A/N: Okay, I was asked to update soon, so…maybe the next day is soon enough. We'll find out now, won't we!

This will be in two points of view, both Ron's and Hermione's, so regular text is Hermione, and italics is Ron. Keep that in mind.

Disclaimer: I own…nothing. Just the plot. Which J.K. has already provided for me, really. I'm just speeding it up a bit. So don't sue me, Jo! Pur-lease?

I lead Hermione up the stairs, hoping that the room would make her feel more comfortable. I set her down gently on my bed, sitting next to her.

"Now, tell me what happened."

She sniffles, wiping her eyes. "Oh, just the usual stuff. You know, Mudblood, know-it-all…I just hate it when he does that. He doesn't know what it's like."

"No, I'm sure he doesn't," I say soothingly, wrapping a comforting arm around her. Harry is out somewhere, probably eating with everyone else. We're the only ones there, actually.

I feel his arm around me, and I lean back into it, letting him comfort me. It's nice to have someone, even if your heart is breaking at the same time. I know I'll never be able to have him. He doesn't feel the same way I do. I'll always just be the best friend. The smart who helps with homework. Nothing more.

I hold her, enjoying the fact that I can feel her heart beating. I've never been this close to her. I let her cry into my shirt again, just to feel her close to me. I know this will never happen again. She's always been the strong one, the one who never lets emotion out. Unless it's anger, of course. I know I've been a prat, and when I have been she'll tell me. Loudly. She'll always been the one to fix my mistakes for me. She'll never know how I feel about her.

I cry into his shirt, listening to his heart beat through the cloth. I love being close to him. I don't get to do it much. I think it's only when we went on adventures when we were younger. We still go on them, of course, but now we're more independent, fending for ourselves. I wish we stayed together more now.

I don't know why, but suddenly I pull her up to face me. She looks at me, a strange expression on her face. Suddenly I'm kissing her, and I have no clue how it happened. All I know is that she's not pulling away. In fact, she's returning it.

All of the sudden, we're kissing, and neither of us seem to want to stop. My hands slowly make their way up to his head, locking themselves behind his neck. I press into his slightly, wandering how in the world this will end.

Suddenly, he pulls us apart. "What are we doing?"

"I don't know, but can we please do it again?"

I smile at her. "No, seriously. I don't want to do this if we don't know what it is."

"It's me and you. That enough for you?"

"I don't know if it is."

"It's enough for me." She kisses me again, and I don't stop us again.

We're like that for a while, just kissing and talking and more kissing. Suddenly, the door opens, and in walk Neville and Harry, followed by Dean and Seamus close behind.

They stare for a moment, then laugh and begin to clap loudly. "About time you all got together!" Neville exclaims.

I look at them, puzzled. "What do you mean?"

Dean laughs. "We've seen this coming since, oh, about third year. It was pretty obvious, you know."

I blush, the heat creeping up to my ears like always. "It…was?"

"Yeah, you mean you never saw this, Ron?"

"Erm, no."

Harry is the only one who stays silent. I look at him, the question etched in my face. Harry tilts his head, and gives a small nod. I smile, relieved. If he's okay with it, then I am, too.

I look at Harry, and in my mind I'm begging him to get them out of here. We really need the privacy.

Harry smiles at me. "Hey guys, let's go run around the pitch. I need some practice, anyways."

The guys laugh, following him out. I look at Ron, and we're both suddenly grinning like idiots. He looks straight at me.

"Shall we get back to what we were doing before we were so rudely interrupted?"

A/N: Finally, I have finished a fic! YES! Okay, now you must review. Thanks to my readers!