avatar. Who else could it be…the Avatar's bison!

Excitement rushed inside of him as he stood up and dropped his hands to his sides. "Search the woods and meet back at the ship at sunset. If you spot something, you know what to do." the prince spoke in a cold tone to the other five soldiers. He watched them salute stiffly and take different directions, giving out a sigh he climbed on his mount and pressed his heels against the rhino's side.

Growing accustomed to the swaying movements from riding on this large beast he allowed his thoughts wander before him. He could already imagine himself strolling through the many elegant halls in his once called home. Clutching the Avatar in a firm grip he could see himself walking toward his towering father. Fire filled his daydream and the cold words of his father echoed through his heart, 'Suffering shall be your teacher.'

The prince blinked and was back to reality, back to the pain that haunted him in his sleep. Touching his scar he winced, not at the pain but the memory that was embedded in its fleshy surface. Zuko could feel another part of his heart burn into ashes that soon littered his insides with frustration.

Shaking the memories away he focused on the task at hand and realized he was now in a small clearing. But what surprised him was that this was the remnants of a camp…or what a camp once was. Dirty pots, torn and singed blankets and a few toppled tents were visible. He noted how that all the valuables like food and weapons were gone. "It can't be the Avatar's…this looks like a camp for thirty men." he muttered as he moved his mount toward the tents. That is when a low rumble filled the prince's chest and erupted out of his mouth into a growl. He gazed angrily at the tattered banner of the Fire Nation that was strewn on a bush that seemed to leer at him in mockery.

"Today is sure full of many surprises." he cursed as he saw a set of tracks from wheels on the ground. A frown settled on his face as he followed the tracks, as he edged closer toward the source of the tracks his anger grew like an angry demon. Zuko found himself staring at a sea of water that flooded what once was a town. "What the…" he whispered in shock, he seemed to find this all confusing. The tracks were now gone as they were engulfed by the water which meant he was at a dead end. Heading west he glanced at the sky and saw that it was almost time to head back to the ship.

A sound soon reached his ears, it sounded like a groan of something or someone struggling. Zuko jumped off his mount and gave the rhino a short pat on its leathery skin. Walking slowly toward the sound he found himself receiving small scratches from the closed in bushes. Finally reaching a clearing he brushed the dead leaves and dust off himself before looking up before him. Scratching his head he made his way toward a figure pinned to a tree by what seemed like ice. "Interesting." he whispered in amusement as he walked toward the figure with curiosity.

The figure looked up at the prince with anger in his brown wolf-like eyes. "Fire Nation." he spat out as he continued to glare at Zuko with hate. The prince raised an eyebrow and walked closer to him until he was an arm length away. Dipping his head toward the man he gave a smile as his golden eyes sparked up with delight. "You are in no position to give insults but information." Zuko spoke in a smooth voice as his face was dangerously close to his.

The man could feel his hot breath caress his face and all he could do was curse angrily at the prince. "When the others come, we will see who is in whose position." he threatened. Zuko laughed and drew back, "Just what I thought then…a rebel. So tell me this…are you the one who done this?" The rebel snarled as he watched the prince's hand point toward the sea of water that flooded the once thriving town. "If you really want to know…then yes." he snapped back in disappointment.

The prince brooded over this before smirking at the rebel, "It seems it didn't work as you planned." The rebel struggled against his icy prison as he heard this, shouting out in anger he managed to rub his left hand raw, "Well if it wasn't for the stupid, Avatar's friend this would of-" The prince's eyes widened as he heard this and quickly cutted him off, "The Avatar? Which way did he go?" The rebel laughed and leaned his head against the rough bark of the tree. "Why in the hell should I tell you?" he replied in a haughty tone.

Zuko's eyes turned into a dangerous glare at the rebel, his hands suddenly burned with dancing flames. The rebel remained silent and grinded his teeth in frustration, his weapon was so close and he would have loved to chop the firebender into tiny pieces of flesh. But as usual he was in a disadvantage like when he battled the Avatar; he was so close to beating him but yet so far away. He watched as this demon of a firebender move his hand toward his neck. The flames licked his exposed neck and he winced as the pain surged through his body.

The hungry flames made the prince's face more inhuman as sunset was now turning into the dark of night. Shadows danced across the firebender's face and gave his scar an even more ghastly image that was now embedded in the rebel's mind. "I beg you differ…for your own sake." the prince spoke in a soft tone as the crimson flames were reflected in his demon-like eyes.