Disclaimer: I do not own anything but my own characters, everything belongs to Tolkien the genius.
Author's Note: This story is the sequel to my earlier fic "Pointy-Eared Mischief", which I would suggest everyone to read first before starting "Drunken Hobbits and Irishmen" so that it will make much more sense. I've got a little bit of a plot bunny for this but we'll have to see how it develops. This story is taking place approximately two and a half years after its prequel.
Chapter One: Welcoming
The Cardassian space station Terok Nor, renamed Deep Space 9 by Starfleet, silently stood as a sentinel at the gateway to the Gamma Quadrant. Ships and people from across the Alpha and Beta Quadrants came to this oasis on the frontier of the Federation before continuing on their way to other destinations. Each day that passed was as different as the visitors passing through but a little excitement always greeted each day be it a crime foiled by Constable Odo, a new drink concoction from Quark's bar, or a new shop opening on the Promenade.
Chief of Operations Miles O'Brien was working an extra shift late that night in Ops to fix a malfunctioning power coupling and a fluctuation in the shield generators. Captain Benjamin Sisko had been very adamant that the generators had to be repaired by the next morning. The situation with the Klingons withdrawing from the Khitomer Peace Accords earlier that year had kept things tense and Sisko did not want to take any chances. A few of O'Brien's engineers who were on duty that shift were out taking care of other minor problems while he dealt with the primary issues. Usually O'Brien would take the time to explain to his young engineers what needed to be done and how to do it so their jobs would also be a learning experience. Tonight was a different story since the greater problems needed a special care only he could give.
Most of the other senior officers were fast asleep in their beds but strangely enough, Lieutenant Commander Worf was wide-awake and tending to some work of his own in Ops. Even if the Klingon was incredibly quiet when he had nothing to say, it was comforting to O'Brien to have his long time colleague from the Enterprise around nonetheless. Worf seemed to bring a little comfort to the crew since he was intimately familiar with their latest foes. A few still were taking time to warm up to him but they would eventually, or so O'Brien thought.
It was a great surprise to all on duty or present when the hailing call came in to Ops. The beeping console and computer warning was not immediately acknowledged but instead everyone looked about as if they had never heard the noise before. Stepping into command posture, Worf came forward to the communications console where a young ensign was checking the status of the message.
"Report," Worf ordered her as he came to her side.
"There's a ship a light year away sending the call," the young crewmember said as she continued to work. "The visual is scrambled and I'm having difficulty getting audio."
"Let me see what the problem is," O'Brien said coming to her side and going through several quick diagnostics. "There, that should make it a little clearer."
The message was still filled with static but a voice could be barely heard over the noise asking for assistance.
"Can you scan the vessel on long range sensors? What kind of ship is it?" Worf asked.
"No, the computer doesn't recognize the power signature and the sensors cannot penetrate the hull," the ensign informed him. "But from what I can tell, their engines seem to be malfunctioning so they are traveling at full impulse speed and their hull is damaged as if they were attacked."
After checking the size of the approaching ship, Worf gave his orders.
"Once they are in range, try to send a message to them to shut down their engines," he said. "Use the tractor beam to bring the ship to the outer docking ring at airlock seven."
"Aye, sir," the ensign confirmed.
"Chief, we may need your assistance," Worf said looking to his friend.
"I'm already ahead of ya'," the Irishman said as he joined him at the lift with toolbox in hand.
"Security to airlock seven," Worf gave the command over the comm system, not wanting to take any chances with the unknown visitors. "Worf to Sisko. Captain, I am sorry to bother you but we have an unidentified ship approaching the station. They seem to pose no threat to us at the moment but sensors were unable to scan beyond the hull. I have dispatched security teams to airlock seven."
"I will meet you there, Sisko out," the captain responded.
Throwing the covers off of himself, Sisko slipped out of bed with a sigh. He had just decided to go to sleep when he received Worf's communication. As a captain, Sisko did not always have the luxury of a full night's sleep but lately things had been rather calm thus giving him more of a chance to have a few extra winks a night. The quiet in the sector had been unnerving to him and he could just feel something insanely big creeping up on him.
Putting on his uniform, Sisko made his way out to the corridor so he could meet Worf and the others at the airlock. He had a little while until the ship would be in range so he would arrive just in time for the docking. The captain wondered to himself who could possibly be on the ship and where they were from. Klingons certainly would not use a ruse with such manipulative secrecy to make an attack since such a plan would be dishonorable without facing one's opponent. The Changelings of the Dominion were more likely to use such tactics but Sisko had a feeling this visitors were not them. After taking the lift and walking through several corridor sections, Sisko arrived at his destination where several yellow-uniformed security officers stood alongside Worf, O'Brien, and Odo who had also been notified when the call for security came through. The Changeling Security Chief was a great asset for the crew and station and was always on hand during odd situations such as this.
Sisko heard the latching of the docking mechanism to the alien ship as he came closer, the security guards with hand-held phasers and phaser rifles ready. O'Brien was already checking the panel on the side of the door to make sure there were no gaseous vapors or dangerous smoke coming from the inside of the ship that might greet them upon opening the airlock to the station.
"Looks good to me, sirs," O'Brien said to Sisko and Worf.
"Open it, Chief," the captain said. "Let's see what we have here."
The circular, cog-looking door slid to the side, as did its counterpart at the other end of the airlock. Moments later, a few figures walked forward in long robes but they hesitantly approached as if they did not know if their safety was certain. The one furthest ahead was taller than most men and his hair a golden mane flowing off his shoulders and down his back. His sharp, green eyes surveyed those in front of him carefully until they lit up with surprise and recognition.
"Worf!" he called to his friend, coming forward faster and less cautiously. "I did not expect to see you here."
"Nor did I you," Worf said, noticing the curious glances from those around him then turned to the Odo and the security men. "It is all right, he is no danger to us."
The security men stood down and moved out of the way as the rest of the people coming from the ship walked through the airlock into the corridor. Worf moved to the side so that the others with him could see the new visitors.
"This is Lord Glorfindel," Worf introduced the person who had greeted him. "He and I met a few years ago while I was on the Enterprise."
"I am Captain Benjamin Sisko and welcome to Deep Space 9," the tall, dark command officer said to the lord.
"It is an honor to meet you, sir," Glorfindel said with a short bow of his head before stepping aside. "I would like to introduce Lord Elrond, to whom I am in service as steward and captain, and his councilor Lord Erestor. Then these two great fellows are Bilbo Baggins and his nephew Frodo."
The dark-haired lord of Imladris stepped forward with a grim face but tried to be courteous nonetheless. Just behind him stood Erestor and two short men who had been named as Bilbo and Frodo. Bilbo had white hair and a fair share of wrinkles though seemed a happy individual as he hobbled up on his cane. He, however, seemed to have a dark cloud about him but smiled anyway as he looked up at the tall companions around him. Frodo, on the other hand, was much younger and appeared more distressed than his uncle but looked as if he was keeping himself calm for the time being.
"Glad to meet you," Sisko said though still confused at this strange reunion Worf was having with these people. "I should introduce my officers here with us. This is my Chief of Operations Miles O'Brien, Chief of Security Constable Odo, and you are already familiar with Commander Worf."
Sisko could have sworn Elrond eyed Odo carefully, as if he sized him up and down in mere seconds. There was something strange in the lord's eyes when he viewed the constable.
"Captain, we greatly appreciate your kindness and help with our distress," Elrond spoke up, his voice commanding and strong like a leader. "There is a great deal that has happened to us ere our arrival here. We assisted Captain Picard's crew and the Federation when they came to our world years ago on an incredibly important mission. Hopefully you, as a representative of the Federation, can return the favor to help repair our ship so that we can be on our way as soon as possible."
"We can start repairs on your ship immediately," Sisko said with an upturned eyebrow then turned to O'Brien who gave him a nod of agreement. "For now I suggest you get some rest. Worf, perhaps you could take them to some vacant guest quarters."
"Of course, Captain," the Klingon said.
"Thank you," Elrond said gratefully. "I have more crew onboard who can assist your engineers with our systems. They may be fairly strange to them at first but with the knowledge of those who came with us it should be not take long."
"I will leave you to Mr. Worf then," Sisko said as he stepped back. "While you are here, make yourselves at home on my station."
All of them bowed with thanks as Sisko turned back down the corridor, the security team, O'Brien, and Odo following him. Worf led the way in the opposite direction for the visitors to follow him to the habitat ring.
"What do you make of these people, Captain?" Odo asked as soon as they were out of earshot.
"I am not sure but I mean to ask Worf about it first thing in the morning when he comes on duty," Sisko said in response.
"Did you see their ears? They were pointed like a Vulcan or Romulan," O'Brien pointed out. "Though, I don't think they are either of 'em."
"Neither do I," Sisko said as he mulled things over in his head.
"Our situation is made much easier with your being here, Worf," Glorfindel said as they headed to the quarters they would be assigned. "The Valar must have helped guide us today."
"Indeed," Elrond said as they continued on. "I am certain your Captain would want to hear more about us in the morning and I will give him the information he desires. Tell me, what did Picard and Riker tell their superiors after their retrieval of Ambassador Spock?"
"They left out the details of meeting you, your people and the situation on your planet," Worf offered. "It was stated as a basic rescue and retrieval mission on an uninhabited world."
"I see," Elrond said quietly as he appeared in deep thought. "Though it seems our language has been added into your… database… for the universal translator? I see we can speak as easily as we did after you spent more time on our world."
"You are correct," Worf said. "Though very few ever check to see where those additions come from."
From behind them, Worf could hear Erestor speak to Elrond in another tongue that seemed garbled to him through the translator but a few words made it through. He did not ask about it but they had arrived at the rooms and Worf tapped the door panel to let them inside.
"I hope these quarters are acceptable," Worf said as he watched them wander about and peer out the windows.
"Very. Thanks, my friend," Glorfindel said as he approached Worf while Elrond wandered across the room with Bilbo in tow. "I do hope your crew can help us be ready in a matter of a few days or week."
"What is wrong?" Worf asked inquisitively.
Glorfindel set his jaw, clenching his teeth, as he seemed to lose his once friendly demeanor.
"When we were attacked our foes boarded our ship and we realized they are enemies of the Valar. During the melee they kidnapped two of our passengers so we must track them down."
"That is peculiar," Worf said thoughtfully. "Whom did they take?"
Glorfindel sighed deeply in regret, a touch of anger lining his features, "Gandalf and Lady Galadriel."
To be continued…