Part Four – Happiness

Six months later, as she sat on the bottom step and stared at the picture in her hand, thoughts and images of that magical night filled Phoebe's mind. "Oh, Cole," she murmured, "I never expected my spell to play out like this. I never expected to feel this way at all."

Too happy and relieved to cry, she simply sighed as she recalled the way she and Cole had made love that night on the cold hard cement floor, feeling nothing but love and warmth flowing through them as if they were one. But as tender and gentle as they had been with one another, contrasting the circumstances and environment, she still hadn't been able to say those three little words he'd admitted he knew to be true. "I just couldn't," she whispered regretfully. "I wanted to but the words…the words just wouldn't come and, before I had another chance, I faded from your arms back to the attic."

As if in annoyance, she received a sharp kick to each of her sides, causing her to lean back on her elbows, a few steps up, and still manage to awkwardly rub her belly. "Hey, in there," she chastised, "you're supposed to be taking it easy with me. No more scares, okay?"

This time, the kicks seemed softer, almost conciliatory after her apology, and she smiled as she caressed the little ones nestled inside her. "I love you," she told them, "and I can't wait to meet you in three months." If, she prayed, she managed to carry them full-term. While they hadn't displayed any powers, she still felt surges of energy at times that caused added strain to the pregnancy. The doctor assured her again that she wasn't considered high-risk but, deep down, Phoebe knew the twins' dual magical heritage was affecting her greater than if a mortal human had fathered these children. She closed her eyes and practiced one of her relaxation breathing techniques. All things considered, this miracle pregnancy had been relatively problem-free and, for that, she was immensely grateful and she prayed, once again, that it continued to stay that way.

If only she didn't still find herself experiencing those bouts of sadness. Sadness that, despite her utter joy at becoming pregnant, she couldn't share the father's identity with anyone. Sadness that, despite being on the verge of having her premonition become a reality, her children would never know their father. Sadness that, despite being Phoebe Halliwell once again and back at work with her own advice column, she still felt as if she was hiding a part of herself. "It's as if I traded one happiness for another," she lamented.

She had rediscovered her love for Cole only to lose him when the spell played out. And now she was pregnant with his children but unable to share the news with him because he no longer existed in this world for her to even call for his spirit. Their one-night encounter hadn't changed his fate and he would never know its unexpected wonderful outcome. At these thoughts, tears began to trickle down her cheeks and, absurdly, she was amused by the thought that, this time, she didn't have to blame hormones as an excuse for her tears.

She lightly traced circles on her belly and she sniffled. She could not get past the fact that Cole would never know about his children growing inside her. He would never know them, period. It's part of the reason why she came to the mausoleum, especially today. Made all the more harder because it was her first time back since that night six months before but it was something she needed to do. She needed to feel that she told him even if it wouldn't be real. She needed the dream. She wiped away another tear. 'Will there always be a price to pay for my happiness?'

Her cell phone rang, echoing in the empty chamber, and she fished it out of her bag. Without checking the number displayed, she greeted, "Hi, Piper."

"Where are you? I've been getting worried, you've been gone so long. You should've let me come with you. How'd it go at the doctor?"

Phoebe didn't know whether to be annoyed or amused by Piper's obvious frustration with her. She glanced at the sonogram still clenched in her hand and smiled, "Both Baby Girl and Baby B are fine. No, I don't know if it's another girl, my blood pressure's a little high, and the doctor wants me to keep my feet up but she hasn't restricted me to bed so, yes, I can still go to work tomorrow but not necessarily the charity auction tomorrow night. It'll all depend on how I feel."

"You were supposed to come straight home and rest."

"I had an errand to run," she replied. There was no way she was telling Piper what she was doing.

"The Grants ordered the variety chip cookie mix. I'm about to start on the Double Chocolate Chunk but since you're not here I guess Wyatt and Chris will luck out with the leftovers and they--"

"You're telling me you won't save any for your favorite pregnant sister?" Phoebe sniffed in mock outrage.

"You're my only pregnant sister and…I don't know, I think both Paige and Leo are on their way home already. There may not even be batter left."

"I'm on my way," Phoebe quickly declared. "And there'd better be some left. I'm eating for three, remember?"

"If you promise to follow doctor's orders and stay off your feet, I might be persuaded to save you a treat."

"Piper, you're the bestest," Phoebe swore in her childlike happy voice. She disconnected the call and stared at the sonogram. She then searched through her bag for a pen and hastily wrote her note. Even though he would never read it, it was just one small gift she could give him that made her feel good about her current situation.

She carefully got to her feet and waited a moment for the dizziness to pass before she made her way into the other part of the mausoleum. She kissed the photo before she set it on the marble bier. But, this act of saying goodbye nearly overwhelmed her and, pressing the photo down, she promised herself she wouldn't cry. She caressed her belly and smoothed her top and tried to smile, "I swear they'll grow up to be happy loving individuals with a sense of purpose and an essential part of the magical world. Thank you, Cole, thank you for loving me and for creating with me these two beautiful and precious souls."


Piper had just finished mixing the batter and was about to add the chocolate chunk bits by hand when, from the corner of her eye, she thought she saw a black spot move. 'Damned spiders…' She set down the bag and glanced around for the offending creature. When she didn't find it, she shook her head and grumbled to herself about seeing things. But, just as quickly, she scanned the kitchen again and, for the zillionth time in the past six months, marveled at how much happier she was to be back home in the manor, back as herself again. As wonderful as her anonymous new life had been, she hadn't realized how much she had missed being Piper, being a Halliwell, until they decided to return to their own lives.

In a way she was grateful to Phoebe for it had been her announcement of being pregnant that caused the deliberation of whether or not to remain in their new identities or return to their old ones. Surprisingly, Paige had been the most reluctant to become Paige again. But they had agreed that it would be a unanimous decision without any pressure and had therefore spent two weeks deciding on the pros and cons of staying in their new lives without consulting each other. Only at the end of that time did they sit down and compare notes.

Now, six months later, both she and Paige were rediscovering themselves and, with their new experiences of normal life, found a balance that made them happier than they'd been for months before they'd "died." 'And, Phoebe, she's simply glowing.' Piper smiled as she thought of her younger sister and added extra chunks to the batter before crinkling the bag with annoyance. 'Why's she still keeping the father a secret? She promised that she knows who it is and that she hadn't been hurt or attacked so how bad could it be? Why can't she trust us enough to tell us the truth?'

Suddenly realizing she was taking out her frustration on the chocolate chunks, Piper took a deep breath to calm herself. 'I suppose the only important thing is that Phoebe and the babies remain healthy and happy. Besides, Phoebe's always telling us that 'It's not like the father's going to show up anyway' so I suppose I should stop worrying and nagging her about it.'

"What the hell is this?"

Startled, Piper spun and nearly blew him up. "Cole, what the hell are you doing sneaking up on me like that!" She then anxiously scanned the floor of the room, "Oh God, I'm not dead again am I?"

"You might be," he warned, "if you don't explain this. I get that Phoebe's no longer lost and liable to end up in limbo with me but what kind of game is she playing rubbing my nose in it?"

"What are you talking about?" she snapped. "And how'd you get out of limbo?"

"Don't worry," he frowned, "it's only temporary. Now explain this." He shoved the picture he was holding at her. "What the hell is that?"

"It's a sonogram," she replied automatically. But after reading Phoebe's simple phrase of wishing Cole a happy birthday, everything suddenly clicked for Piper. "Oh, Pheebs, what the hell have you done?" she whispered.

"Why the hell would I want to see a picture of Phoebe's child with someone else?" Cole spun from her and began to stalk the room back and forth, "I know I wanted her to believe in love again. Hell, I practically shoved Drake at her, set you up, but it's not like I wanted to see it. Especially not after that night. Dammit, I thought she'd changed that night! What the hell made her write this, treat me like this?"

"She didn't know you'd read it!" Piper snapped. "She doesn't know you still exist!"

Taken aback, Cole froze and questioned, "You didn't tell her about limbo?"

"I told her about it but not about you. All I said was that an old friend had helped me." She caught his expression soften towards her and her own anger drained away leaving her momentarily wondering if her decision not to tell Phoebe about him had been a mistake. "How'd this happen?" she groaned.

"The usual way I suppose," he grumbled. "Is she okay?" he reluctantly asked. "I mean with the baby?"

She stared at the sonogram and softly said, "You didn't look carefully, Cole." She handed it back to him and nearly smiled by his confusion. "There are two babies there."

"And that's supposed to make me feel better?" he retorted before forcing himself to look at the picture. He stared at the images and thought of his beautiful Phoebe. Maybe they would look just like her. "Twins…" He looked back at Piper and added, "She's probably thrilled. Is he good to her? Does this guy make her happy?"

"It would seem so," she uttered as she realized that Cole had no idea he was the father. "Listen, Cole, there's something you should know about Phoebe. She --"

"Piper! I'm home! You'd better still have some cookies for me!"

"You," Piper grabbed the sonogram from his hand and jabbed Cole in the chest, "stay here!"


Phoebe had just hung her coat on the hook and begun walking toward the kitchen when Piper entered the hallway. She set the bouquet of wildflowers she'd bought for herself on the center table and was surprised by a picture being shoved in her hands.

"Explain this," Piper demanded.

Phoebe paled, "How'd you get this?"

"Is it true?" Piper questioned without truly needing a reply. She saw the answer in her sister's eyes. "How the hell could this have happened? How could you keep this a secret? How'd you even find him?"

"I couldn't tell you," Phoebe said, "I knew how you'd react. You and Paige wouldn't understand. Besides, at first I didn't understand it either. It shouldn't've been possible."

"Tell me," Piper insisted.

Phoebe shook her head, "I don't think you're ready to hear about it. Besides, he's gone and I'm the one raising them with your help and they'll be good witches. Will it really matter that Cole is their father?"


The photo slipped from fingers and Phoebe watched it flutter to the floor as her heart began to pound. Terrified that she might not see whom she thought was there, she turned slowly. "Cole?" she gasped. She turned back to her sister, "I don't understand, how can he be here?" Her legs trembling, she managed a dizzy step towards him, "You're here? How'd you know about the future?"

"I told you to wait in the kitchen!" Piper snapped at him. The last thing she needed was for Phoebe to become even more agitated.

Unable to tear his gaze from Phoebe's expanded waistline, he ignored Piper and hoarsely requested, "Tell me the truth, am I the father?"

Piper's concern grew as the color continued to drain from her sister's face. "Phoebe?"

Phoebe unconsciously stroked the side of her belly and couldn't find her voice to answer him. All she could do was nod.

"That night?" he croaked as he still remained frozen in place. When she nodded, he shook his head in disbelief, "That's not possible."

"It's a miracle," Phoebe agreed in a voice that sounded too far away.

Piper darted forward but couldn't catch Phoebe in time to prevent her from hitting her head on the edge of the table as she fainted. She knelt next to Phoebe and glanced up to Cole in concern when Phoebe didn't stir.

Piper's plea to help snapped him from his shock but he helplessly admitted, "I don't have the power to heal or transport her. She needs Leo."

"Leo's not an Elder anymore," Piper whispered as she gently patted Phoebe's cheeks, "he's not even a Whitelighter." She then stared up at the ceiling and screamed for her youngest sister.


Paige closed the door to Phoebe's hospital room and joined her sister in the hallway. "We should be in there."

Piper shook her head, "Phoebe's scared enough by the contractions, and she's got a nasty headache from the concussion. The only person she needs in there right now for the ultrasound is Cole."

"Explain to me again how this is possible," Paige sighed as she followed Piper to some chairs in a small nearby seating area.

"You know everything I know," Piper assured her. "Phoebe performed a spell to send her back in time and caused one slight change that sent Cole back in time to that same night which unexpectedly produced the twins."

"She should have told us," Paige shook her head. "She should have told us she was so unhappy, she should have told us about the spell, she should have told us about him." And she glared at her older sister, "And you should have told us he was still alive."

"He's not still alive," Piper argued. Her sister remained skeptical and she insisted, "He can't stay. And we're the ones who will have to be strong enough to support Phoebe when he leaves."

As unsure as she was about Cole's return, Paige sympathized with Phoebe, "She's been so happy, Piper. Happier than I've seen her in a long time."

Piper squeezed her hand, "Then we'll just have to make sure she stays that way, even if it means accepting the fact that an invincible and slightly insane Cole Turner fathered those two children. We'll have to give Phoebe whatever help she needs in raising them to be two happy and good little children who grow up to be proud of their heritage and will help the innocents of this world."


Phoebe was already gripping Cole's hand in anticipation of the ultrasound when the contraction hit. She turned her head and leaned into his chest as he pressed himself closer to her. "This can't be happening," she feared.

"It'll be okay," he assured her with a kiss to the top of her head, wondering if he had any business making such promises. "The doctor said they're stress-related and should go away with the medication's help."

"Okay, Mom and Dad," the technician announced when the contraction ended, "let's see your babies."

The term held no meaning for Cole until he saw the images fill the screen. Those babies were his. 'I'm their Daddy.' They were his babies. His daughter and his… "Are you sure you can't tell?"

"Sorry," the young woman smiled, "but, other than developmental factors, all I can tell about shy Baby B right now is that she or he will be a fraternal twin to Baby Girl."

"It doesn't matter," Phoebe whispered as the ultrasound continued, "as long as they're both healthy."

Cole kissed Phoebe again as he watched in amazement as the babies moved. "Almost as if they know we're watching," he murmured.

After several more minutes, the technician began to wipe the gel from Phoebe's belly but was stopped by Cole. She smiled at the somewhat nervous first-time father and assured him that, from what she could see, the babies were strong and doing well. Rolling the equipment to the side, she said she'd have the doctor come in to talk to them and she left the room.

Having taken the disposable towel from the woman, Cole silently wiped the gel in firm, yet gentle, strokes. He gazed at Phoebe and shook his head, "I can't believe this."

She hesitantly reached out to touch his face, "Neither can I. You're here. You're alive…" She smiled, "It's like my wish came true. Oh, Cole, you have no idea how happy I am."

Cole didn't know what to say. He was about to hurt her and he didn't want to. He wanted to stay. He wanted to watch his children grow inside her, to feel them kick, and to hear their heartbeat echo in the room. He wanted to watch them be born and he wanted to be the first person to hold them. He wanted to watch them grow up and he wanted to teach them about magic.

"Cole, what is it? What's wrong?" She began to panic, "The babies are okay, aren't they?"

Cole calmed her with a kiss. "They looked just fine, they sounded even better but you are to follow the doctor's instructions to the letter." She nodded emphatically and he smiled before kissing her again. "I know you will because Piper and Paige will be under orders to make you follow them."

"And you'll be here too," she sighed, closing her eyes for a moment. But when he didn't respond, she opened them. "You'll be here too," she repeated a bit more urgently. And when he sat down on the edge of the bed and held onto both her hands, she began to struggle, "No, you're here. You can't leave me."

"I don't want to, Phoebe," he swore, "but I have to go back."

"No, you're alive, you're here!"

"Honey, I'm not alive," he quietly told her, lightly squeezing her hands. "I've only got enough power to materialize in this world for short amounts of time and that's all the power I've got in this world. I have to go back to where I belong."

"I don't understand," she uttered as tears distorted her vision.

He gently wiped away some tears, "I'm the old friend Piper mentioned." He waited a moment for her to process his statement and when her eyes widened and her head shook, he nodded sadly, "It's where I'm meant to be now. I'm not a danger to you or your sisters and I can even help people, like Drake and your sister, and, I thought, even you."

"You did," she whispered, "you did help me. You helped me remember what made me happy." She guided his hand to her belly and moved it around in circles, "You made this happen but you've been there two years, haven't you earned your reward? Can't you come back to me, to us?"

He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles, "I wish I could but it doesn't work that way for me. Limbo isn't a stop on the way to some greater reward. And I've made my peace with it." He gazed at her belly, "At least I had before today." He turned back to her and swore fiercely, "I'll be back to see them born and I'll be back whenever I can but you need to promise me something."

She nodded warily, "I'll make sure they grow up proud of their heritage, proud of their Turner name."

Amazed she wouldn't be giving them the Halliwell surname, he squeezed her hands gratefully but shook his head, "I want you to promise me that you won't give up on love." She was about to protest and quickly cut her off, "Keep your heart open to the possibility of letting someone else in. I don't want you to be alone."

"I won't be alone," she reminded him, "I'll have the twins."

"That's not what I mean and you know it," he argued.

"I love you Cole and I always will."

"I know," he couldn't help but smile, "but that's not what I want from you."

Phoebe closed her eyes a moment before conceding, "I'm not actively looking for anyone. Right now, and for the first few years, I'll have my hands full and I'm not ready to share our children with someone else. But…if someone comes into my life and is good to my children and is good to me…"

Relieved, he kissed her forehead, "Thank you." He tugged his hands free and placed them on her belly, relishing the sensations of his children moving and kicking. Impulsively, he twisted in order to lean over and kiss them, feeling Phoebe's fingers running through his hair. "I love you," he told his children, "and I will watch over you as best I can and I will visit whenever I can."

Tears streamed down her cheeks as the moment made itself more real. Cole was leaving and there wasn't anything she or her sisters could do to stop it.

"I mean it," he promised again, seeing the look of despair in her eyes. "Even if it's only for a few minutes at a time, even if it's years between visits, I'm watching over the three of you and I'll be back whenever I can."

She tugged on his shirt in an effort to prevent him from standing, "In spite of all the pain and all the anger, I'd be a fool to wish any of it away because you have made me so happy, Cole Turner. I am so happy that I can love you and that I am carrying our children."

With one hand resting on her belly and the other wiping away he last of her tears, he pressed a kiss to her forehead and confessed, "Now that's something I wanted to hear too."

Phoebe reached up to kiss him and wrapped his arms around his neck as she let her passion flow into him. She desperately needed him to feel it. As he responded in kind, she lost herself to him and barely felt the kicks from within her anxiously trying to find the strong hand pressing down.

Not surprisingly, Cole faded away in mid-kiss and she thoughtfully touched her slightly swollen lips. Bringing her other hand lower to caress her belly, she repeated in a strong clear voice, hoping he could hear wherever he was, "I'll be happy and your children will be happy and I'll see you again because I love you, Cole Turner, and I always will…"

the end