Disclaimer: Characters and events are the property of J.K. Rowling.

Note: Anything with these symbols # # to either side read as having been crossed out.

Spoilers? - Currently Philosopher's Stone and Chamber of Secrets, some very minor points from Books 3-6 (names mostly), but nothing that would spoil the books in any way whatsoever.

28 September 1991


While I both understand and empathise with your feelings towards Mr. Potter, I'm afraid that I cannot condone the course of action you are contemplating undertaking. For starters, the Headmaster would be sure to notice the absence of one of his students, and most especially the absence of this one. Secondly, despite your assurances that the feat may be accomplished without implicating yourself in any way, I find that your track record in this department does not support this claim. Need I remind you of the 'Puffskein Incident'?

Finally, and by far the most important, no son of mine will dispatch of his enemies through such an underhanded method as a poison. It is beneath you and not fitting of the noble blood that runs in your veins. Use your wand like God intended you to and perhaps you'll bring some long overdue honour upon the family name.

As for your father he is still quite ill, in spite of the potion you sent over. That was… kind of you. However, given your attitude towards that man, I feel I should also point out that he is no worse off either. Your pledge that 'Despite everything (and here I shall edit a bit, you should really try to curb those violent outbursts you know)he is your father' aside, I would consider you quite high on the list of people who might wish the man harm. Perhaps I was mistaken. I suppose we shall see in the long run.

Thank you for asking after my garden, it is doing quite well. Well, that is partially true at least. Whatever it was that you so carefully sent over during the summer with instructions that it be planted in the southern corner has progressively devoured its neighbours and is now threatening my gardening shed. I would appreciate it if you could find it in yourself to remedy this situation - or failing that - inform me how to. While it is quite a lovely plant, I worry that it might be after the house next.


Author's Note: Since several people have asked, I have absolutely no intention of writing the Snape letters. I have several reasons for this, first amongst them being that these were always intended to be one-sided. I would like to add that most of the fun of these is imagining what Snape could have said to provoke the responses he is getting, and my writing it takes that away. Personally, I think a fic consisting of Snape's letters home would be fantastic… but it's not for me. Sorry if I've disappointed anyone.