
By: Kioko the pirate

Chapter 1: Ideas

It had been about a week and a half since Angel had been rescued, Kioko had told everyone his plans to spend even more time with them for the remainder of the year. Lilo was still upset with Nani but she had calmed down a lot. For the past few days Stitch had been thinking of how he was going to prove his love for Angel. Even though Angel and him had gotten over the events of that night, he still wanted to do a little something special for her.

It was late afternoon and the sun was beginning it's journey towards the horizon. Stitch was sitting at the top of a lushes green palm along the golden sandy beach. He had a notepad in one hand and a worn down pencil in the other. He stared out into the horizon as he rhythmically tapped the pencils eraser against his chin. He had written down and scratched out many ideas onto the paper, he strained his mind trying to figure out the perfect something to do with Angel.

Stitch let out a frustrated sigh as he looked out over the ocean. "Hey Stitch! What are you doing up there?" yelled a voice from below.

Stitch leans over the edge and looks down towards the ground. Kioko was standing there with a grocery bag in his hand. "I'm thinking that's all." Said Stitch as he looked back towards the ocean.

"About what?" asked Kioko suddenly appearing next to Stitch, causing Stitch to fall out of the tree and land head first on the hard cement.

A moment later Stitch climbs back up to the top of the tree, rubbing his now throbbing head. He sat down next to Kioko and gave a sigh. "I'm trying to think of something special to do for Angel. You know to make up for what happened back there with Pantucka. Plus it's our anniversary coming up." Explained Stitch.

"Anniversary?" asked Kioko.

"Yeah, the anniversary of when me and her were reunited again. Which I don't think I ever thanked you for."

"Thanks are not necessary, I'm just happy that you two are together again. You guys make such a cute couple." Kioko said the last part in a babyish tone.

Stitch just blushed. "Yeah well… I guess we do. But anyway, I just can't think of anything. My romantic side must be on vacation." Said Stitch as he lowered his head.

"What about my "romantic dinner on the beach" idea. I'm sure you could pull that off?" suggested Kioko as he placed his hand on Stitch's shoulder.

Stitch raised his head. "That could work, but then I'd have to find the perfect spot, the perfect music, and I'd have to wait for perfect weather." Moaned Stitch.

Kioko laughed a little as he slapped Stitch on the back. "Stitch, buddy, I know the perfect spot, the perfect music and face it, this is Kauai the weather is always perfect."

"You really know all that?" asked Stitch a little skeptically.

"Of course I do. I may not show it, but I know how to make a night very romantic." Said Kioko with a shrug.

"I don't see you as being very romantic at all."

"Trust me; I know exactly how to set up the perfect evening for you and Angel. But in the end its you who has to make it the perfect evening." Said Kioko as he poked Stitch in the chest.

Stitch raised his eyebrow questionably. "What are you implying?" asked Stitch suspiciously.

A serious look came over Kioko's face. "Don't get nasty on me here. Just come over to my place tomorrow morning, I'll show you the perfect spot for your romantic evening." Kioko stood up and jumped down to the ground. "Remember, tomorrow morning." Yelled Kioko as he walked away.

Stitch just shrugged and climbed down the tree. He quickly headed home, interested in seeing this perfect spot tomorrow. The rest of the day went by quickly and soon everyone was turning in for the night. Stitch and Angel were one of the last ones to go to bed. Angel gave a sigh of relief as she crawled under the covers, Stitch soon joined her.

Angel looks over at Stitch, who was looking at the ceiling. "What are you doing?" asked Angel.

"What, oh, I was just thinking about tomorrow."

"Why, what do you have planned for tomorrow?" asked Angel.

Stitch looked over at her and gave a fiendish smile. "You'll find out soon."

"Ooh, a surprise. I love surprises." Said Angel as she snuggled up against Stitch.

Stitch just gave a small chuckle. "Goodnight Angel." Said Stitch as he gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

"Goodnight Stitch." Replied Angel as she gave him a small kiss back.

The two of them snuggled together and quickly fell asleep. Before long the bright morning sun shined through the windows, landing on Stitch's face and gently waking him. He slowly opened his eyes and sat up; he looked over to find Angel still asleep. He gave a small smile as he watched her ear twitch from an unknown dream. He carefully climbed out of bed and headed out the door. He climbed down the steps and made his way towards the kitchen. He heard Jumba and Pleakly talking or in other words arguing in their room, but other then them he didn't hear anyone else.

He grabbed a quick bite to eat from the fridge and quickly headed out for Kioko's house. It was unusually cool out as Stitch made his way down the trails leading to Kioko's cliff side home. Before long Stitch arrived at Kioko's house. He slowly made his way towards the front door.

"Kioko, are you here?" called Stitch as he stepped up to the front door. "Kioko?" continued Stitch as he opened the door and walked in.

The house was silent, almost eerily silent. The early morning sun shone through the windows in the kitchen, causing a few silvery utensils to sparkle. Stitch walked in, closing the door behind him with a loud slam that echoed through the home. Stitch walked towards the kitchen looking down the hallway that leads off from it.

"Kioko, are you here?" called Stitch again as he headed for the backdoor. He slid the clear glass door open and walked out into the backyard. It wasn't a big yard, the edge of the cliff sat about 90 feet from the backdoor. A single palm tree sat near the edge of the perilous cliff. "Kioko I'm getting annoyed. Now where are you?" yelled stitch as he looked around.

"I'm right behind you." Said Kioko in an evil sounding voice.

Stitch lets out a scream as he leaps to the top of the palm tree. He looks back down at Kioko, who had a wicked little grin on his face. "Stop doing that!" growled Stitch as he slide back down the tree. "Where were you anyway?"

Kioko just shrugged. "I was on the roof. I saw you walk in and I saw you walk out, and yet you didn't notice me. You're losing it my friend."

"Yeah, what ever. Now, where's this perfect spot that you told me about?" asked Stitch as he regained his composure.

"It's not far from here, come follow me." Instructed Kioko as he walked away.

Stitch nodded and soon followed Kioko. They made their way to the front of the house and walked across the street. They came to a path, hidden by thick foliage. Kioko motioned for Stitch to follow and the two of them stepped onto the path and began to make their way towards the spot. Minutes passed by as they went, neither of them said a word. There was only the sound of Kioko's weighted boots crushing twigs and leaves as he walked and Stitch's padded foot steps.

After about a half an hour later Kioko finally came to a stop. "I thought you said it wasn't far?" Complained Stitch.

"It wasn't far for me, I hope your not to tired." Said Kioko with a smirk.

Kioko walked through a few bushes and disappeared, leaving Stitch just standing there. "Your in an evil mood today aren't you?" growled Stitch as he followed.

A couple seconds later Stitch exits the forest and finds himself on a golden sandy beach. There was a high cliff a couple hundred yards away, towering over the soft sand. Kioko was standing in the middle of the beach, starring out at the crystal blue ocean. Stitch slowly walked up to him, feeling the soft sand below his feet.

"Is this the place?" asked Stitch as he looked out over the ocean as well.

"Yep, this is the place." Replied Kioko as he took a deep breathe.

"Well, it is beautiful. But I don't see what so amazingly romantic about it."

Kioko gave a small laugh. "Just you wait; this place doesn't become truly beautiful until the sun sets. Then this place becomes a 'lovers' paradise."

Stitch looked around at the beach; the sand was as soft as cotton and the lushes green foliage highlighted the crystal clear water. "So, you really think this is the perfect place?" blurted Stitch.

Kioko kneeled down next to the experiment and placed his hand on Stitch's shoulder. "Most definitely… but first we have some work to do." Said Kioko with a smile.

Stitch looked at the pirate and smiled back. "Yeah, we have to make this place even more perfect." Agreed Stitch.

"Alright then, lets get started." Said Kioko as he stood up.

Well, that's the end of the first chapter. I was going to make this a two chapter story, but I'm feeling pretty crumby right now and I just wanted to get this up before I lose all will to sit at my computer and type. I'll update as soon as possible. Please review, Later.