Sleepover !
By: Desiree
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters of 6teen!
Summary: One of Jen's parents was dating Jonesy's parents and they ended up getting married. They bought a huge house, downtown. It's Halloween and Jonesy and Jen nag their parents to have a party and invite the rest of the gang over for a Sleepover. Their parents agree and it's on with the party. But things get pretty spooky when the parents leave and a murderer breaks into the house- the teenagers have to somehow escape the house, without getting killed. And things between Jonesy and Nikki start to heat up when they are alone together in the closet hiding from the murderer. Will the gang survive? And what does the future hold for Jonesy and Nikki?
"And on with tonight's latest and biggest story. There is a Halloween murderer on the lose. He has been spotted at least three times in the past two days. It's best that you stay with a gang or if you are really little- to stay with your parents. We actually have a good describion of the murderer, he's tall, has dark brown eyes, messy black hair, he's pale and he always wears all black- boots, pants, shirt and the trench coat but surprising there is an outstanding characteristic that would make this guy easy to pick out... he has a pink tattoo on the left side of his neck... if you know any thing or see anything please contact the police. But as if now, be extra careful until we have him under arrest," The TV reporter looked into the cambra, whcih was showing on Jonesy's TV set. Jonesy flicked off his TV and it was only moments later that he heard a loud knock on his door.
"Jonesy!" It was Jen. One of his best friends and his Step-Sister. "We have so got to talk,"
"Come in," Jonesy jumped up off his bed as Jen opened the bedroom door.
"Did you see the news?" Jen asked running over to him.
"Yeah..." Jonesy said. "But it's not like we're not use to it or anything..."
"JONESY!" Jen said angerily. "You are so dumb..."
"Hey, I get enough from Nikki... I don't need it from you, too..." Jonesy snapped.
"Geez, I was only joking. Anyway, I think that seems we won't be able to go out with the gang, maybe we could have a Sleepover here, you know... all of us... here, I bet it would be a real blast!" Jen said.
Jonesy grinned. Hehe, and spend a night with Nikki.. sounds good to me! "Sure, sounds good to me," Jonesy agreed.
"Well, we better ask our parents, you know how crazy they can get when we make plans before we ask them," Jen said.
" Yeah, trust me, I know..." Jonesy rolled his eyes. "C'mon lets go!" He said running out of his room and down the stairs. Jen followed and they went into the kitchen and there they found their parents drinking coffee.
"Mom..." Jen started. "We have a question..." Jen looked over at Jonesy and then his father.
"What is it dear?" Jen's mother folded her arms across her chest. "You guys want to have a party tomorrow night while we are gone, right?"
"Uh... yeah! How did you know that?" Jen took a seat next to her mother and Jonesy took a seat next to his father.
"I was a teenager once upon a time you know..." Jen's mother started. "But I don't think it's such a good idea for you guys to have a party..."
"But mom! I mean... we're mature... at least I am..." Jen started.
"HEY!" Jonesy interupted.
"And I mean, it's only the rest of the gang. We just want to have a sleepover and we can all watch movies..." Jen said.
"Three guys and three girls... I don't know Jen, you guys are all sixteen year olds. Can we trust you guys?" Jen's mother looked at Jen and then at Jonesy.
They both nodded. "Yes mom! Plus, with the murderer on the go, it's better to have a bigger crowd together," she said.
"That is true," Jonesy's father joined the conversation.
"Oh, alright!" Jen's mother finally gave in. "But no more than the six of you guys, okay? And if anything happens you guys better call us..." she said.
"Yes mom," Jen said in a very annoyed tone. Then she jumped up. "Okay we're going to school now... bye!" she grabbed Jonesy by the arm, and they both grabbed their breakfast and their bookbags and went out the door.
It was after school and the whole gang was hanging out at the mall as usal. With everyone on break, they all had a chance to talk. That's when Jen decided to invite everyone to the party. "Guys, Jonesy and I are having a Sleepover tomorrow night, and you guys are all invited!" Jen annoced.
"Wow... aren't Sleepover's like so fifth grade or something?" Nikki looked at Jen.
"No... we're just going to watch movies and all that. It's going to be a blast! I mean, all of us, together... it'll be awesome," Jen said.
"Sounds cool to me," Wyatt said.
"Yeah dudes, I bet it will be really fun," Jude smiled. "Are there going to be an energy drinks?"
"JUDE! The last time you had energy drinks, can you remember what happend?" Jen asked.
"Oh yeah..." Jude grinned."I forgot about that!"
"I think that a Sleepover is a great idea... we can--" Caitlin started but Nikki cut her off.
"Fine, I'll attend the Sleepover. As long as we don't have to go by Caitlin's girly girl rules..." Nikki said.
"Hey!" Caitlin looked at Nikki. "My ideas and rules are fun..."
"Yeah, and drinking a smoothie is painful..." Nikki rolled her eyes. "Anyway, I'm off to work once again," she go up. "Now going to the Khaki Barn, that's just pure toture..." then Nikki left.
Jonesy carefully watched Nikki leave and smiled. "I'm going off to work now too," he said but before he got up Jen looked at him.
"I thought you got fired from your latest job yesterday..." Jen said.
"Yeah, I did. But I got a job interview at some new Ice Cream stand... so I'll catch up with you guys later..." Jonesy then got up and left.
"Yeah, I should be heading back as well..." Jen looked at the remainder of the group. "Bye..." And then she got up and left.
"I'm going back to work too, break soon ends," Wyatt got up. "Later!" he said and left.
"Yeah, well... enjoy the rest of the afternoon here... I have got to go back to work too," Jude said getting up."Later dude..." he said and then he left.
Caitlin got up and sat back by the Lemon. Buisness sure was running slow for her today... nothing new, really.