Title: Ninjutsu Baby
Author: kawaiichiisaikitsune
Rating: T
Pairings: KakaIru
Summary: They had been together and happy for years. But with the help of a secret, forbidden ninjutsu art and a manic Konoha ninja their lives are going to change. And the impossible is going to happen. (KakaIru)(Mpreg)

Kiari-san and Dana-chan were bored. Kiari-san had the urge to make a Mpreg and since Dana-chan had already done LeeGaa and SasuNaru fics, she figured that they should do a KakaIru fic. And so here is their lovely prologue. Sorry if it is short.

P.S. Kiari-san is going to be writing most of the author notes for this whole story.

Disclaimer- Kiari-san and Dana-chan don't own Naruto. Never will.

Ninjutsu Baby


Manical laughter filled the nighttime air as a silver-haired jounin briskly skipped down the moon-lit path, a rolled up scroll in his hands. He had just come from the Godaime's office after reporting his recent mission's success. While he had talked it over with her one of his shadow replicas he made earlier had been sneaking about the forbidden areas of the complex, looking for a certain something. When it found the specific item it quickly disappeared from the building and waited for the real jounin to meet it.

Tsunade questioned the retired ANBU member and, hurriedly, he answered them as best as he could. After five minutes of the question and answer game he rushed out of the room with only a brief "Got to go" leaving his masked mouth. He exited the building stealthily and carefully he jumped from roof to roof of other constructions. The silver-haired shinobi looked over every street, every house, every person, every park, every everything. Finally, upon finding what he was seeking, he haulted and jumped down to the certain area. There he met his replica, a red and green scroll gripped in the false person's hands.

A wicked smile slowly formed itself upon the covered lips of team seven's sensei as he took the scroll from his shadow self. Once the scroll was in his hands the replica disappeared in a poof of grey smoke and he gingerly pulled the ribbon keeping the thing bound. With his smile growing wider and more wicked he pulled it open and read over what it instructed. And so now here he was, laughing manically, heading towards his home.

The front door of the medium-sized home came into view and he continued bouncing evilly to the porch. Abruptly, he stopped before the thick wood and pulled out a silver key from his back pouch. He inserted the piece of metal into the key hole, the golden dolphin keychain jingling along with the movements. The silver-haired shinobi opened the door quietly and made his way to his room. When inside the said room he saw the blankets on the bed rising and falling in a rhythmic beat. He closed the door gently and tip-toed over to the sleeping form.

Sticking out from under the thick blankets was a mop of chocolate-colored hair that tended to heave with the blankets with every deep breath of the bed's occupant. The jounin chuckled silently to himself as he reached the sleeping nin and pulled back the covers. He opened up the scroll and layed it at the bed occupant's side. Reading it, he performed the specific hand signs. Then the silver-haired shinobi bit his thumb to the point of bleeding, lifted the other's shirt, and scribbled his name upon the nicely defined stomach. And with one final hand signature, he pressed his five fingers against the other's skin until his very blood had sunken in.

The retired ANBU rolled up the forbidden scroll and tied the strand of cloth connected to it around to keep the object from opening. Slowly, the silver-haired jounin pulled down the other's shirt and stood up, taking the scroll in one hand. He gingerly walked out of the room and closed the thin door behind him. He staggered around the house before coming into the organized living room. He pranced over to the average-sized black couch and pulled out one of the three cushions. The masked shinobi placed the red and green item in the middle of the empty space and put the cushion back in its rightful place. Wearily, he laid down on the couch and yawned as he entered a world of dreams--dreams that were in the visitor's interest.

Morning came sooner than wanted in the household as the silver-haired jounin was awoken by the morning sun's bright gaze and the faint sounds of retching. Rubbing sleep from his only showing eye, he sat up and wobbily got to his feet. Yawning under his mask he made his way down the hall and to the bathroom where the retching noises were coming from. There his mate was leaning over the toilet, loosing his dinner and stomach acids. "What's wrong?" He grumbled groggily, feigning surprised concern wonderfully.

The brunette nin had just barely awoken as well. He went to do his usual routine which included; showering, changing, brushing his teeth, and going to the restroom. But right after he came out the shower and put his clothes on, a large feeling of nausea overwhelmed him. He rushed to the toilet and his previous dinner escaped his mouth and went through the oval shaped frame of the toilet. So, with fear to leave the toilet and ruin his perfectly clean house, he stayed seated by the toilet, his torso leaned against the edge of it. Thus, his lover found him there. "Get me a glass of water," The sick shinobi managed to reply. Before anymore words could be exchanged the brunette vomited once again into the toilet water.


Kiari-san and Dana-chan hoped you enjoyed. They shall get the first chapter up as soon as they can. Flames are ignored, constructive criticism is highly appreciated, and praise is great for Kiari-san and Dana-chan's egos.