
By: Kioko the pirate

Chapter 3: Dinner

Now that Kioko and Stitch had finished setting up the table and everything else, the two of them left. Stitch left to get Angel, while Kioko just went home. Stitch was at a fast jog as he made his way back home, the sun would be setting soon and he wanted to get Angel there just at the right moment. His heart felt light as he thought about how his buchi boo would react to the romantic setting.

'Angel's going to just love this.' Thought Stitch as he ran up the drive way to his home.

He quickly reached the front door of the house and went inside. He found Jumba, Pleakly and the kids all sitting around watching television. "Ah, 6-2-6 you are finally being back." Blurted Jumba as he looked over at Stitch.

"Where were you today dad? We wanted to play hid n' go seek with you." Said Kina with a slightly disappointed tone in his voice.

"I'm sorry, but dads just been kind of busy today. We'll play tomorrow, I promise." Said Stitch with a kind hearted smile.

Kina, Oki and Ashley all just smiled back. "So, where were you today anyway?" asked Pleakly.

"Me and Kioko were just preparing a little… romantic dinner for me and Angel." Said Stitch as he rubbed the back of his head.

Jumba gave a small chuckle. "You are never ceasing to amaze me 6-2-6. I designed you for to be causing mass chaos and much mischief. But here you are being; going and doing all of these romantic and loving things for 6-2-4. Is being so precious." said Jumba in a slightly mocking tone.

"Yeah well… do you guys know where she is?" asked Stitch.

"Moms upstairs with aunt Lilo." Said Ashley without loosing her focus on the TV screen.

Stitch just nodded and turned towards the stairs. He bolted towards them, his nails scratching on the wooden floor as he ran. He made it up the stairs in just a few quick leaps. He ran down the hallway until he reached Lilo's door. He took a moment to catch his breathe before he slowly opened the door. But he wasn't expecting to find himself standing in a rain forest when he opened the door though.

"Uh… Lilo… Angel… are you two in there some where?" yelled Stitch as he stared deep into the tangle of lush green foliage.

"What is it Stitch?" came Lilo's voice through the dense plant life.

"I uh need to talk to Angel. Is she in there with you?"

"Yeah she's in here!" Yells Lilo.

"Hold on Stitch, I'll be there in a minute!" came Angel's voice from around the same area as Lilo's.

After about a minute Stitch finally heard some rustling in the dense underbrush. Angel popped her head out from a bush with a big smile on her face. "What were you two doing in there?" asked Stitch.

"We were just exploring the jungle." Said Angel.

"But your in Lilo's room, how could you explore a jungle?"

Angel smiled. "You've never explored a holographic jungle before have you?"

Stitch gave a small laugh. "No I haven't, but its time to go."

Angel cocked her head to the side. "Time to go where?"

"It's time for that little surprise I told you about."

"Oh I see." Said Angel in a sly tone. She turns and faces back towards Lilo's room. "Hey Lilo, me and Stitch are leaving for awhile. Could you make sure the kids get their baths?"

"Sure will Angel, see you guys when you get back." Yelled Lilo.

"Thank you!" yells Angel. She turns back towards Stitch. "Alright, well shall we get going?" said Angel in a quiet voice.

"You bet, lets go." Said Stitch as he politely motioned for her to go ahead of him.

The two of them slowly make their way down to the first floor. "You two have fun now." Said Pleakly as the two experiments make their way through the living room and towards the front door.

"We will." Said Stitch and Angel in unison.

"Bye Mom, bye Dad." Said the kids as they waved.

"Bye." Said Angel as she waved.

The two of them make it out the front door and down to the drive way. "Ok, are you ready for your surprise?" asked Stitch as he turned towards his mate.

"Of course I am now what is this surprise?"

Stitch gave a small laugh. "I'll show you, just hop on and I'll take you to it." Said Stitch as he pointed to his back.

"You want to carry me there?" asked Angel in a skeptical tone.

"Well yeah, I don't want you to get even the slightest hint to where we are going. So you also need to cover your eyes and ears, ok?"

Angel just shrugged. "What ever you say." Said Angel as she climbed onto Stitch's back and held on tight.

"Close your eyes." Said Stitch as he looked over his shoulder at her.

Angel just sighed and folded her ears over her eyes. Stitch extended his lower arms and held onto her, to make sure she didn't slide off. In an instant he burst forward with impressive speed, speeding off into the forest. Dodging tree limbs and other natural obstacles he expertly made his way through the woods. He could feel Angel holding her body close to his; he could feel her heart beat getting faster as they went. Out of the corner of his eye he could see her soft and warming smile.

'This is going to be so great.' Thought Stitch as he looked up towards the sky. The sun was almost touching the horizon and the island was transforming into a surreal world. 'The timings going to be perfect, I can tell. It's hard to believe that just a short while ago we both almost died. If it hadn't been for Kioko getting there when he did, we would be one that mad mans wall. And now Kioko has helped me again… it's like there's nothing he can't do.'

Meanwhile Kioko was standing on a tree limb, leaning against the trunk with his arms folded over his chest. He was watching Stitch carry Angel towards the beach. A small smirk forms on his face. "Have a good time you two." Said Kioko quietly.

In just a few minutes Stitch finally saw the beach coming into view. "How much farther is this surprise Stitch?" asked Angel.

"We're almost there, don't worry."

Stitch finally slowed to a stop and carefully stepped through the bushes. He stepped down onto the soft, warm sand and slowly took few steps forward. "We're here, you can look now." Said Stitch as he looked over his shoulder at Angel.

Angel's ears move away from her eyes as she opens them. Her mouth dropped open when she saw the surprise. There was a single, small table with a snow white table cloth and some of the most beautiful china she had ever seen. There were two candles in the middle of the table, glowing so softly. A small bucket containing ice and the wine was sitting next to the table.

A few feet away was a sparkling dance floor, the setting sun making it glow with different shades of orange. Then, surrounding the entire area was a circle of lit tiki torches. Angel slides off of Stitch's back and takes a few speechless steps forward.

"You did all of this?" asked Angel as she looked back at Stitch.

"Well, I did have a little help from Kioko." Said Stitch as he retracted his extra limbs.

"This is so beautiful Stitch; it's like something out of one of those romance films that Pleakly watches all the time."

Stitch's smile dropped. "Please don't compare this to anything that has to do with Pleakly." Stitch walks forward and stands next to the table. "It's so much better then that." Said Stitch as he smiled and pulled out the chair for her.

Angel smiles and walks over to the table, she sits down in the chair. Stitch pushes the chair in and slowly walks over to the other side of the table and sits down. In front of them were two silver platters with lids on them. Angel looks around at the beautiful setting for a moment before looking at Stitch with a smile.

"I still can't believe that you would do all this? You're usually the subtle romantic, you know just a nice quiet stroll and things like that." Said Angel.

Stitch shrugged. "Yeah, but it's always nice to just do a little something extra here and there. I just wanted this night to be extra special, which is also why I prepared us a wonderful dinner." Said Stitch as he pointed to the platter. "Go ahead, take a look."

Angel slowly grabbed the lid by the handle and lifted it off of the platter. A cloud of steam rose up into the air, carrying with it a wonderful smell. Angel looked down to see a gourmet looking meal. It consisted of a juicy looking steak, some steamy green vegetables and a large baked potato.

"Stitch, this looks so… so… delicious." Said Angel as she kept her self from drooling.

"How about something to drink with it?" said Stitch as he pulled the bottle of wine out of the ice.

"You even got wine? But are you even sure we can have any?"

"Well, I've been told that we can. Besides I'm sure you can, you're the only one in the house who can stomach Pleakly's meat loaf after all." Said Stitch as he popped the cork with his claw.

"Hey, I was still pregnant at the time. I didn't care what I ate, as long as it filled me up." Said Angel with a small laugh.

"Still, let's just give it a taste shall we?" Stitch poured a little of the wine into Angel's glass. Angel nodded as Stitch poured some into his glass. The two of them pick up their glasses and smile at each other. They bring the glasses to their lips and slowly sip the sparkling red liquid. A moment later they lowered the glasses and looked at each other.

"That's… actually pretty good." Said Stitch in a surprised tone.

Angel nodded. "Yeah, it has a real fruity flavor to it. As well as a little zing to it."

"Yeah, and I don't feel anything bad happening. So I guess we're safe to drink it." Said Stitch as he took another small sip. "But we still have this wonderful meal to enjoy as well." Said Stitch as he lowered his glass.

Angel nodded and the two of them began to eat their meal. They glanced over at each other from time to time, giving each other a loving smile. They shared bites of their steak with each other as the sun slowly sank towards the horizon. Shades of orange, pink, red and gold spread across the sky, like a painting made by the gods. Before long they had finished their meal and were now sitting quietly staring at each other.

"That was delicious, Stitch" said Angel as she rubbed her now full belly.

"Thank you; I put a lot of work into that meal."

"I bet you did?" said Angel sarcastically.

"I did."

"Uh huh." Said Angel with a small laugh.

Stitch just shakes his head as the two of them laugh. "Well, either way. How about we work it off with a nice dance?"

"I'd love a dance." Said Angel with a smile.

Stitch stands up and walks over to her side of the table. He pulls her chair out and offers his hand; she politely takes it and stands up from the chair. The two of them slowly walk over to the dance floor paw in paw. When they reach the floor Stitch is slightly hesitant to step onto it, but when he saw Angel step onto it he felt more comfortable. The two of them walk to the center of the gleaming floor.

"What about the music?" asked Angel.

Stitch raises his paw and snaps his fingers, a moment later soft music fills the air. Angle raises her eye brow. "That's quiet impressive." Said Angel with a small laugh.

"Teh, you haven't seen me dance yet." Said Stitch with a sly smile.

Angel just smiles at him as he places his paws on her hips. She stares up into his big black eyes as she places her paws on his shoulders. The two of them slowly start to sway from side to side as the soft music filled the area with a loving feeling. The two of them could only smile at each other as they majestically moved about the dance floor. But while their mouths said not a word, their eyes divulged their deepest loves for each other. They continued to dance until the sun was half hidden behind a curtain of dark blue. The soft music faded into the sound of crashing waves and the two lovers slowed to a stop.

The two of them smiled as they leaned in towards each other. Their lips came together in a tender kiss. They held it for about a minute before releasing each other.

"You were right, you are a pretty good dancer." Said Angel as she stared up into his eyes.

Stitch gave a small laugh. "You're not bad your self."

Angel gave a small laugh as she looked out towards the setting sun. "It's hard to believe that just a few years ago today me and you were reunited again. So many things have happened in such a short time." Said Angel as she gave a relaxed sigh.

"You mean you actually remembered what today was?" asked Stitch with a sarcastic tone.

"Of course I did, it's usually the men who forget anniversaries."

"Well, I just thought that since you didn't mention it that…"

"You didn't mention it either Stitch. But, yes I did remember; which means that in 6 months its the kids birthdays."

"That's right, because we both know what happened that night." Said Stitch as he kissed her on the neck.

Angel gave a small laugh. "Easy there tiger, we also know what those next 6 months were like." Said Angel in a sly tone.

Stitch's eyes widened. "Yeah… we do." Said Stitch as he took a few steps back.

Angel just laughs as she watches him. "So… what do you want to do know?" asked Angel as Stitch walked back up to her.

"Well, since I'm the subtle romantic here, how about we go for a little stroll along the beach?"

Angel looks at him and smiles. "That sounds great."

Stitch nods and the two of them set out along the beach as the sun continued to disappear from sight. The sky filled with even darker shades of red, orange and pink as Stitch and Angel walked paw in paw. Angel gave a sigh and rested her head on Stitch's shoulder as they went. Stitch looked down at her, smiled, gave her a kiss on the head and then rested his head on hers. They made it a little under a mile before the sun finally disappeared beneath the horizon and the darkness of night took over. Just like the night when they had been reunited the night sky was littered with countless stars. All sparkling like diamonds trapped in a blanket of darkness.

"Lets stop for awhile and enjoy the stars." Said Angel in a dreamy voice.

Stitch nodded and the two of them lowered themselves to the soft sand. They both gave sighs of relief, they had walked so far that they glow of the tiki torches around their table was no longer visible.

"This is just like what happened when I was rescued. We were on the beach, looking up at the stars. But it never gets old." Said Angel as she stares up at the stars.

"I never get tired of being with you. But you know that saying is so cliché, I'm sure your getting tired of hearing my worn out lines." Said Stitch as he looked over at her.

"No, I'm not getting tired of them. If it were anyone else then yes I would be getting tired of them. But when you say them, well… you just make them so cute." Said Angel with a little laugh.

Stitch gave a small chuckle as he blushed slightly. The two of them just laid there, staring up at the stars for minutes before either of them said anything. "So did you enjoy tonight?" asked Stitch as he sat up.

Angel was silent for a moment as she too sat up. "Of course I had a good time. I had a wonderful meal, a romantic dance on the beach and a nice relaxing stroll under the stars. And most importantly it was with the one I love." Said Angel with a tender smile.

"Well, I'm glad you liked it."

There was a moment of silence as the two of them looked out across the ocean. "But the only reason why you did this was to apologize for what happened back at Pantucka's tower." Blurted Angel in a calm voice.

Stitch looked over at her. "That is one of the reasons; I told you that I would make it up to you and I did, but that's not the only reason. I also did it because I love you and I want you to know that there is nothing in this universe that would make me be unfaithful to you."

"And I would never be unfaithful to you. But you shouldn't be the one apologizing, it should be me." Said Angel as she lowered her head.

"Why should you apologize?"

"Because I never should have doubted you. I never should have considered that you would do anything like that. We've been together long enough that I should have realized that."

There was another long moment of silence before another word was spoken. "I just don't think you should be apologizing." Said Stitch as he looked away from her.

"And why is that?" asked Angel as she looked over at him.

Stitch gave a deep sigh as he readied himself for her reaction. "Because… When I said that nothing happened between me and Bonnie I meant that nothing really big happened, like… well you know. But something did happen."

"And what was that?" asked Angel in a curious voice.

"Well… me and her did… kiss each other. But I didn't initiate it! She just walked in and…" Stitch was cut off by Angel's slight laughter.

"Stitch… I don't care about one little kiss." Said Angel as she laughed a little.

"You… you don't?" asked Stitch in a surprised tone.

"No, because Bonnie was being forced to kiss you… and more but neither one of you actually wanted to. She kissed you to save her and Clyde's lives. If I had to kiss someone to save you, Lilo, the kids and everyone else then I certainly would." Explained Angel as she slowly got a smile on her face.

"So your not upset about me kissing Bonnie?"

"No." said Angel as she shook her head.

Stitch got a small smile on his face. "Would you get upset if I were to… um… kiss Kioko?" asked Stitch with an uncertain smile.

Angel raised her eyebrow and gave Stitch a shocked expression. "Are you saying that you kissed Kioko?" asked Angel.

"Well… I kind of did." Said Stitch as he looked away.

"How… did this happen? Or do I not want to know?"

"Well, we were setting up for this dinner and me and Kioko did some role playing."


"And well, I got a little bit too into it." Said Stitch as he rubbed the back of his head. Angel just burst into hysterical laughter and fell back onto the soft sand while holding her chest. "It's not funny, Kioko said he would rip my lips off and shove them down my throat if I even thought about doing that again."

Angel finally came out of her laughing and just laid there staring up at the stars, an amused smile on her face. "That sounds like Kioko alright. Of course how would you expect him to act, I'm sure you're the last person he'd want to be kissed by."

"What about Pleakly?" asked Stitch.

"Well, your right. You'd be the second to last person he'd want to be kissed by." Said Angel.

The two of them just laughed for a few moments before they calmed down. Stitch scooted over and snuggled up against Angel. He propped himself up on his elbow and leaned over her. "Well don't worry, your still my favorite."

Angel gave a small laugh as Stitch leaned in close. Their lips came together in a passionate kiss. They held it for a few minutes before Stitch gently pulled away. The two of them lock gazes.

"Happy anniversary Stitch." Said Angel in a loving tone.

"Happy anniversary Angel." Said Stitch in a tender voice.

The two of them kissed one last time before snuggling up next to each other and falling asleep under the stars.

Well, that's the end of the story. I hope you enjoyed it, please review. By the way, the next story will not be apart of the Tejina Chronicles. I still need to work out a few details on the next Tejina story, so the next story will be a part of this series. Later.