Enchanted Dreams♥

By:Misstress Hanako♥

Scroll One:Our GoodByes..

It has been nearly 4 years since Kagome and InuYasha's journey for the jewel. There for through out the years, they had gain..."trust;love; and even companionship." But through out those years..Kagome broke more and more, shed more and more, and grew more and more. She broke and shed of the incident of InuYasha and Kikyou sleeping together once. She grew because her miko powers were more strengthen.

Kagome was now 19 since her journey..back then she was only 15. She has grown alot. She still had her long hair, but her was not the color raven...It started to change into a midnight brown. Her body started to grow more curves and her face was more of pure beauty. She became more and more kind hearted, more softer, she barely sits InuYasha...and she laughs often...not as much as usual..she became more and mroe lonelier, more quiet, but she..often talks.

InuYasha on the other hand hasn't changed much. He was 17 before the journey started. In his demon form he was considered 17 but in human realituy he was 67. Now he was 21. His white hair was longer to his legs, his red haori and hakana was now white with red designs at the end of each sleeve and bottom. He still had his fluffy ears, but he has grown from the last time you saw him. He always tied his hair...and he was now really emotion towards the name 'Kikyou...' He did somewhat knew he had alittle affection towards Kagome, but he knew it was harder to tell her than to tell Kikyou. He never knew why though.

Sango was now a fully grown woman. She and Miroku had told eachother about their feelings, but has not had any heir yet. She lengthen her hair to her arms and she was now kind and nice to the perverted monk. She still wore her demon exterminator clothes...but her kimono she usually wore was different. She now wore a kimono that had pink flowers on it and she didn't wear any skirt or dress to go along with it. She wore a hakana, that was purple, and also had pink flowers on it.

Miroku, he has changed alot. His hair grew to his shoulders but he still ties it into a ponytail on the back. He didn't grope nobody or ask anyone to bear his child except for Sango. His monk cloths changed into a white one. His robe was now red. He and Sango loved eachother dearly.

Shippou grew much. He was no longer the cute little Shippou you use to know. He was over protective of his adoptive mother 'Kagome '...because she was always crying to him becuse of InuYasha. His orange hair was now the color of the sunset. His green eyes now turned into light green with a tint of amber in it. He was now 12 years old. He was strong but not strong enough to hold InuYasha back. So he often takes Kagome away from InuYasha and goes off to another village until the next day.

"Shippou-san...where is InuYasha?"Kagome asked.

"Kasan? Are you okay?"Shippou asked.

"Yeah I am. Don't worry."Kagome said huskily, while trying to get up. Kagome now wore Kikyou's Kimono except her pants were green. Her hair was tied like Kikyou but much longer.

"InuYasha...I don't know where he is."Shippou grunted.

"Oh..Let's go find him, okay?"Kagome asked politely.

"Sure..."Shippou pouted alittle.

As they walked into the forest, they could hear moans, kissing, and licking sounds. Kagome turn and walked quietly towards the noise. Shippou followed near her. Both eyes widen at the event they are seeing.

There was InuYasha and Kikyou, together one on top of eachother kissing and licking eachother. This made Kagome start to shed tears and Shippou really angry.

InuYasha smelt something watching and stopped what he was doing. He looked up to see Kagome and Shippou looking straight at them, Kagome was teary and Shippou had angry eyes glaring at him.

"Kagome.."InuYasha whispered. Kikyou watched in amusement.

Kagome heard him and grabbed Shippou by the arm and quickly dashed for her dear life.

InuYasha finallty reacted. "KAGOME!"InuYasha jumped off of Kikyou and pulled up his hakana and put his haori on. He leaped after them.

Kagome looked around, "Shippou...I-I can't take t-this anym-more...!"Kagome shouted while Shippou shifted his position for her to climb his back. Kagome got on Shippou and they took off.

"Don't worry, Kasan...We'll go somewhere far away from here..and never come back."Shippou said smiling weakly at his adoptive mother.

InuYasha rushed towards their scent. 'Shit...If only I was aware of them coming...I was too stupid..I bet Shippou is gonna take her far away from me...Not that I can help it..but I can't leave Kagome!' InuYasha cursed at himself for being stupid.

Shippou and Kagome got stuck at a cliff. Kagome got off Shippou and looked around. They other side of the cliff was gone so this was a dead end.

"What now?"Kagome said looking around.

"KAGOME!"They heard InuYasha shout. This startled Kagome, she looked around.

"Shippou-san...I think this will be good bye..."Kagome smiled at him. His eyes grey wide.

"No, Kasan! Don't!"Shippou yelled.

InuYasha caught up with them and he could see Shippou sobbing and Kagome smiling weakly.

"Don't cry Shippou-san...Be a good boy okay.."Kagome said and shelooked at InuYasha. Her eyes grew wide and the next thing she knew was the cliff was falling apart. Too bad that Kagome was at the edge.

"Good bye..InuYasha..."Kagome said and she fell. InuYasha was shock at what she was doing.

"KAGOME!"InuYasha shouted.

Shippou couldn't take it nomore. He jumped after Kagome. InuYasha was more shocked about this.