The Memo by Cleo the Muse
Rating: All Ages
Genre: General, Missing Scene/Epilogue
Warnings: None
Episodes: "Prototype", but nothing is spoiled
Synopsis: Memo forward by General Landry after the events of "Prototype".
Notes: Came to me after writing ENTIRELY too many emails at work.

The Memo

To: rwoolsey(at)

From: henry.landry(at)

Cc: carolyn.lam(at); william.lee(at)

Subject: Fwd: Notes on SG-1

An interesting read. Take a look.

Maj. Gen. Hank Landry

SGC Base Commander

Forwarded message is attached

>To: cameron.mitchell(at)

>Cc: henry.landry(at)

>From: joneill(at)

>Subject: Notes on SG-1

>Congratulations on getting the band back together!

>Now, as a former SG-1 leader myself, there are a few things you should know about the group of people you'll be working with.

>Carter is as smart as they come, and can think dizzying circles around you anyday. She's usually right. Don't let her convince herself something is impossible, make her figure out a way to get it to work. She'll come through for you everytime.

>Teal'c may be the strong, silent type, but he occasionally will see fit to voice his opinion. He's usually right. Don't let him convince himself his feelings aren't important, make him challenge your decisions. His heart is even bigger than his muscles.

>Daniel can't be figured out, so don't even try. He's ALWAYS right. Argue with him for the sake of appearances, then do whatever he says. Save yourself a major headache AND save the universe in the process. (After that, you're free to aggravate him as you see fit.)

>Have fun!

>Maj. Gen. Jack O'Neill

>Director of Homeworld Security