Pvt. Andrew Jenkins looked around the interior of the dropship, nothing but cold steel, unforgiving. He checked his standard issue USC AWS (Assault Weapon System), A 3-in-1 package, containing a bullup design 7.62mm assault rifle, 10 gauge automatic shotgun, and a 4-shot rotating 40mm grenade launcher. He slid the rifle magazine back into the gun and chambered a round, getting ready for what was to come. He set his rifle on his lap and took out a photograph of his family. He eyed it for a moment, reflecting on what he was missing at home.
Another Trooper stepped out of the cockpit, dressed in the same armor as Jenkins, making him look at least twice his size, yet surprisingly comfortable. Having a nearly full suit of armor would protect them from almost every infantry weapon the EMF Marines could throw at them, but the USC Troopers are far better equipped and better trained. The Trooper had sergeant stripes on his armor, as well as red accents, a custom job by him, like war stripes.
"Listen up, ladies," Sarge said in a gruff voice, "The EMF is throwing a party, and you're invited."
"Hell yeah, Sarge," said one of the Troopers close to the drop door on the other side of the ship.
The Trooper on the right of Jenkins leaned over and looked at his picture.
"That your family?" questioned Sanchez, his face hidden by his full helmet, just like the rest of the Troopers.
"Yeah," replied Jenkins, "Soon as this all over with, I am staying at home."
"Won't we all?" said Sanchez with a laugh.
Sarge stepped in there direction.
"Cut the chit-chat," He ordered, preparing himself for a speech.
Jenkins stuffed the picture in his pocket, the only one not occupied by ammunition of any kind.
"Who are we?" Sarge asked, getting his men riled up.
"USC Troopers, Sergeant!" the replied in unison.
"What do we do?" Sarge continued.
"Kill, Kill, Kill, Sergeant!" they did in the same fashion.
"How?" Sarge kept going, getting his men ready for their drop into hell.
"Shoot 'em in the head, shoot 'em in the head, Sergeant!" his men replied with emotion.
"Who's the best?" said the Sarge, almost finished.
"USC Troopers, Sergeant!" they replied louder than before.
"I can't hear you," Sarge said, loving it
"USC TROOPERS, Sergeant!" they screamed at the top of their lungs.
"Glad to hear it," Sarge finished, "'soon as that door opens, give 'em hell."
"OOOOOH YEAH!" screamed another Trooper, ready to take it to the EMF Marines.
The dropship neared its destination, slowing down and descending into a clearing that looked like a city park. The Earth had been basically converted into one large city, only a few places were uninhabited, the rest was sprawling metropolis, making it even easier for the USC to attack, their infantry is the best at urban assault. Jenkins grabbed his rifle, activated his HUD in his helmet, and braced himself for the landing. The ship thudded on the ground, shaking everything in the infantry hold. The door released and slammed to the ground, the Troopers running out before it had even touched the Earth below. Jenkins took a knee, just as the rest, setting up a makeshift perimeter for defense until everyone was off of the dropships. The door lifted and the ships took off, leaving behind roughly 30 Troopers in an area controlled by EMF Marines by the hundreds. Sarge was the last off of the dropship Jenkins was in, he crept over to him, taking a knee as the rest of the platoon did.
"Your green, aren't you, Private?" questioned Sarge, whispering to him.
"Yes, Sergeant," replied Jenkins, following protocol.
"You won't be after this," Sarge stated, "just keep your cool, keep your head up and your ass down and there will be no problems."
"Got it, Sergeant," Jenkins replied again, watching his field of fire.
Sarge motioned for Sanchez to come over. Sanchez did so, taking a knee next to Sarge and Jenkins.
"Yes, Sergeant?" Sanchez questioned.
"You're leading second squad," replied Sarge, "I have first."
"Yes, Sergeant," obeyed Sanchez, creeping through the trees to the second group of Troopers set down only a few meters away.
"Com check, Troopers," Sarge ordered on the team frequency.
His HUD filled up with dots that double flashed above each Trooper's head.
"Good," Sarge commented, "form up with you squad leader, spread out, watch for any enemy activity."
Jenkins was second from point, right behind Sarge, making their way to the street next to the park. Sarge signaled for a "Danger zone", being caught out in the open was a soldier's worst fear in Urban Assault. The set up defensively, allowing Troopers to cross, one at a time, to the building across the 4-lane wide street, which was empty of civilian population due to forced evacuation by the EMF. Civilian cars were parked, but again, empty, making the area feel like a ghost-town. Jenkins was now at the end of the formation, making sure everyone else was across before he crossed. He jogged across, his gear slowing him down only a little due to the new materials the USC had used to make equipment out of, especially the AWS. The AWS would be impractically heavy if it weren't for the new materials the USC created. Jenkins continued his jog, clearing the road, and pressing his back against the building wall on the other side. Sarge signaled that he heard something down the alley. Jenkins peeked around the corner. He saw 2 EMF Marines, basic infantry, walking down the alley with now disregard that there is the slight possibility that an enemy could be in the area. Jenkins could hear them talking.
"Why do we always get the shit patrols?" questioned one, kicking a rock that rolled past Jenkins' foot.
"I don't know," replied the other, holding his gun with one hand up in the air, supported by the carrying strap around his arm.
"I think our C.0. hates us for some reason," commented the first, scuffing his boots across the ground, making all kinds of noise.
"Because you slept with his daughter on her visit maybe?" inquired the other.
"Probably," the first said with a grin, relinquishing the moment he had with her.
Jenkins signaled for shotguns to be used, since they were walking towards them, rifles would be too powerful at that close of a range and go all the way through the target. The 2 inept Marines neared closer, only one could effectively retaliate because the other had his assault rifle pointed in the air. The Marines were close enough for Jenkins to touch, but they weren't paying any attention to the Troopers on either side of the alley against the walls, waiting for them.
"It's not like the USC is dumb enough to attack anyways, we have this sector secure," commented the first, his back to Jenkins.
Jenkins stuck his muzzle of his gun in his back and said:
"Think again, asshole," He pulled the trigger, firing a 10 ga. round into his back, spewing a fountain of blood out his chest. The Marine was dead before he hit the ground. The other who had his gun in the air, turned to see his friend's guts be blown out his chest.
"What the f-" he was cut short by an AWS butt to the back of the head from Sarge.
"Messy, aren't we, Jenkins?" questioned Sarge, looking at the blood splattered from the shotgun blast, the Marine's intestines were visible from the exit wound.
"Sorry, Sergeant," Jenkins replied, switching his AWS back to assault rifle mode.
"Hide the bodies, let's go," Sarge ordered over the squad's frequency.
"1 is still alive though, Sergeant," informed one of the Troopers.
Sarge fired a 3 round burst into the Marine's head, causing an explosion of flesh and blood inside of the Marine's helmet, splattering the Trooper.
"Not anymore, let's go," repeated the Sarge in the same manner, leading his men down the alley.