Intrigue imbedded into a romantic plot. A dark and mysterious exploration of the minds of Heero and Relena. Warnings: mature themes, HYxRP, and nonyaoi. COMPLETE! SEQUEL IS OUT ON CALLED 'REHABILITATION'
A/N: I do not own Gundam Wing' and make no profits from the online posting of this fic. Please R&R.
Heero was not a very trusting person. He supposed it came with the job. He could not be happy unless he made sure she was safe at night, could not enjoy peace unless he made sure she was maintaining it. It was not love; it was simply obligation. Love was more physical, more hormonal, the combination of chemicals racing through the bloodstream that made you clumsy and silly and ridiculously over-protective.
Heero did not find himself experiencing any of the aforementioned symptoms. No, he was a person who could not find love if someone outlined it in sparkling neon lights and shoved it in front of his face. He wasn't like that. He followed his emotions, and since he only felt reason, there were no conflicting problems. Love was something Other' people felt, so he didn't worry much about it, or its affects on him.
A pigeon fluttered down onto the ledge beside him, where he sat parallel to a window holding a sleeping figure. She had flung a hand over her forehead —she always did that during a nightmare, he had noticed- and a light scowl spread across her face. She was tossing like a ship in a hurricane, but not saying anything out loud. She was not much of a talker while asleep. The pigeon beside him pecked his hand, drawing blood. He batted at it and it flew away. Heero pulled his cuff over his knuckles and felt like snarling.
Heero knew that the girl he watched knew he was there as well, but he tried not to think about that too hard, using the fact his subject had always been a little strange as an excuse. He knew that if someone was tracking him, he would probably kill them, but that was just his opinion. No, Heero's mind did not dwell on such things, for his thoughts were not so adjusted. Instead he thought about how to protect her at her next conference, and of an easy and effective way to kill pigeons.
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