Alone in the Shadows

by Blue Ten


Robin has been alone all his life, even in the presence of his mentor he felt isolated. The Titans take a break from crime fighting to go camping in a beautiful forest and Robin is not too thrilled by the prospect of leaving his city behind. When a bizarre turn of events finds Robin and Starfire lost deep in the woods, can they save themselves from a strange new enemy? RobinxStarfire


I do not own Teen Titans.

Chapter 8: Sakura Rain

Having wasted all his energy fighting Shadow from within, Robin remained still as he was abruptly cast away from within his foe. The shock of suddenly regaining control of his body ironically left him unable to use it. Robin strained to move himself but only managed to shakily clench his fingers. Bracing himself for the impending impact, he felt the wind stop and his weight shift direction. He fought the pain in his muscles, turning his head to see Starfire looking him in the eyes, overjoyed and worried. She held him up from behind, her arms under his as they gently descended to the ground.

Starfire didn't want to set Robin down; he looked as though he could barely hold his own weight up. Reluctantly, she released her grip and watched warily as he stumbled. Before he could fall, Starfire reached out and caught him again, their eyes meeting once more.

"Heh... Nice catch," said Robin with a labored smile.

"Robin!" Starfire's eyes gleamed. Pulling Robin closer, she hugged him tightly. Robin struggled against groaning but it was well worth the pain to be close to her again. Close as he was to Starfire, he could feel her shaking as he held on. "I... am so glad you are safe! I was afraid that you..." she sobbed into his shoulder.

Feeling his strength come back, Robin returned the embrace. "Don't worry Star, everything... everything's gonna be alright now," he attempted to reassure her, looking up to the island seriously.

Suddenly, a loud crash turned their attention to Cross and Shadow's position. An immense tower of water erupted from the lake where Shadow had fallen, sending a cold gust of wind spiraling outward from it. Shadow's formless figure burst out from the water, growling as he charged his way toward Cross. Narrowing her eyes, Cross put a hand up at him. Shadow fell, sliding across the ice as he became bound by white light yet again. Cross shifted her focus to Robin and Starfire, a look of remorse on her face. Her eyes, no longer frightening, glistened with repressed tears.

"I am truly sorry for what I have done. Robin, you were right... I did deceive you; but I know now that you are not alone. Seeing what I had done to both of you, I realized I had become no better than the people I ran away from..." her voice held with it an immense sorrow and regret. "I spent so long in this place, I had nearly forgotten who I was. I wanted so much to leave, so much to... finally rest, that I did whatever it took to attain that goal. I only wish that I could find forgiveness from you," blinking, Cross let her tears fall.

"Of course," Robin nodded, sensing the sincerity in her words.

"It is my fault that you are here. I know it cannot make amends for my actions, but there is one kindness I can offer you. On the island--"

"I know..." Robin cut in quickly, looking at Starfire.

Cross nodded in understanding. "I see. Then you must not waste time. I cannot hold him much longer," her face became serious as she turned to look at Shadow who continued to struggle against his bonds. "Hurry, you must run!" Cross shouted. Unsure of the right thing to do, Robin and Starfire didn't move. "It is impossible for me to leave. Please, go..."

Apprehensively, Robin and Starfire nodded, letting go of each other as they turned to face the island. Wasting no time, Robin ran as Starfire flew beside him--relieved to see that he was strong again. As they reached the shore, both looked back at Cross; she now had both her hands concentrated on binding Shadow who was thrashing wildly, bending the bonds of light. Neither wanted to leave her behind, but she was fighting so they could be safe. It would be an act of forgiveness to listen to her. Robin took Starfire's hand and led her onto the shore, through the trees, and to the hidden circle where the gem floated above the ground. Time was moving slowly for him and he was glad for that, savoring every second... However, the moment seemed to come all too soon when they finally approached the shining jewel.

"There, if you touch that crystal, you can leave," Robin pointed to the shimmering object, forcing a smile as he reluctantly let go of Starfire's hand, watching solemnly as she walked away.

Starfire walked into the circle and examined the crystal. In the reflections across its cleaved surface, she saw the other Titans looking dispirited and defeated. Before she even thought of touching the crystal, Starfire noticed Robin had not followed her. Turning back, she saw him standing in the same place, his face seeming to hide something as he tried to keep his expression steady.

"Robin?" she questioned fearfully.

Robin sighed with regret, "I'm sorry Star... only one of us can leave," he confessed, looking to the ground.

"I do not understand..."

"When he possessed me, I saw all of his memories. That crystal was something he took with him to this place, his only connection to the outside world... Whoever touches it takes it back to the other side with them," Robin spoke, trying not to look her in the eyes. "Please, I want you to go..."

"No!" running up to Robin, Starfire grabbed his hand and pulled him into the circle with her.


"We must leave together," she said, fighting away the truth she refused to accept.

"Star, I don't want to say goodbye, but--"

"Then stay with me," Starfire suddenly embraced him, holding on tightly, "and you will never have to!" she spoke through a teary voice.

"Okay... we'll go together," Robin knew from Shadow's thoughts that it wouldn't work, but Starfire made him believe that anything could be possible. Robin took Starfire's hand in his and reached out to the crystal, carefully pressing both of their palms against it. Pulling away from one another, Robin and Starfire looked into each other's eyes one last time as a brilliant white light enveloped them.

- - - - - -

Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Raven stood on the island, feeling helpless and alone. Cyborg inhaled deeply, quickly severing the extended silence. Taking a serious stance, he looked over to where the girl was still sitting. Her eyes were closed now, but Cyborg could see that the energy was still radiating intensely from her. "Robin... may be gone, but Starfire's still in there. We have to do something, and that girl's gonna help us," he said as Beast Boy and Raven turned their attention to him.

"Right," Raven agreed, nodding.

"Time for a wake up call," Beast Boy stated as seriously as he possibly could, cracking his knuckles to illustrate the point.

The three began walking to the girl, quickening their pace as they saw her image flicker. After getting close enough Raven reached out in an attempt to wake the girl, but her hand passed right through her body which reacted like mist to Raven's touch. In swirling fog, the girl slowly faded away into nothing. All three Titans stood in shock, believing all hope was now lost... their suspicions seemed confirmed by what happened next. Cyborg looked at his arm... the energy was gone, not a single wisp visible through his robotic eye. Looking up to scan the forest, he saw that all the fire columns had disappeared as well.

"The energy... not a trace of it..." said Cyborg disdainfully.

"No," all three spoke in defeated unison. Suddenly, a powerful wind picked up and a quick flash turned night into day. Wondering what had just happened, the three stood still for a moment as the light slowly diminished.


The Titans heard Robin's voice echo from the other side of the island. Staring at each other in astonishment, they turned to where the voice originated and began running.

­- - - - - -

In the light, Robin felt the ground disappear beneath him. An intense gust of wind blew and the washed out shapes of the world began to fade into view as the radiant illumination receded. Robin saw the full moon in the night sky and began falling to the ground as gravity took hold of him. He hit the soft and grassy ground of the island with a grunt, rolling down an incline and stopping himself before he could fall in the water. Reluctantly, he opened his eyes, almost afraid of what would await him. A feeling deep inside told him something went wrong. Slowly turning his head, he looked down at his hand. There, in his open palm, Robin saw he was holding a bright silver necklace with a clear sparkling stone on it. He tried with all his being to ignore it, but there was only one conclusion he could arrive at... and it felt worse than any pain. Standing up, he looked around himself, hoping against hope to find something to prove himself wrong.

"Starfire?" he called up over the hill. There was no answer. "Starfire!" he shouted louder. "No! No..." Robin fell to his knees, clutching the necklace tightly in his hand. Staring with unfathomable regret at the stone in his hand, he realized that Starfire must have stayed behind, letting him go in her place. Hearing approaching footsteps on the grass, Robin looked up.

"Robin!" the others called as they appeared at the top of the hill. Robin stayed still, turning his gaze away while his friends made their way down to him.

"Robin! We thought you were... Well, that's not important," Cyborg chuckled, relieved and smiling as the others stood beside him.

"Wait... Raven, I thought you said--" Beast boy asked, looking questioningly at Raven.

"From where the girl was standing it looked--and sounded--a lot like it," Raven shrugged, a little embarrassed that she had made the others believe their leader was dead. Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Raven looked around, their smiles suddenly disappearing at the realization that someone was missing.

"...Where's Starfire?" they asked together.

Robin looked away as he closed his eyes. "...Only one of us could leave. She stayed behind so... I could go," he explained with dread, his voice cracking slightly.

"No... why?" Cyborg asked hesitantly. Robin held up the necklace for the others to see, without saying anything else.

Raven eyed the object with curiosity until a thought dawned on her. "...That dimension, it was a prison, wasn't it? And the necklace was the one bridge back to this world..." she said, looking carefully at the jewel on the necklace.

"So, Starfire's just stuck in that place now?" Beast Boy asked uneasily. Robin remained silent, bringing the necklace back into his view and clenching it firmly in his fist. "This is so messed up..." the changeling shook his head, unwilling to believe that was how it had to be.

Cyborg walked over to Robin and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry. The sun will be up soon, I'll get Titans East down here, and we'll figure out... something. We'll get her out of there, I promise," he said, trying to console Robin. "But for now, we'll have to wait for them at the campsite."


- - - - - -

The Titans retreated to their tents after Cyborg made the call to Titans East, using what little time they had to rest and recharge for the coming day--and the challenges and frustrations it would surely offer. Unable to sleep, Robin sat alone by the fire. Staring intently into the flames, he remembered how he felt with Starfire beside him; content, peaceful, and willing to forget about the pressures of his life. He noticed how little time had passed since they got lost, but in the other world, nearly an entire day had gone by. Robin stood up, taking the crystal necklace in his hand, realizing there was no time to be wasted. He would figure out how to find Starfire with or without the others.

The stars began to disappear as the sky shifted from black to blue in the early morning light. Feeling terrible for the amount of time he had already squandered, Robin quietly sneaked away from the camp, making his way to the river. As the sound of the rushing torrent masked his footsteps, he followed the water downstream through the trees, knowing it would lead him back to the lake. The forest was still dark, the canopy and groupings of trees blocking most of the weak sunlight from penetrating, so Robin could barely see anything, but the sound of the river guided him along to his destination. Blindly, he continued on his way, led by the coursing water and driven by the hope that he could see Starfire again.

Hearing the lake in the distance, Robin hurried to step out of the forest. As he walked beyond the border of trees, he was met with the brilliant pink-orange light of the morning sun reflecting off the clouds and stinging his eyes. Placing a hand above his face to obstruct the sunlight, Robin stared out at the island. The lake was as beautiful as he remembered; the cherry blossoms remained on the branches... a good breeze would surely detach them. Running to the shore, Robin looked down at the water; it was probably cold, but he didn't care. Taking in a preparatory breath, Robin dove in the icy waters of the lake, fighting back shivers as he hastily swam to the island. Climbing up on to the shore, he trembled, shaking the water off and rubbing his hands together for warmth.

Robin walked once around the island, staring at the cherry blossoms as he passed by, wondering if he was being foolish for coming to the lake at all. The hidden circle of trees remained; making his way to it, Robin stood in the center, dropping the necklace in the middle on the worn marble. He looked to the sky, inhaling deeply. The sun had risen higher, spreading its blinding light across the petals of the blossoms, lighting them up like mirrors. Robin turned his attention to the rising sun as a warm wind swiftly passed through the trees, releasing several petals from the branches. Riding on the wind, the petals danced as they flew past Robin. He stood and watched as more petals were detached from the trees. Some flew from the island, landing on the surface of the lake, others decorated the ground like snow. "Why can't she be here to see this?" he thought to himself.

Suddenly, Robin felt a stinging in his eyes as he thought about Starfire, his vision beginning to blur. Robin had not cried since he lost his parents... and now, after losing someone who was just as important, if not more, he found that he could not hold back the tears he had kept inside any longer. He quickly wiped them away before they could fall from his eyes.

"It truly was worth the wait," a soft and melodic voice spoke from behind Robin.

When the cherry blossom starts to bloom,
Meet me here in my lonely room.
We'll find a passion filled fantasy,
And this time you will stay with me.

"Starfire?" Robin turned around to see Starfire standing amidst the current of shimmering petals.

"Robin!" she called, flying at him with an immense smile. She locked him in an embrace, knocking him to the ground. The petals were lifted into the air by the wind and the force of their landing. Robin sat up as Starfire let go.

All the misery we knew before,
Stays away when you are at my door.
My heart will sing at every tender touch,
And, oh, you will want me twice as much.

"Starfire how did you... I thought..." Robin was left speechless. Not a single word came to him, but he didn't seem to mind it... there were truly no words to describe what he felt.

"I was lost... but I found you again," she replied, hugging him once more, but gently this time. "Please, tell me I am not dreaming."

A new dimension of love,
A bold adventure waiting for you.
The true dimension of love,
A soaring flight, a dazzling view.

We're gonna take it all the way,
We'll make the dream so totally real.
See greater wonders by the day,
Then tell the stars what glorious rapture we feel.

"I'm still trying to figure out if I am," Robin said, losing himself in her eyes for what seemed like the first time in forever. Starfire smiled sweetly as she gazed back. Both stood up and watched the petals float through the air, still holding on to one another.

Soon, with the start of spring,
We will know our hearts are changing.
Leave the hurt behind,
I'll be true and kind,
Be the best thing you'll ever find.

We don't ever have to cry or fight,
Something tells me we can make it right.
Enough of wandering far and wide,
I just can't forget you, though I've tried.

As the storm of blossoms continued to rain, their faces drifted closer. Both felt their heartbeats become electrified by the nearness of the other, as they closed their eyes and moved closer, feeling the breath on each other's faces. Whatever force that brought them back together was surely keeping them from parting now. Finally, their lips met, and they shared a passionate kiss that only served to intensify the dream state they were in. Starfire tightened her grip, unknowingly lifting both of them into the air.

This is destiny, so why pretend?
Close your eyes, kiss me once again.
I'll always be the only one you need,
So go, where your deepest longing leads.

As they continued their ascent, the petals surrounded them in swirling columns. Surprised to find themselves floating, they gently broke away from their kiss, keeping their eyes focused on one another. Seeing that she had absentmindedly lifted Robin into the air, Starfire giggled shyly and began to descend back to the ground. Still high above the trees, they could see that the lake had been painted pink and white by the cherry blossoms. As the two landed, they held on for a few moments, and reluctantly let go of each other.

"Y'know, the others are probably really worried about us right now," Robin stated, chuckling as he scratched the back of his head.

"Shall we?" Starfire smiled as she extended a hand out to Robin, which he gladly accepted.


Author's Note: So what'd ya think of the ending? Did I have you worried there for a second? Also, feel free to comment on my next fic, if you want. :)

Sorry for the delay. I wanted to put a song at the end, and it took me a while to find one that fit.

Extra Disclaimer: I did not write the song "Dimension of Love"

(Edited on 5/23/06)

I'd been procrastinating with this for a while. However, a new thread in my forums inspired me to get this revision done. That's why this revised edition of Alone in the Shadows is dedicated to -EHWIES who started the flipperooni fan clubs for each of my individual stories. Thanks so much! That was inspiration and a half :D.

Changes here include the usual. Plenty of commas bit the dust in the revision process. I decided not to mess with the whole story too much because I'm still pretty happy with how it turned out. However, there are plenty of differences between the dialogue here and the original version--for the better, I'm positive.

Hehe, feel free to tell me whether or not this was worth reading a second time. I hope to see you guys when I post my new story "Forget Me Not."

Next Fanfiction Preview: "10 Leisurely Days" Robin finds out that Starfire will be leaving for Tamaran in 10 days. Keeping his discovery a secret, he has a little over a week to give her a reason to stay. But when things keep getting in the way, will he even get the chance? This fic will be mostly lighthearted and fluffy, a comedy romance during the beginning. It'll be a nice contrast to my previous fics, which have been somewhat dark. Coming Soon.