Author's note: this is my second fanfic, and I need a beta, so if you want to be my beta, just review! Also please say you like it, and if you hate it, give me constructive criticism. Please review!

Hope you like it!

Was anything real?

A small nervous butterfly feeling lingered in the pit of James' stomach. He was anxious, and he didn't know why. He had a date tonight; with Ellie, maybe that was why.

Ellie and James had been going out for two months. She had light brown hair, and blue eyes, which were almost aqua.

James had never felt this way about a girl; except for Lily Evans, but that was in the past. She was his first love, he thought she would be his only love; but they had broken up six months after they finished at Hogwarts.

Now it was different, Ellie was the only woman he wanted. He liked her so much; he possibly even loved her.

"Ellie!" James said as he gave his girlfriend a kiss.

"Hey James, how are you?" she replied

"I'm great, better now you're here. Shall we?"

Ellie laughed at his corny line "Yes, let's go." She replied as she took his arm.

Ellie and James walked towards the restaurant named 'The blue moon.' Remus hated the place for obvious reasons.

The waiter showed them to a table in the corner of the room, they sat down, and James felt more nervous than he ever had felt.

"James, I have something to tell you." Ellie said as she put down a menu.

"What is it?"

"I-I love you." She mumbled under her breath

"Pardon?" he said, though he knew perfectly well what she had said.

"I love you." She repeated

"Do you now?" he said with a cheeky grin on his face, "Ellie I love you too."

James felt like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders, his heart did a little dance of delight.

Ellie took out her compact mirror to make sure her tears of happiness hadn't smudged her make-up. It hadn't smudged, something worse had happened. The tears had revealed her true eye colour.

"Excuse me James." She said frantically trying to avoid James' eyes that she knew were searching for hers.

"Are you ok Elles?" he asked but she had already run out the exit. He was sure he had seen her eyes change.

James followed her out the door and saw her in an alley desperately trying to put something in her eye.


Ellie dropped the thing in shock; she looked up to see James staring at her. Ellie searched frantically for her other contact lens but it was hopeless.

"Ellie, what is this?" he asked as he slowly walked towards her.


"It doesn't look like nothing. Why is your gre—Lily?"

"James my name is Ellie, don't be daft." Ellie said worriedly "I have to go." She turned around to walk away, but she was stopped by James' firm grip pulling her back.


"No, I'm Ellie. Maybe you're still hung up on Lily, so maybe we should stop seeing each other." She said trying to avoid his eyes.

"I saw a flicker; a flicker or red in your hair. And how do you explain this?" he said holding up the contact lens.

"I er, well, I um." She shrugged

"You are Lily, I know it, why would you lie?" his hazel eyes were now full of hurt and desperation. She gave in

"James, I'm sorry. After what happened at school, I still loved you. I was desperate. Then when you met me at that café, I was undercover, doing auror work for the French ministry."

A single small tear ran down James' cheek, it was the first time Lily had ever seen him cry.

"Don't you dare say you love me." He said bitterly

"But ---"

"Don't!" he interrupted, "If you loved me, you wouldn't of lied."

Lily remained silent. It started to rain heavily, they were both getting soaked but they didn't care.

"You do not love me."

Lily nodded. They stayed quiet for a long time staring at each other. Finally James spoke, very quietly.

"Was anything real?"

Lily wanted to reply, tell him everything, but she couldn't, her lips were completely frozen.

James looked at her onelast time before turning around and walking away, leaving Lily standing there in a dark alley, in the rain, with tears streaming down her face.

A/N: what did you think? Please review!