Disclaimer: I always forget to put this so please don't sue me. These characters are not mine. And shame on you if you believe so. I possess the story alone.

The Clear Blue Sky's the Limit

Chapter 2

I don't understand what James Potter is playing at. He fancies girl after girl, yet when one slips up with the three deadly words he scatters like a cockroach when you flip a light switch. I can almost see his brain flashing 'overload' in big neon lights, and possibly sirens wailing and amplified voices telling him 'back away from the girl.'

I must get to the bottom of it. I want him. I want him to love. Love me. Fearlessly. I must crumble that wall he has put up.

This afternoon I told him 'hello' in the hall… too bad he jumped nearly three feet. But…yes, there's an exception here, I thought…for a moment, after the look of bewilderment on his face had vanished, there was a glimmer of something in his eyes. Maybe…it was, a look of interest? It he should happen to fall for me…should I play hard to get? No…I don't think I should. We'll start out slow…or, moving at his pace. I'll see where that'll lead us.

However, if we remain in limbo too long and on his rules, I'll develop my own rules and take the reins.

Everyone can tell he has no real feelings of love or even potential love with any of those he's ever dated. They were fools, so infatuated with the fact that they were dating the infamous prankster hottie extraordinaire James Potter. Those pathetic few who developed their little obsessive fan clubs and actually saw James for who he really was, a boy, incapable of love. Romance, yes; love, impossible. Mysteriously, the club would dissipate, (another would always replace it) making the lives of the normal slightly less exciting.

On one instance of particular entertainment, the famous quad of mischief makers sat around the common room with a few of us Seventh years along with a mere handful of other studiers. Sirius Black was cackling like mad over the extensive numbers of fan clubs James had accumulated. James was oddly nonchalant about the whole situation. Intrigued, I listened in, tuning out the pages within my book. Not that there was anything to listen to because as if on cue, herds (not just one herd, many herds) of younger students came plowing through the portrait hole, screaming like the wild banshees of the moors. All identically adorned in "We love Sirius" "Sirius for Minister" "King Sirius" and "Will you marry me Sirius?" pins on every one of them. Needless to say they were all female, which was…a ridiculous relief.

James was stifling a burst of laughter. Sirius turned to him with a menacing but pathetic glare and said, "Don't say a word." James snorted and recovered with a, "Wasn't gonna say a thing mate."

He does love his friends. That's obvious. He'd do anything for those guys. Even die for them. As they would for him.

I won't be forward in this, I'll just casually and discreetly find myself in his path. I do hate this. I truly do. I feel like a stalker of some freakish compulsive Third year.

I find myself waiting for a trace of a smile upon his lips. In this strange quest for the love of James Potter, I have noticed something, or rather, not seen something. He has no fire in his eyes. There is not spark of lust in his eyes. Every teenage boy has it, by Merling, Remus has it! But James…he lacks it, not to say he doesn't think of it, or even pursue it, but he does not desire it.

Maybe if I can ignite that flame, or even possibly get him to smolder…that would be a start.

I am content with the friendly smiles and waves of acknowledgement. I begin to try harder tomorrow. Maybe something will occur…to break the ice, or that damned wall.

A/N: Holy cow! I haven't updated in forever. Sorry! Writers block sucks!