1Disclaimer- Don't own. Also don't own Mr. Zoot Suit by Flying Neutrinos (I'm not sure if they originally sung it or what, but that song just makes me think of the forties and fifties)
Note- HOKAY! To answer all your questions, which I am happy to do. I will be finishing the other stories I have up. You'll have to forgive me as I've just started college and have no car transport and therefore have to take three hour bus trips to and from. This, obviously, sucks. I might not be able to update anything for maybe a week or two, because I have some papers coming up and tests as always. SLTBB will be finished in due time, I only took it down cause I wasn't sure where I was going with it. BUT! I will finish it never fear! I don' t like leaving a job half done. I'm going to work on Don't Marry Me this wkend, cause of Columbus day! HOLLER IF YOU LUV HOLIDAYS! As I want to do a little revision, since I think my writing has improved somewhat. So, I hope you cool cat's enjoy this one...And we're getting VERY close to that BIG thing I was talkin' bout!
Affairs Of The Heart
Chapter 4
The place was decked out in a nineteen-forties, 'big band' type of theme. Lighting was bright in the dancing area, but became darker, more intimate, along the sidelines where round tables and chairs were half hazardly placed. A slightly jazzy number was blasting off the stage, just fast enough for the couples on the floor to carry out a few stylish moves. People conversed, laughed and mingled, creating a low current of noise beneath the drums and saxophones.
Gohan couldn't help chuckling, amused by the strange crowd who felt like fully immersing themselves into the style of the previous century. A woman walked by with a sapphire colored evening gown and a flirty smile for anyone looking her way, while at the same time a man wearing a canary yellow 'zoot' suite gave a sly wink to the girl gripping Gohan's arm like a life line. The former tournament fighter belted out a long, loud laugh, then gave the gawkish man a look so threatening he immediately turned to signal for a drink instead.
Videl tilted her head at the warm laughter, not noticing the instinctual way her hands tightened on his elbow. She took a slow, wary glance at the surrounding mob of clubbers.
How could anyone enjoy this type of thing? The wretched place was like a drowning sea of cigarette smoke and shadow.
Taking a deep breath, Videl raised her voice above the melee. "I-I, um, I don't think, I c-can't do this please! I have a, um, p-problems with crowds!"
Gohan grinned as a sexy redhead called out a seductive 'well, hello there handsome!' as she sashayed on by.
"Aw, come on now Mrs. Shell! Didn't Sasuke say you had to show me around? Well hey, this is 'around' ain't it?"
He looked down at the white knuckle grip she had on his arm, and sighed, knowing full well that Mrs. Shell wouldn't deign to touch him unless under extreme duress. The slight panic in her eyes made his stomach clench as well.
Damnit. What the hell kind of Voo-doo did she use to make him feel like such a clod in her presence? And he hadn't even met more than twenty four hours ago!
Rolling his eyes, Gohan set a quick pace toward a more secluded section of tables just off to the left of the dance floor.
"Here." He pulled out a wrought iron chair, watching the feminine movements of her body with as much detachment as he could muster. Which wasn't a whole lot, unfortunately.
"Is that alright Mrs. Shell? You feelin' 'faint' as you high class chicks put it?"
She snorted in a surprisingly undignified manner. "I have never fainted in my entire life Mr. Son! I simply have problems with large crowds, thank-you very much."
Gohan plopped down in the chair just across from her, and ran a jaundiced eye over the throng of revelers.
"...A pretty social butterfly like yourself? Afraid of crowds? Now ain't that just a pity."
Videl went pink at the compliment and delicately cleared her throat.
"Well," Her nervous fingers fiddled with a napkin on the table. "I just...never really acquired the 'magnificent hostess' skills that all good wives seem to get upon the speaking of their vows."
Shifting his eyes so they settled on hers, Gohan felt a small smile tug at his lips.
"Do I detect a hint of hostility, Mrs. Shell?"
Her blue depths glowed with humor even though she tried desperately to sober them. "Of course not."
He chuckled. "Riiight."
She glared at him, her mood pulling an abrupt one eighty, even though he'd already turned his attention back towards the dance floor.
Calm yourself Videl! What would father say?
She sighed deeply, depressed by the instant reprimand which flashed across her brain.
Yes... What would father say?
Gohan, not noticing the melancholy which had enveloped his companion, took in the sudden change of stage music and came to a swift decision.
Damnit, he was not going to sit on the side lines like some fucking loser! He came here to have a good time and the boring (yet strangely fascinating) woman accompaning him was not going to stop that!
Standing abruptly, Gohan held out a hand to Mrs. Shell and grinned at her shocked expression.
"You know what darlin'...I feel like a dance, how 'bout you?"
(Mr. Zoot Suit - Flying Neutrinos)
He's got great big feet, he's jumping to the beat
he's been dancing in the street
he's dressed so fine, got lots of loot
we like to call him Mr. Zoot Suit
Videl swallowed thickly, looking to her left and then to her right for a way out of this uncomfortable situation.
Gohan chuckled and grabbed her wrist before she could come up with any kind of excuse to dissuade him.
He drives a great big car, smokes a big cigar
looks like a king, and he acts like a star
when we see him drive by he goes "toot, toot"
we all shout, "Hey, Mr. Zoot Suit!"
He got her under the hot lights, then immediately sent her into a quick, breathless spin.
He's got a purple suspenders and a yellow tie (say what?)
come on boys, I tell you no lie
he's got all those hats, funky spats
he is the hippest cat
She was back in his unyielding arms, the normal dance position (ooc: you know hand on shoulder, hand on hip, other two hands clasped) and gasping a little for air.
"B-but I-"
"Ah shut up Mrs. Shell! Carpe Diem right?"
He sent her into another little spin, knocking a clumsy couple who were trying to keep up with the tempo, back a few steps. Videl was horrified at her intrusion and about to apologize, when she was once again bouncing back around the floor in her partner's grip.
"Oh dear! I hope we didn't hurt them or anything!"
"Why the fuck should you care? They're slow, so what?"
Videl tried hard to ignore the fingers tensing at her waist, burning, even through the thick cotton of her dress.
"YOU! Y-you are such a... OH! There are no words!"
Gohan grinned, ridiculously pleased by the violent emotions he seemed to evoke in her.
"Really? Ya know I'm so glad you're finally warming up to me!"
No, no he can't be beat
wherever he goes he turns up the heat
so when you see him drive by with that big cheroot
don't forget to shout "Hey, Mr. Zoot Suit!"
A pair of narrowed eyes watched the couple dip and swing, carefully tracking their movements. The classic P.I. hat he wore obscured his features, as he honed in especially on the dark haired male of the twosome. The figure turned and signaled to a bar tender, discreetly slipping a twenty into his hand after muttering a few short words.
Damn, but did it blow hard his business in South City involved a very good, old friend.
Gohan laughed as the song finished, watching Mrs. Shell heave huge lung fulls of air as they made their way back to their table.
Videl gave an evil eye to the unaffected gentleman seated before her. "I, gasp, don't understand how you aren't even, gasp, winded by all that!"
He leaned back in his chair and smirked. "Didn't Sasuke tell you anything about what it is I do?"
She made a concerted effort not to grumble. "...Oh...That's right. You're a martial artist."
"Jealous are you?"
She turned up her nose. "Please."
Gohan chuckled and made a gesture for one of the short dressed, petit waitresses.
A busty brunette dashed up in response, much to the dismay of two other blondes who'd been trying to sprint in high heels. "What can I get you, sugar?"
"Just a beer, and...uh...water? For my friend here." He winked at the green eyed girl.
Videl, for some unusual reason, felt a snap of anger infect her mood. "Ginger ale, if you please!"
The brunette pouted and then hurried off to retrieve their order.
Gohan shiffted and just stared nervously ahead for a moment. If there was one thing a man knew intrinsically, it was to run for fucking cover when a woman had her ante up.
But good damn he could not help himself.
"...Ginger ale?"
He was sure he'd seen all manner of intimidating 'death glares' in his day, but her's topped them all.
Videl made a visible effort to calm herself, counting to ten and even doing the whole 'deep breaths' bit. She still, however, felt pissed off.
"It helps to settle my stomach."
Gohan tried to smother his laughter. "Yup. Uh-huh."
Before anything further could be said, a large, cordial man interrupted them, a plastic tray with two drinks balanced on his arm.
Gohan cocked an eyebrow in confusion. "What happened to the cute brunette?"
The man gave a rough laugh. "Oh, Mixxy? She had some other customers that needed serving'."
Deftly laying some napkins down on the table, the large bar tender covertly slipped a scrap of paper beneath the beer glass before setting it down.
Gohan narrowed his eyes at the action and then shifted them towards a benign face, stubbled with facial hair.
What in the hell...?
He continued to look on as the older man served Mrs. Shell her soda, a smile stretched on his lips for her politeness. A minute later he was muscling his way through the clubbers toward a sleek black bar.
Gohan turned back to his drink and casually lifted the cup, holding the tissue against the bottom as he peered through the top of the amber liquid.
In scratchily penned handwriting, the note said:
You're being watched.
Gohan brought the glass to his lips and swallowed, his eyes hooded so he could scan the crowd.
No good. To many damn people.
He pulled the tissue away from the bottom, the message safely folded within the crinkly layers, and slipped it into his pants as he went to retrieve his wallet. He then glanced at the woman who was now pleasantly sipping her drink, and sighed.
It's probably way better this shit ends early. No doubt I'll start getting fuckin' ideas...
Gohan felt a roiling of disgust at himself for having such casual thoughts about a married woman. A woman married to his best friend, yet. Frustrated and annoyed, he tossed a twenty down on the table, then stood and grabbed Mrs. Shell's arm.
She looked up at him in confusion. "What are you doing?"
He grunted. "Time to go home to Mr. Shell, darlin'."
Something inexplicable dropped in Videl's chest as she stood, resolutely averting her eyes to the floor.
She had actually been having a good time in his company.
"...Oh, yes." Videl laughed a little. "It is getting late, I suppose."
Gohan watched her slowly stroll away and managed one last glance at the noisy crowd.
"Yeah. Sure is."
Somewhere, on a lightly trafficked street, a black limousine was speeding towards destinations unknown. Within it's rich confines a slim, fashionably bronzed hand lifted a cell phone to a shadowed ear. A deep voice broke the spell of silence, loudly resonating with the cultured tones of wealth.
"Did you find him?"
"Yeah. The subject is here in South City."
"Good. You are to watch him for right now. Grab him when I give the word, understand?"
"Yes sir...Uh...There is also a variable..."
"Um...A woman was with him. I am unsure of the relationship."
"Watch him...I don't give a flying fuck about some woman at this point."
"Yes sir."
The abrupt click signaled the end of their conversation.
Blonde and Viking-like, the man in the limo smiled, dazzling even the emptiness with it's gorgeous intensity.
He was a man who enjoyed his prestigious life, who enjoyed his unlimited power, and enjoyed his beautiful women. He was a man of good taste and good breed.
He was also a man who took offenses seriously and decisively.
Gohan Son, was a serious offense.
His name was Apollo Wakahiru...and his being brought forth the Rising Sun.
Note- I know you really wanted Sasuke to be the proverbial 'crook,' but I found that this bad guy was just too GOOD to leave out. He was bouncing about my head, cutting at the gray matter so I just had to let him run rampant. And boy will he...heehee. Don't worry, b/c I love you guys, Sasuke is still going to be a 'roadblock' in their growing relationship. I hope this moved at a pretty good pace too. As always, I love having your attention! huggles her many reviews please write more or I won't be motivated! Pwease?