"Isn't he wonderful!" Bulma exclaimed as she held her child out for her friends to examine. The infant gurgled with contentedness as he was scrutinized by his mother's best friends.

"He's going to be very handsome," Chichi agreed as she tickled his cheek.

Beside her, Goku was giving him an Eskimo (AN or Inut, if you want to be politically correct) kiss. "Look at you, Trunks!" he exclaimed childishly.

Bulma shot him a weird look. "How did you know his name?"

Immediately, Goku leapt back against the wall as Trunks laughed in appreciation. "I…uh…Vegeta…um…gotta go!" He instant transmittioned outta there, ignoring the shrieks of protest coming from his wife and friend. When he reappeared, he was knocked over by a training Saiyan Prince.

"Kakarott! Where the hell did you come from?"

Goku scratched the back of his head and grinned stupidly. "I guess when I said your name, I thought of you when I did the instant transmittion," he replied sheepishly. "I was trying to go home."

Suddenly, Bulma and Chichi, with infant Trunks in tow, burst into the training room. "Goku," the blue-haired woman exclaimed, "you've got a helluva-lotta explaining to do!"

Goku sighed. This was going to be a long day….

I know, not much of an epilogue, right? Well, that's because I'm making a sequal to this story. Well, kind of. What I did is I went through the entire story and re-wrote it through the eyes of Piccolo and Goku instead of Bulma and Vegeta. To what extent did Piccolo and Goku go to? I think you're in for a surprise….

Read Partners-in-Crime to find out! I hope to see you there!