Chapter 14 – To England


"Ron I had a wonderful time with you tonight."

Those words had been echoing in Ron's head for the past hour. Tara had grown tired at around eight and walked him home. A nice gesture... but too old fashioned for Ron's taste. He sighed and pulled his burgundy jacket over his head. During the whole course of the day, he could only gaze over dismally at Josh and Kim. Everywhere they went...holding hands. For goodness sake they were only 15! They even had the nerve to lip-lock in front of him! Of course, a few moments later Tara had pulled him in for a juicy one too, but still... it was like they were married or something. Kim hadn't even noticed them at all. Not that he had expected her to.

Now that Ron took the time to think about it, he never had realized how much of a slut Tara was until now. It was like he, the man, was the more mature one. On the very first date... Tara had tried to dance dirty with him. He had slowly taken her hands and placed them back where they were supposed to go. About a month ago... Ron might have enjoyed this immature, carefree behavior, but not now. He knew what it was like to be in love now. He knew whom he really wanted in his arms and whom he wanted to kiss. Ron closed his eyes and imagined sex and when he opened his eyes he saw Kim standing in silky robe. Ron reached for the illusion and it vanished.

'Get your head out of the gutter,' He thought, 'She'll never love you that way.'

Ron grinned, if he had cared for Tara, he would have fucked her hard by now, she would have let him too. But alas, even if he were to be a man and bring her to bed, there would be no real passion, and Ron would never enjoy it like a man.

Ron sighed again and said softly, "I'm really just a masculine woman in disguise."

Ron's head shot up when he heard a car door slam. His eyes widened when he saw his true love walk towards his porch, her arms were wrapped within those of her mother. She looked confident. But that was a mask. Ron could see her legs quavering. This day must have been as hard for her as it was for him.

"Hey." Ron said forebodingly as he moved over on the steps and made room for her. Kim recognized his voice and her face instantaneously brightened but remained serious.

"Hey." She responded as she touched the porch finding the first step. She felt around a bit longer before Ron took her hand.

"Ah," She let out mechanically. Ron pulled her next to him and waved to Mrs. Possible. Kim's mother waved back with a worried face.

"I'll call you when I want to come home." Kim assured her.

Kim's mother gave a heavy smile and merely said, "Good girl."

"How are you?" Kim asked sweetly.

She had changed her clothing from her beautiful dress. She was simply wearing an old pink cardigan and some black slacks. Still, she looked gorgeous. Even with this sugary feeling he had for her, he couldn't help but offer her a lifeless face. Kim frowned, even though she was blind, she knew when something was wrong when Ron didn't answer her questions.

"What's wrong Ron?"

"Do you remember what you said yesterday?" He asked crudely. Kim pondered and answered

"Yes --- N-no --- Yes--What was it again?" Kim asked trying desperately to remember. Ron groaned and rudely reminded her, "You promised to call remember?" Kim wrinkled her nose, "I did? – Oh Yeah! Oh my gosh Ron, I'm so sorry!"

Ron rolled his eyes glad she couldn't see.

Kim exhaled deeply, "See Ron, Josh called and..."

Kim quickly placed her finger up against Ron's lips before he could say anything, "I KNOW you don't like him. But, when I'm around him... I feel so... different... kind of floaty. I don't know how to explain how I like him to you. But I really, really do. Please try to understand..."

Ron cut her off there. "You BROKE a promise."

Kim bit her lip and hugged him tightly. "Forgive me. You mean a lot to me. You really do. I would NEVER want to hurt you."

Ron wrapped his arms around Kim's neck and held her closer. Kim whispered into his ear, "I promise you Ron. I'll break no more promises and this new relationship will never change a thing between us."

Ron nodded but inside, the words were breaking his heart. 'Never change?'

Kim leaned her head against Ron's shoulder and smiled serenely. "Do you still . . ."

"Yes, I still plan on going to school Monday." Kim finished ruffling his hair. Their minds were still in synch after all this time.

"Are you excited?" Ron asked curiously.

"Quite. I look forward to being among other students."

Ron was taken aback by this response. "Even after Bonnie's party?"

Kim sighed, "Yes Ron, I really was trying to put that incident behind me but since you brought it up. I think if I show a happy face, maybe the other kids can forget about it too. Bonnie isn't going to bother me about it."

"Really?" Ron was in sheer disbelief about this.

"Word," Kim continued, "Ever since my accident with Shego... she's sent me letters, and cards even left messages on the cell. All of them were out of sincere apology."

Ron smiled and pulled Kim's cardigan over a bare part of her shoulder. "That's strange."

"No doubt." Kim remarked twisting her fingers uneasily.

Ron glanced at Kim. Her two eyes that no longer worked were scampering around like ants. They never rested. Sometimes she was cross- eyed or looking in two different directions at once. If anyone else did this, Ron would have told him or her just how ridiculous he or she looked. But not his Kim... no matter what her eyes did, she looked like a goddess.

Kim surprised him with another question, "Do you ever think about the future?" Ron jumped at her random question.

"Yeah, sometimes. I guess. That's a weird question you know."

"I guess," She answered, "Just something to talk about. I think about it lately. I mean --- what might happen to me and all."

Ron squeezed her hand, "Nothing's going to happen to you Kim. I'm here for you."

Kim squeezed his hand back in return, "Thanks."

"No prob. I want a life with no regrets. And neglecting a friend like you..." Ron patted her on the shoulder and finished, "Would be the worst regret I could ever deem."

Kim giggled and replied, "You always know just what to say. As for me... I am ready to make regrets and screw up my life. I'm tired to being perfect and I realize I'm going to make some big mistakes in the road ahead... and..." Kim moved out of the cuddle and slowly stood, "I'm ready to face every single one alongside you."

Ron felt his insides get warmer as he stood. Now he only wanted her more than ever. He took her hand and started to lead her inside, "Would you like to sleepover?" He offered. Kim nodded and commented, "I don't have any bags with me." "That's fine. We'll have anything you'll need here. Let's go call your mom." Kim smiled warmly,

"Thank you."

Kim then backed into a corner of Ron's house. "Ron," She breathed, "I memorized your house perfectly."


A dark lady lowered her veil as she stood on the docks of a very lengthy river.

"Are you ready?" She grunted.

"Shego..." "Shh!" The voice insisted holding a boney finger up to a pair of bright cobalt lips. "Do you want them to know we're here?"


The woman didn't respond. She adjusted his trench coat.

"We don't want anyone to recognize us until we're well out of way."

"Where shall we go?"

The lady grinned from beneath the veil and cackled, "England."

The man jumped back in surprised and gawked, "England? I thought we were going to Go Tower..."

"Hush!" She hissed at him again, "We might be found there. She already knows where that is. That'll be one of the first places she'll look. My parents are waiting for us in England. We can plan our next move there."

"Your... parents?" The man stumbled over his own feet. He had never met her parents. "

Yea," There was a slight blush from underneath the veil, "They're going to help us. I was always their favorite kid. Never did like those rascal brothers of mine." She commented examining her nails with a slight pout resting on her face.

Before the man had the option to answer, a large motor boat pulled into dock and an old man sat inside. He was layered in many different coats. "Where do you want to go?"

"This boat isn't listed right?" The woman asked suddenly. The man gave a sloppy grin. His teeth were yellow and decaying. "Nope. You're here cause you're running from someone... who is it?"

The black haired lady threw back the veil and chortled, "Kim Possible." Shego's voice rang as the navigator began to quickly steer the boat away from the docks with a worried expression.

"Where you headed?"

Shego smiled and whispered some incoherent words into his ear. And as the boat pulled away from the shores, some people looked out to see the smirk resting on the blue man's face.
