I do not own Tolkien or any of his characters, nor do I clame to. If you do not like this please tell me how I may improve, and blame my muses for the inspiration -and other mistakes are my own. The premise, as far as I know, is of my own devising and Marie is my character. Arianell...she writes herself.

Marie Stern was not a normal girl, she had always known that, nor did she expect a normal future but never, except maybe in her wildest dreams had she ever thought that one Summer day she would be kidnapped and taken to, of all places, Middle Earth.

It had started like any other Summer Day off...a swim in the pool, some house cleaning, a quick trip to the grocery store. But the day had ended unlike any other. It began when she was unlocking her door after returning from the store. As she entered the cottage-like apartment she called home she felt that something was amiss. As she placed her groceries down on the counter she came face to face with a man...or at least he resembled a man. His face was fair and well defined, hair neatly trimmed into spikes; but his ears, his ears were pointed! Marie was too scared to gasp and too frightened to call out as the man grinned. "Hello love, bet you wonder why we're here?" Marie nodded as another, more foul, man came to stand behind her. "Seems me partner and I have finally found what we been lookin' for." The man's breath was hot on her neck and scared her so she darenst move. "You see" The Elf, for she had concluded that was indeed what he was, continued "We have been seeking high and low, through all the regions of the Earth for a bride." "A...a bride?" Marie stammered, immediately repulsed. "Don' worry love, not fo' us." The man behind her laughed. "No indeed" the Elf continued "It seems there is an Elf in Mirkwood who seeks a young soulmate. And my dear I have divined that you are such a mate."

Marie's head snapped up at the sound of Mirkwood "I do believe our young maiden has heard of such a destination? And I do not doubt you are anxious to know who your husband is. Ah" the Elf smiled at her "See, she hesitates. What husband? What right have we to make her marry? Well, my dear, you are right. We have none. Thus the intrusion." and with that a foul cloth was placed over her mouth as the Elf cradled her head in his hands "Forgive the pain M'Lady we are doing you a favor." Marie wanted to scream but the cloth prevented it as her head began to burn at the temples and she slipped into unconsciousness. "Do not concern yourself with the here and now Marie" The Elf laughed as she fell to the floor "That has all been taken care of." Out of the corner of her eye she noticed a figure lying on the floor in the kitchen...a figure that looked remarkably like her...doused in blood.

When Marie awoke her head burned and she was aware of the sensation of movement. After vainly trying to clear her head she realized she was moving, on horseback, through a forest. Immediately she wondered if she could get away. "I wouldn't" the Elf that she remembered from her dream rode up beside her "These woods have become dangerous, as of late." His partner laughed "Would that be because we be in them?" "Perhaps" the Elf grinned. Marie sighed, realizing it wasn't a dream, "What do you want with me?" "I though we had already discussed that M'Lady." the Elf contemplated her "I do believe you need a better name than Marie though. Not at all appropriate for a lady of your class." Again his partner laughed "Class?" Marie echoed "Well M'dear your husband is a very important man, you do not think we would bring him a lower class Elven maiden do you?" "But I am no Elf!" The man laughed, "look again Lassie" he stopped her horse and directed her to a stream, seeing her reflection Marie gasped.

She had pointed ears! Gingerly she touched them, wincing at the pain. "Sorry Love, they'll heal within' the hour. Should have warned you." Marie couldn't help but feel the Elf enjoyed watching her suffer. "We are within the borders of Mirkwood and you, you will remember your manners. My partner and I have been kind in our dealing with you so far...mostly because you have been so agreable." His words made Marie ashamed she had not fought back "Do not decide agreable is a bad thing Marie, or should I say Arianell? Yes Arianell is perfect. Consenting to the will of your lords is an admirable quality in a young maiden, besides, as you wrote in your Journal back "home": you would kill for adventure." Given half a chance Marie would have slaughtered him then and there for those words.

As night fell her captors became more and more jubilant. The were nearing their destination and their reward. Marie found herself becoming more and more downcast. "We will stop here for the night and continue to the Palace tomorrow." Marie looked at her captors, "And what will I call you when we enter the palace, pray do tell in case I am asked..surely my 'husband' would not want a mute wife" she spat. "Indeed not" the Elf grinned "Very well, I am Lotherin and this is my accomplice Elzar." With a snap of his fingers Lotherin had turned the man into another Elf "Damn!" he snorted "Would you warn me! That stings!" Marie couldn't help but smile. "And the lass thinks it's funny!" Elzar snorted and pulled her off the horse "You'll bathe now." "Excuse me?" "Aye you heard me!" he drug her to a pond and practically pushed her in "We'll give ye a dress after you're in." His eyes softened a bit "Don' worry lass, I won't hurt ye. Ye remind me o' my girl back home." Steeling his expression he motioned for her to continue and walked back up the path to their encamptment. Marie waited until she was sure he was gone "Ok Marie...I mean Arianell" she started outloud "We have some options. Run..bad choice, Mirwood...full of evil things." she looked around, suddenly scared. "Two, co-operate...never! Three...kill yourself." she laughed "Sure, kill yourself, yeah that'll solve everything, then I'll just be dead." She laughed as she peeled down to her undewear and walked into the pond, diving quickly under the cool water.

When she surfaced she couldn't help but notice how beautiful it was. The Moon had just come out and was shinning in silver bands across the pond. She swam, enjoying herself despite her situation, until Elzar returned with Lothien. "Your new clothing, M'Lady" he grinned as he layed a dress and some underthings across a nearby bush. "Now to dispose of your old ones." Marie gasped as Lothien picked up her jeans and t-shirt and set them on fire. She turned away as the last remnant of cloth burned. As she looked into the trees she thought she saw a figure but when she blinked he was gone. "Now, what you are wearing" Lothien smirked. "What? No!" Marie's face was set. "My dear Arianell you have been agreable so far, do not change that now." "I will give you my garments after I have changed into the new ones, without you around!" Elzar smiled "She has a point" "What do you know old fool? If it were up to you we would never have even stolen the maiden. If it were up to you we would not be on our way to collect her dowry." He lowered his voice "The King of Mirkwood will pay us well my friend, for that was the agreement." The King of Mirkwood? Marie's head was reeling, did he mean Thranduil, Legolas' father? And if he did was she to marry him or...the though made her shiver. "Come out of there child before you catch cold." Elzar's concern was genuine. "She can't get sick, she's an elf, or had you forgotten?" Lothien's grin was cold. "That reminds me brat, you are due for a lesson."

Marie froze in her position in the pond. "You do not expect us to allow you to continue without being able to speak properly do you?" His eyes gleamed, "come out now." "No" "My Dear" he pulled out a knife "I will slit your throat if you do not become more agreeable." He turned to Elzar "This is the problem with you humans." "You wouldn't kill me." Marie did not know what made her so bold and again she saw the figure...this time in a tree behind Lothien, his bow pointed at the elf below him. "Do not underestimate me woman, I will slit your throat and blame the Orcs. These woods are still subject to the occasional renegaide." Marie glared at him as she climbed from the pool "To blame the Orcs would be to insult the Mirkwoodian guard, for all you know they are watching right now." Lothien resited the urge to whip around "Nonsense, now dress." "When you leave." He snorted and, with a quick flash of the kife cut her bra strap, and her skin "Have it your way, M'lady." Pulling Elzar with him he walked back up the path.