Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of its characters.

Chapter One: Back Again

I open my apartment door. 'That's strange' I think to myself 'It's never this quiet'. I decide to keep my purse with me. It has my keys, money, cell, peeper spray and make up. With this in mind I tiptoe towards the opened window. The cold winter air is gushing through, and I am trying to keep my teeth from chattering. I quickly inspect my apartment, finding nothing amiss. My apartment is in Manhattan, so you can pretty much guess the size. I am a criminal attorney and let's just say I carry the pepper spray for my not- to- happy former clients in prison. Just as I am taking off my stilettos, I hear it. The foot steps towards my door. Then the electricity is shut off. I quickly put on my coat, grab my I.D. place a pair of sneakers into a plastic bag by my side, take my shoes off, and try to climb out the window. This is when I think back to my father making me take karate classes since I was a kid. I mentally thank him. Because God only knows how I would make it out without this technique. 'Good I made it!' Just as I duck to start down the fire escape, the door opens… 'Oh shit, it's him'…and he's staring right at me.

I quickly duck my head and begin to climb down the ladder. My heart is beating so fast, I feel as though it will burst out of my chest. Just as my feet hit the ground I am slammed into the concrete ground. My head is burning. 'Oh God, that hurts.' I think as I try to roll over the person that tackled me. That's when he grabs my wrist above my head, and tangles my legs with his. My purse already fell from the impact. 'So there goes my pepper spray' I think nastily as he turns my face towards him.

"Did you think you could run away from me again?" he whispers harshly against my face.

"Draco" I whisper as I pass out…


I wake up only to find myself chained to a wall. My head feels as though it's splitting apart, and as I reach for it I see blood all around me. That's when it hits me. 'Draco got me…again…I am so dead this time. What am I going to do?' I begin to panic until I hear his voice.

"Hermione, Hermione, Hermione" he begins "what am I going to do with 'the' Hermione Granger?" he taunts, while his glittering eyes take in my appearance.

"Fuck you." I whisper as I cough out blood.

"What?" he leans in closer "I think I heard wrong. Don't you think so? How about we try that again." He continuously taunts as he grabs my chin.

"Fuck you" I scream in rage as he smirks.

"Take her to the dungeon!" He bellows.

That's when I see who is with him…Viktor Krum.

"Why?" I whisper as he lifts my weak form up.

"Because I can" he says as he throws me in the dungeon. 'What a welcome back to the wizarding world' I think as I begin to see black once again.