Summary: It's the day of the wedding at last...will there be Happy Endings all round?

Disclaimer: These characters belong to JK Rowling, except for a couple I've added.

Author's Notes: Well, I feel guilty that Harry had such a bad time in Part 6 - knocked unconscious, drugged, victim of bloodletting by the deranged Malfoy...etc, etc. So the last part is going to be from Harry's POV, he deserves a break! WARNING! Slushy stuff ahead - well, it is a wedding, after all - hankies at the ready...

This story has seven parts:
1. Harry. 2. Hermione. 3. Ron. 4. The Party. 5. The Danger. 6. The Long Night. 7. The Dawn.

Part 7: The Dawn.


Harry stirred, and groaned, trying to fight off the thick mists of drowsiness in his brain. His right arm felt curiously stiff and sore, too. Someone was shaking his shoulder.

"Harry! Wake up!"

It sounded like Hermione...Puzzled, Harry forced his eyes open. He saw in front of him the gloom of early dawn through a windscreen. Gradually, he realised that he was sitting in the front seat of Hermione's car, and that she was leaning over him anxiously.

"Harry, we need to get into the house before anyone realises we've gone," she was saying. "Can you walk by yourself?"

Can I? Harry asked himself, and made the effort to climb out of the car, stiffly and painfully. "Ouch!" He banged his arm on the car door, and staggered for a moment, still dopey.

Someone caught his shoulders in a firm grip from behind and propped him up. "C'mon, get moving," Ron's voice said in his ear.

"Where are we?" Harry asked, disorientated.

Hermione, shutting the car door behind him, looked worried at this. "At The Burrow. Do you remember what happened?"

"Um..." It was coming back now. "I got knocked out...and when I woke up there was Malfoy ranting on about me killing his father, and...Lockhart was there too, I think...and they kept giving me stuff, some sort of sleeping draught...and then you rushed in with a load of other people I don't know..."

"Yep, that's about it," Ron agreed, holding Harry's uninjured arm and manhandling him through the yard towards the kitchen door. The sky was still mostly dark, but the pink fingers of dawn were streaking the sky to the east. "We can fill in the details later. Right now, we need to get you into bed so you can get some sleep before this wedding."

"Oh God!" Alarm bells were ringing in Harry's clouded brain. "Ginny - the wedding! What time is it?"

"Twenty past four," said Hermione, opening the door for them. "So stop panicking. You can have at least two hours' sleep before anyone starts getting up."

"And no one's missed us, including Mum and Ginny, I hope," said Ron, looking cautiously around as they entered the darkened kitchen. He breathed a sigh of relief as he steered Harry to a chair. "Nope, we seem to have got away with it. I was half expecting Mum to be waiting to brain me with a saucepan."

"Let's hope that if they notice Harry looking a bit rough this morning, they put it down to his having been in the pub last night," said Hermione dryly.

Harry blinked. The mists were starting to clear a bit now, and he looked puzzledly from one of his best friends to the other. The three of them being all together like this was giving him a powerful sense of deja vu; a flashback to earlier days. "But what I don't understand is - how did you both come to be at Malfoy's place? And who were all those other people?"

"M.L.E.S., like me," said Ron.

"It's a long story, Harry," said Hermione. "All you need to know for now is that Malfoy and Lockhart are safely under guard, we're safely here, and you're pretty lucky to make it to your wedding day!"

"We're going to have to tell Mum and Dad - and the others - about all this," Ron said quietly, "but I think we should leave it till after the wedding. Don't want to spoil the day or cause a panic about what might have been. They'll have to know in the end, though, - Malfoy's arrest will be all over the "Daily Prophet", and you'll have to make a statement, Harry."

Harry and Hermione both nodded in agreement. "Ginny's going to be horrified when she finds out," said Harry. He yawned widely, rubbing the dark stubble on his jaw. "That stuff was powerful - I still feel half-asleep -"

"Better get some rest, then," said Hermione, and they left the kitchen, heading for their bedrooms and a few hours' sleep. Harry pulled off his clothes, fell into bed and knew nothing but oblivion until Mrs. Weasley knocked on his door with a cup of tea at seven.

"Morning, Harry!" She bustled over to draw the curtains. "Did you sleep well? What time did you get back from the village last night?"

"Oh - er - quite late," Harry mumbled, his face still buried in his pillow. When she had gone, he got up, splashed cold water on his face, and felt much better, though he could have done with a few more hours' sleep, and his upper arm was still sore where Malfoy had taken blood.

The whole family squashed into the kitchen for breakfast, wearing a motley assortment of dressing-gowns, T-shirts and shorts prior to changing into their wedding finery later. The only absentee was Ginny, who was being given breakfast in bed, since her mother considered this the bride's prerogative. Hermione was already at the table when Harry arrived, and she had managed to look surprisingly fresh considering how little sleep she had had. Ron came in a few minutes later, looking a little hollow-eyed. He was pounced on by Eliza, who dragged him to a chair next to her and opposite Hermione, before bombarding him with a torrent of talk about the wedding.

Most of the Weasleys ate heartily, talking cheerfully about the plans for the day. Harry, still feeling the after-effects of the sleeping draught, only ate toast and nursed a cup of tea. He smiled as he watched Ron mustering up the energy to make token replies to Eliza's barrage of questions. Hermione passed Ron the marmalade, and he gave her a quick, tired smile. Harry made a mental note to get the full story of the night's events out of one of his friends later, now that he was alert enough to take it in. He would still like to know how Ron and Hermione, who hadn't even been on speaking terms for the last six years, had come to team up to rescue him from Malfoy's house. Whatever had happened, they seemed to be on at least friendly terms again, for which Harry was deeply thankful. Having two of his best friends estranged for so long had been a definite strain.

Other people's thoughts were obviously going along similar lines, because Mrs. Weasley stopped Harry later, in the passageway as he was on his way upstairs to dress for the wedding. "Did you have a talk with Ron and Hermione yesterday?" she asked.

"Um - how do you mean?"

"Well, I just wondered - last night at the party they hardly spoke to each other all evening, and this morning they seem to be quite friendly. Did something happen?"

"Maybe they had a talk - I don't know anything about it, sorry," Harry said, escaping upstairs. As he reached the third landing, he paused outside Ginny's door. "Gin?"

He heard the creak as she got out of bed, and footsteps padding to the door, before she said through the door, "Harry?"

"Yeah. I won't come in, your mum has a bee in her bonnet about this bad luck thing. Are you OK?"

She sounded as if she was smiling. "Yes, I'm fine. A few butterflies, but - I'm glad you're back, I was a bit worried when you disappeared last night, with only that note -"

"I know. I'm sorry. I'll see you later, all right?"

"All right."

"And don't panic, OK? - everything will go according to plan - and I love you."

"I love you too, but I just wish we were back home in Hogsmeade and all this hu-ha was over!"

Harry laughed, and continued on his way upstairs.

He had nearly finished putting on his suit, and was checking the mirror to make sure the bandage on his arm didn't show under his jacket, when there was a knock on his bedroom door. Ron sidled in, also mostly dressed, and fiddling unsuccessfully with his buttonhole, which he couldn't fix to his lapel. "How d'you feel now?" he asked.

"Fine. Much better."

"Well, you look pretty good for someone who's been up all night being kidnapped and bashed on the head," Ron admitted, throwing his buttonhole on a chair in defeat. He stared out of the window at the bustle of activity below in the yard - the caterers had arrived.

There was another knock on the door. "Can I come in?" asked Hermione, before she entered. "Ginny asked me to check for her that you were both presentable. Harry, your tie's horribly crooked." She adjusted it deftly, then flicked at his unruly black hair, without much effect. "Yes, you look quite nice." She turned to Ron. "Where's your buttonhole?"

Ron pointed to the chair. "The pin keeps falling out."

"Give it here." She took the buttonhole and carefully pinned it into his lapel. Harry didn't miss the expression on Ron's face as he looked down at her head, bent in concentration over his jacket. "There. Done it." She stood back to look at both of them. "You'll do," she said finally. "In fact, I don't think I've ever seen the two of you looking so smart."

"You look gorgeous, Hermione," said Harry, surveying her in return. She was wearing a cream silk suit with a spray of flowers on her jacket and her brown hair shone. A bridemaid's dress definitely wouldn't have suited her so well.

Ron didn't say anything, but Harry noticed the way he looked at her, before he realized what he was doing, and coughed. "Um - I exchanged some more communications with the C.E.O. before breakfast," he said. "Malfoy and Lockhart are now on their way to London under guard, and they'll be questioned there. I have to get back there tomorrow to make my report, and the C.E.O. would like both of you to make statements some time during the next week - as soon as it's convenient. Of course, you'll have to tell Ginny what happened first, Harry."

"Yeah." Harry looked seriously at his two friends. "Listen, I still don't know the whole story, but I just want to say - thanks for rescuing me. If you hadn't come when you did - well, there might not be a wedding today at all."

Ron shrugged, and grinned. "Just doing my job."

"What, your job as an Enforcer?"

"No, my job as your best man! It's my job to make sure the bridegroom turns up on time for the wedding, and I'm going to make damn certain you do!"

They all had to laugh at that.

"It was a lovely ceremony," Minerva McGonagall, the Headmistress of Hogwarts, told Harry several hours later, as they stood chatting at the wedding reception. Once again, the Weasleys' house and garden were thronged with people, this time in afternoon sunlight. Professor McGonagall had arrived, with Neville Longbottom and many other guests, on the express special that morning. "I hope you'll be very happy." She looked around at the scene. Everyone was now eating, chatting and dancing. Mrs. Weasley and her helpers were passing out pieces of cake, and Fred had taken control of the music. Harry had already had two dances with Ginny, who was now being spun round the garden by Percy, and putting a brave face on it as her toes were trampled on.

"Thanks," said Harry. "I thought Ron's speech was very good - better than mine."

"Oh no, you both did well," Professor McGonagall said, which Harry thought was some of the most effusive praise he had ever heard from her. "Ah - Miss Granger!" she added, as Hermione and Remus Lupin joined them. "I know this isn't really the time and place to mention it, but have you thought any more about my job offer?"

Hermione smiled. "Yes, I have thought about it, and I think I *would* like to take the Transfiguration job in September - maybe it is time for a change. And I can still keep writing in my spare time, and travel in the holidays."

"Excellent!" Professors McGonagall and Lupin both looked delighted at her decision.

"That's great, 'Mione," said Harry. "Ginny and I will be back in Hogsmeade and we'll be able to see loads of you."

"Well, teaching can't be any more hectic than coming here has been," Hermione said wryly. She turned to the two Hogwarts teachers. "You'll never guess how close this wedding came to disaster."

"What do you mean?"

"Never mind - you can read all about it in tomorrow's "Daily Prophet"," said Harry, puzzling them.

Fred called, "Come on everyone! On your feet! Get dancing!" as a new tune began.

Hermione turned to Harry. "Any chance of me getting to dance with the bridegroom?"

"Go on then, you two," said Lupin, before adding softly to Harry, "But can I have a quiet word with you later on? I've got a present for you." Harry nodded in slight surprise, and followed Hermione to find a clear space among the dancers.

"Are you glad you came?" Harry asked her, as they began to dance.

"Yes, I think so. I had second thoughts about coming, you know? - I thought it would be very difficult, being here after all this time, and seeing Ron, but I'm glad I came now," Hermione said, surprising him with her frankness, before she added, "I wouldn't really have wanted to miss your wedding, Harry."

"You and Ron seem to be getting on a lot better now," Harry said carefully.

"Yes, well, last night helped," Hermione said sheepishly. "Working together to get the better of Malfoy - well, it was quite like old times. And - and I'm glad Ron doesn't hate me any more."

"I don't think he ever *hated* you, 'Mione."

"No, well..." Hermione looked serious. "When I met him again, I thought he'd changed a lot, and he has, in some ways. His life revolves around his work, doesn't it? - but he's good at it. When I saw him organizing his squad last night, I suddenly thought about how good he used to be at chess - planning who should go where, how to attack and how to defend. It's the same sort of thing, isn't it?"

"I suppose so," Harry agreed, intrigued by how deeply she had obviously been thinking about it.

"I'm glad he enjoys his work. I suppose it helped him to forget about Bill's death and - and all that."

"I think you've used your work to forget about other things too, these last few years, haven't you?" Harry asked her, steering her away from a bunch of his Hogsmeade Hurricanes team-mates, who were getting rather rowdy on Butterbeer.

"Maybe." They both smiled as they looked across at Ron. After dancing with Susan, he had now been grabbed by Eliza, and he was picking her up and twirling her around in time to the music as she shrieked in delight.
"Anyway, I hope we can be friends again now," Hermione added.

"Perhaps you can be more than that, again?" Harry suggested. Hermione flushed, and looked down at her shoes.

"I don't know about that - it was a long time ago, Harry."

Harry said nothing more. When the music ended, Neville came to ask Hermione for a dance, and Harry went in search of Lupin. He found him indoors, having a quiet drink. "Ah, Harry." Lupin fumbled in his pockets. "I wanted to give you this when no one else was around." He handed over a small, rectangular package wrapped in tissue paper. "I know you already have a similar one in your album, but this one's rather nice, and I thought it would be a good thing to give you today."

Harry unwrapped the package. Inside a silver frame, backed with black velvet, was a wizard photograph of his parents' wedding. His parents, James and Lily, were waving and smiling from the frame. On one side of them stood the familiar figure of the late Albus Dumbledore; on the other side, two smiling young men, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black.

"I'm the only one of us who was able to be with you today, Harry," Lupin said gently, "but I know that James and Lily, and Sirius, and Albus, would all give you their love and best wishes if they were here."

Harry couldn't speak for a moment, and while he was trying to find words, Lupin added, "Today reminds me of that day very much - that was a very happy day, and so is this."

"Thanks, Remus," Harry said at last. "Ginny will love it." He smiled at his friend, took another long look at the old photograph, and tucked it into his inside jacket pocket before going slowly outside again into the garden. He walked towards Ron, who was sitting on the steps, a glass in one hand, having a quiet moment.


"Hey." Ron moved over to make room for Harry. "Everyone seems to be having a good time."

"Yeah." Harry's gaze searched for Ginny in the throng, and found her dancing with Colin Creevey. She had managed to get over her dislike of huge parties, and had looked radiantly happy all afternoon. Harry smiled, before turning back to Ron. "Not dancing?"

"I've just escaped from Aunt Violet," Ron explained, shuddering slightly.

Harry changed the subject. "Have you heard, Hermione's decided to teach at Hogwarts next September?"

"Has she?"

"Yes. So we'll be seeing a lot more of her, I hope." Harry paused, then went on, "I know you're always busy at work, but you know you're welcome to come and stay with us, whenever you want to - Ginny and I would like to see more of you, too."

"Yeah, I'd like to come to Hogsmeade sometimes - catch up with everybody," Ron said, his tone so expressionless that Harry couldn't tell if he was thinking of anyone in particular. Ron sipped his drink, screwed his eyes up against the sunshine, and ran a hand through his red hair, dishevelled again by this time. "I've got some leave time owing to me, as well - when I've finished writing reports on all this mess."

"Wonder what they'll do to Malfoy and Lockhart?"

Ron shrugged. "It's up to the Ministry. I'm going to get our specialists to test that sleeping draught, too - I'd love to prove Snape is supplying stuff to the Dark Arts circle, but I doubt I ever will."

"Oh, you never know, you might get lucky," Harry said encouragingly. He looked across at the dancers again, as the music changed. Charlie and Susan were dancing together now, keeping a watchful eye on Eliza as she "helped" her Uncle Fred with the music. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were dancing together too, looking a bit weary, but happy with the success of the day. George Weasley was twirling Professor McGonagall about, and, amazingly, she seemed to be enjoying it, although Remus Lupin was laughing at the sight as he danced with Penelope Weasley. Hermione had an long-suffering expression on her face as she was manhandled by Percy, who looked as though he was lecturing her on the latest important developments at the Ministry.

"Hermione seems to have fallen victim to Percy," Harry said. "I'd go and rescue her, but I have to go and find Ginny now," he added meaningly.

Ron put down his glass and rose to his feet. "All right, Harry, I can take a hint." Surprised, and rather pleased, Harry watched his friend weave a path through the throng until he reached Percy and Hermione. Ron tapped on his brother's shoulder, and Percy turned, said something, nodded politely to Hermione and took himself off, leaving Ron and Hermione together. Harry couldn't see Hermione's face, as her back was towards him, but he watched her put her hand on Ron's shoulder and tilt her face up to speak to him as he drew her into the dance.

"I wondered where you'd got to," said a new voice.

Ginny had come up behind Harry without him noticing. She leant against his back and put her arms around his waist from behind.

"Tired?" Harry asked her.

"A bit, but I'm still enjoying myself. Have you seen McGonagall dancing with George? It's a riot."

Harry twisted round to grin down at his wife. Ginny's red hair had been swept up on top of her head, and studded with flowers, but tendrils of hair were escaping and falling down past her cheek. Harry curled one wisp round his finger. "Actually, I was watching Ron."

Ginny looked past him, and raised one eyebrow as she gazed at Ron and Hermione, who weren't actually dancing much but seemed to be having a very engrossing conversation. "I was right, you know. They still make a cute couple."

"Just let them have some time to think things out," Harry warned her. "Don't go trying to play Cupid."

"I don't think I need to," Ginny said calmly. "Want some cake?"


Or is it....? I really didn't mean to take this any further, but I'm now being bugged by questions. How will Hermione get on at Hogwarts? Will Ron and his heroic colleagues succeed in pinning anything on Snape? Will Malfoy evade Azkaban? Will the course of true love run smoothly? Oh no, I feel another story coming on...

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this one. Please review - if there aren't any reviews I get depressed and think no one likes it!