Well, here it is, the final chapter of my story, "Sleepover". I must say, I really enjoyed writing this. And it took me a while to do this because I had an English assignment, Canadian Issues assignment, Enterprise assignment, a Science assignment and to add with that I had a Theatre Arts quiz to study for and I also had a Math Test (I hate Math!) to study for so... hm... yeah, my writing does mean a lot to me but school... I need to pass it is my graduating year... anyway I managed to come up with this...


Chapter Twelve

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters of 6teen!

By: Desiree

With the killer out of the way, things with the gang was different. There was something else they was focusing on. Something to do with a certain two people within the group themselves. It was, the relationship, and feelings, that was heating up between Jonesy Garcia and Nikki Wong.

Jen just looked at Nikki. " You're asking us, do we have a problem, with the two of you hooking up?" Jen said. She tried to act shocked about the whole thing, but Jen wasn't doing a great job at doing so.

"Well," Nikki began. "There was that time you guys followed us around on our date and trying to keep us apart. I know you guys lied about Jonesy wanting me to babysit and all. And there's that time that Jonesy asked me out on Valentine's Day and when I rejected him, I saw the look of relief that came over your guys faces. I just would like to know.." she said in a clam voice. " WHAT THE HECK IS YOUR GUYS PROBLEM WITH THE TWO OF US DATING?" She yelled.

"Well... er..." Jen began.

" It would ruin the group," Caitlin said.

" Okay, like how so?" Nikki said. "We're not going to ignore you just because we hook up. Sure, there will be a few times we want some alone time but that ain't going to tear the group apart!" She gave Caitlin an evil look.

"Well, what she means Nikki, is that, if you guys break up, then you guys won't be friends anymore and that is what will tear us apart..." Jen said. "I don't really have a problem with the two of you hooking up, but I mean... our friendship, the six of us, it means so much to me..."

"It means the world to me too, but..." Nikki looked at Jen. " Who says Jonesy and I is going to break up? And even if we do, the friendship that we have is too precious to the both of us to just throw away. We're close enough and our friendship is strong enough to withstand a break-up..."

"Yeah!" Jonesy put his arms around Nikki. "I really, really love her, with all of my heart and soul and I would do anything to be with her and it would mean so much to me, I mean us, if you guys would support us,"

Nikki smiled and looked up at Jonesy and gave him a quick kiss. Then she turned her attension back to the group. "You guys knows how wonderful it is to be in love, but I never did, that is, I never until I let myself see my feelings for Jonesy and I have never been so happy in my life, please, don't take this away from me..." she said.

Jude smiled and he ran up to both Nikki and Jonesy and hugged them. "Well, I for one am so happy for the two of you. I always hoped that you guys would end up together,"

Jonesy smiled."Thanks dude," he said.

"Thanks," Nikki smiled.

"Well, I guess I'm happy too.I mean, I have nothing against the two of you being together at all," Wyatt said.

"Thanks," Jonesy and Nikki said.

"Well... I'm happy as well..." Jen smiled joining them.

Caitlin looked at them and they looked at her."Oh alright... I'm happy for you guys too," she said.

"Thank-you," Nikki said. "So..."

"So..." Jen mocked.

"What do we do now?" Nikki asked.

"Well, the powers still out so why don't we all go up and lie down for awhile and well tell ghost stories or something..." Jude said. "I mean come on, it is halloween..."

"Sure, why not..." Jonesy said.

"Uh... it doesn't really borther me what we do..."Nikki said. Then she walked over to where the girls were.

"Yeah, we'll tell scary stories..." Jen and Caitlin said.

"Sure, why not," Wyatt agreed.

Nikki looked at the girls and smiled."We are so going to prank them!" she whrispered.

"Oh yeah," Jen and Caitlin agreed.

Okay, so the girls plan was to scare the boys- big time. With Jonesy being Jonesy they had stolen his playboy magazines and stuck the posters all over his bedroom walls. They also got a picture of Ron and they put it in a frame that was heart-shaped. The prank was mainly on Jonesy, and Nikki was going to pretend to blow a fit at Jonesy's porn that was all over his walls. How did the posters get up there so quickly... that's a secret that not even the girls will ever reveal, they just have their way, of doing things.

"Okay, why don't we go up in Jonesy's room," Nikki smiled grabing a hold of his arm. "I might as well start spending time there now because I know I will be making many late nights trips up there..." she gently traced her finger across Jonesy's face and his neck and then down on his chest.

The feeling of Nikki touching him like that made electric shocks go right through Jonesy's body. He could barely contain himself. No matter if was just a simple, gentle kiss, Nikki still managed to turn him on. "Oh Nikki," he grinned. "You make me feel so..."

Nikki kiss him. "Shhh... I know!" she smiled grabbing his hand. "Now, let's go upstairs..." she said to the group.

Everyone agreed and they all went upstairs. Jonesy and Nikki was the first ones to enter the room and when Jonesy opened the door for Nikki she looked around the room. She was alble to see the room because the now, brightly shining moon was aiming right into Jonesy's bedroom. "Jonesy, what the heck do you think you're doing with this all over your wall...?"Nikki pointed to Jonesy's wall.

"I swear Nikki... I never put it all over my walls like this..." Jonesy grabbed Nikki's shoulders and looked her in the eyes. "You have got to believe me,"

"Well then, tell me who did..." Nikki looked at Jonesy. He looked really worried, like really worried that he would lose Nikki. She started to feel a little bad."Oh... okay, WE did it but you still had the porn before..." Nikki said.

"YOU did this to me? How the heck could you do something like this to me?" Jonesy yelled at Nikki.

The rest of the group just looked at Nikki and Jonesy. They could tell that a bug arguement was coming on. And it didn't look like it was going to be very pretty at all "It was just a freaking Halloween prank!" Nikki shot back at Jonesy.

"So what? You still scared the crap out of me you evil dry witted, snake!" Jonesy yelled.

"What the heck did you just call me... I'm your girlfriend, in case you forgot... or do I even me a thing to you?" Nikki yelled. She was shocked that Jonesy would even ever call her such a name.

"I uh... Nikki, I swear I didn't mean it...it's just that it slipped out and..."Jonesy put a hand on her shoulder but Nikki pushed him away.

"I can't believe it Jonesy Garcia!" There was a few tears in Nikki's eyes. "YOU JERK!" She yelled the she ran past the rest of the gang, downstairs and then out the door and she started to run down the street. She was so angry and hurt right now.

"Nikki!" Jonesy followed her. "Please wait up..." he said.

Nikki decided to stop and she turned around. "What the heck do you want?" she asked angerily.

"Nikki... listen, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to be such a jerk..." Jonesy said.

"Well, you sure was a jerk, a BIG jerk!" Nikki yelled at Jonesy.

Jonesy frowned and he looked down at the damp ground. "Fine then Nikki... if you want it to be over, then it's over..." he said in a really, really sad voice. He turned around to leave but...

"No Jonesy..." Nikki grabbed his shoulder. "I didn't say I wanted it to be over..."

Jonesy turned around. "Well, you sure gave me the feeling that you did," he frowned.

"Well, I'm sorry... I don't... but do you?" Nikki looked at Jonesy.

"Uh... no! Of course not!" Jonesy looked at Nikki. "I love you, no matter what happens... you'll always be the only girl in my heart..."

Nikki smiled. "Thanks..." then she wrapped her arms around Jonesy. "I'm sorry..." she told him.

"For what?" Jonesy asked.

"For acting so cold towards you, I really did over react,"Nikki said.

Jonesy stroaked her hair. "Nah, you had every right to be ticked off. I'm the one who should be sorry, it really was all my fault," he told her.

Nikki smiled and closed her eyes and she stood up on her tippy toes and Jonesy closed his eyes and leaned down and they met in a gentle but very passionate kiss. When the broke from it, Jonesy was the first one to talk. "Hey, let's go back to my place, I bet the gang is wondering were we are too..." he said.

"Yeah..." Nikki smiled and she hooked her hand in Jonesy's and they started to walk back to the house. When they got there, they went staright upstairs and they looked in Jen's bedroom, it appeared that everyone had fallen alsleep.

"Oh well..." Nikki looked up at Jonesy and gazed into his eyes. "Why don't we..." Nikki stopped and blushed. "Just go to your room..."

"OKAY!" Jonesy said excitely.

Nikki rolled her eyes. "No Jonesy, we're not going to do anything like what your thinking..." she said but she couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey! Who says I was thinking that!" Jonesy put his hands on his hips and looked at Nikki.

Nikki let her laughter roar. "Because..." she softly punched Jonesy in the chest. "It's just you...but I love you anyway..." she said.

Jonesy grinned and they walked to his bedroom. Well, when they opened the door, the playboy pictures was still all over Jonesy's bedroom.

"Uh..." Nikki looked around. "Hey, I got an idea. Why don't we go downstairs, burn all of these and cuddle up by the fire..." she suggested.

Jonesy smiled and put his arms around Nikki. "Sounds good to me," he told her. So then they started to pile up the posters and they went downstairs and they threw them all in the fireplace and then Jonesy got a match, lit it and threw in with the posters. When the fire was lit, they both sat down on the loveseat that was just about a meter or so away from the fireplace, and they cuddle up. They also had a blanket wrapped around themselves. Nikki rested her head on Jonesy's shoulder while he wrapped an arm around her waist. "Nikki... I am so glad that we hooked up tonight," he told her.

"Me too..." Nikki looked up at Jonesy. "My life is just so different now. I never could imangine myself being all lovey dovey," she said. "But you're the only one who gets to see that side of me and don't you ever dare tell the others about that side of me... or I will torture you.." she giggled.

"Oh? And how may you do that?" Jonesy cocked and eyebrow.

"Oh, you would just LOVE to know that now wouldn't you?" Nikki laughed. "But I ain't going to tell you," she grinned.

Jonesy started to tickle Nikki's sides. "Haha, I'll find some way to get it out of you baby!" Jonesy said.

Nikki couldn't stop laughing. "Jonesy... stop! Please!" Nikki looked at him. "PLEASE!"

Jonesy finally stopped. "Hehe, now I know your weakness," he grinned.

Nikki couldn't help but smile and once again she rested her head on Jonesy's shoulder and she closed her eyes and it didn't take her long to drift off into a peaceful sleep. Jonesy fell alsleep soon after.

About an hour later, Jonesy's father and Jen's mother returned home. When they walked into the porch they looked in the living room and they found Jonesy and Nikki alsleep on the couch. Jonesy's father went into the living room and Jonesy woke up. "Oh... hi dad..." he said.

"Jonesy... it looks like you sure had a good night..." his father grinned.

"Yeah dad..." Jonesy looked down at Nikki and smiled.

"Now, I don't need to set any rules now do I?" Jonesy's father asked.

"No dad, no," Jonesy said.

Jen's mother came into the living room. "The storm tonight was pretty bad, did you guys get through it?" she asked.

"Yeah..." Jonesy said.

"By the way, I heard the killer was caught.." Jonesy's father said.

"Oh, we DEFINATELY know ALL about that," Jonesy said.

Jonesy's father came closer and looked at Jonesy. "What do you mean by that?"

"Uh... actually... maybe you should know... the killer was here... but everyone is fine, we got through it and all and YES we tried to call you guys but the phone lines was down you can even ask Jen..." Jonesy told his father.

"Okay... we'll talk more about this tomorrow," Jonesy's father said. "But don't do anything..." he told Jonesy.

Jonesy laughed. "DAD!" He yelled. "Don't worry I won't do anything, Nikki will make sure of that!"

Jonesy's father laughed and then he and Jen's mother went upstairs to bed. They had a long night at partying.

The next morning, everyone was in the dining room eatting breakfast together (the six of them). Of course, Jonesy and Nikki was sat right next to each other. They was just trying to act like nothing was different but failed at doing so. They would kiss every now and then and everyone would just look at them and smile and Nikki would just stare back at the group. "It's called kissing, just in case none of you guys have never seen a couple kiss before," she told them. "I'm sorry if I sound rude but just because Jonesy and I are finally hooked up, you look at us like we're strange... please can't you guys just treat us like we are normal!" Nikki said.

"It's just that you guys look so cute together!" Caitlin said.

"That's not what you thought before..." Nikki mumbled.

"Come on Nik, we're just happy to see that the two of you are happy. Besides, it's definately going to take some time for us to get use to the two of you being a couple..." Jen said.

"Oh, alright... anyway I'm off to work," Nikki said getting up. "I need the extra money, I want to travel when I get out of high school," she said.

Jonesy looked at Nikki. It had just struch him then. After they graduate next year, Nikki was leaving and he wouldn't get to see her for a very long time, maybe never again. He looked at the group. "I'm going too, I need to uh... talk to Nik about something, talk to you guys later," then he chased Nikki. "NIK!" he called.

Nikki turned around and smiled. "Couldn't let me go without a kiss?" she smiled and then she got on her tippy toes and kissed him.

Jonesy blushed. "Well, that too but..." he said. "Something's really borthering me..." he told her.

Nikki looked at Jonesy. "Okay, so why don't we go to the mall, get milkshakes and talk about it. I don't care how late I am for work, this is you and besides I make my own hours, I'll still get the money I need to travel..."

"Okay..." Jonesy said. There was that word again, travel.

When they got to the mall, they bought their milkshakes and they sat down together in the food court. "So, what's wrong Jonesy?" Nikki asked.

"Well, this morning you mentioned about what you was going to do after high school," Jonesy said.

"Yeah, I'm going to travel, it's always been my dream, do you have a problem with me making my dream come true?" Nikki asked.

"No, of course not," Jonesy said. "It's just that... when you go away, you'll be gone for a long time... I may never get to see you again..." Jonesy said.

"Oh Jonesy!" Nikki laughed. "That's a long time away yet and besides, I won't be gone forever, we can still always write and stuff..." Nikki looked at him and noticed that Jonesy was very serious about this and he looked a little hurt by her cooment. She got up and she hugged him. "I'm sorry Jonesy, we'll work something out, because I love you and you love me... we'll be together forever, hopefully," she told him.

Jonesy smiled and gave Nikki a gentle kiss which soon blossomed into a very passionate kiss. When they broke from it Jonesy smiled. "I feel much better about everything now, I guess we'll just cross that path when we coems to it anyway but for now, we can enjoy each others company," he said.

"Right on," Nikki got up. 'Well, I must be off to work she said, kissing Jonesy goodbye. Then she walked away and Jonesy just stared... at her butt!

Nikki didn't even have to turn around to know what she was doing. "JONESY GARCIA!" She ran back to him and gave him a huge hug. "You are way to obsessed with my butt..." she said.

Jonesy grinned. "Do you have a problem with that?" he asked.

Nikki laughed. "No..." she said. "Anyway, I'm going to work, see you later," she gave him one last kiss and left. As Nikki left, Jonesy was once again staring at her butt but this time, Nikki didn't bortehr to turn around or run back to Jonesy because she knew she wouldn't be able to leave his side next time. He was just too inresistable.

The End

I'm done. Well, I'm working on my next idea which I am not sure when I will come up with one, I guess that's what I'll be thinking about in school when(if) I get's any spare time during the day, if not, I will definately think about it at home. We have no school On Wednesday, Thrusday, Friday off this week and we also get the weekend off (duh), and we also get Monday off as well. But I will be gone for the beginning of that week, perhaps the whole time, I don't know but I will have an idea for sure. Anyway got to go. Loves everyone. Thanks to those who reviewed. xoxo
