In Focus
A BTTF: Trilogy Story
By Flaming Trails
Disclaimer: I don't own BTTF. If I did, I'd probably have even more plotbunnies than I do now.
Notes: Written for the September BackToTheFanfic LJ challenge. Just a drabble that popped into my head. My fellow Doc-obsessed friends and I noticed this little discrepancy with Clara's telescope a while ago.
Saturday, September 5th, 1885
Hill Valley
10:21 A.M.
"Thank you for fixing my telescope."
"You're quite welcome." Doc watched as Clara left the blacksmith shop. She truly was a vision of loveliness -- that pert nose, that strong chin, that long, curly brown hair. . . . And she had gotten so close to him when demonstrating the telescope's malfunction. . . . If -- if only --
"It's a nice telescope."
Doc was startled out of his trance by the voice of Marty McFly. He turned to seeing the teenager looking at him with a half amused, half exasperated expression. "Yes, it is," he said hoarsely. He quickly cleared his throat and turned to his workbench. "Very well made. It should be easy to repair it. Even taking into account our attendance at the festival, I should have it back to her tonight."
"I would hope so, Doc." Marty smirked. "Especially since there's nothing wrong with it."
Doc looked at Marty sharply. "Are you accusing Clara of being a liar?"
"You tell me. She said that, if you turn it to one side, it turns fuzzy, right? And when you turn it to the other side, everything's fine?" Doc nodded. "Well, Doc, I'm no scientist, but -- isn't that called 'focusing?' What a telescope is supposed to do?"
There was a moment of silence. Then Doc felt a flush creep up his face. Marty smirked again. "Damned teenagers, think they know everything," he muttered, trying to save face. "There's a lot more to it, you know!"
"Like what?"
"Like -- like -- I don't have time to explain it to you!"
Marty laughed. "I knew it. Think of it this way, Doc -- she went to all that trouble just to flirt with you."
Doc blushed harder. "Marty, Clara is a gentlewoman, and she -- she -- you really think so?"
"Hey, Doc, it's obvious she likes you. You did save her life -- even if you weren't technically supposed to." Marty's smile vanished. "But Doc, I gotta say, you get pretty damn loopy around her. You guys would have gone on staring at each other forever if I hadn't done something. You have to focus, Doc -- we've gotta be ready to leave on Monday."
"I know, I know," Doc said, although secretly he was starting to wonder if both of them would be going. "But there's nothing wrong with attending the festival, right? It'll give us a much-needed break, and we'll be able to see Hill Valley history in action. We just need to keep our social interactions to a minimum."
"I guess not." Marty sighed. "I'm just worried, Doc. I want to go home."
"I know." Doc put a hand on his shoulder. "And I'll get you home. I promise." He squeezed Marty's shoulder, then released it and went over to the covered DeLorean. "Come on. We've got roughly nine and a half hours until we're expected at the festival. We might as well make completely sure nothing else is wrong with the car." He looked over at Clara's telescope and sighed softly. "And I'll give Clara's telescope a new polish. It's the least I can do."
Marty smiled again. "Yeah. So what are they going to have at the festival, anyway?"
The End