For the last time we do not own Yu-gi-oh or Sleeping Beauty! Now do you get it?

"Prince Phillip, and the reluctant fairies, set of to Mai's large scary castle to duel her for the princess. By sunset they are at the castle gates." Ryou narrated.

Marik's arm was bandaged by Mokuba, "How do we get inside?"

"You should know the answer to that by now." Bakura answered, coming onto the set.

Bakura uses his millennium ring to get them somewhere inside the castle. They end up in the main dungeon where the cruel Maleficent is throwing a party in honor of catching the princess. Marik starts to eat some of the party food.

"What are you doing?" Bakura asked.

"I'm starving. Us fairies are in almost every scene. I haven't had lunch yet." Marik explained.

"It wouldn't hurt to take a little lunch beak." Seto shrugged.

"Don't you numb skulls realize that, that food is made of wax?" Bakura thundered in the background while Marik and Seto stuff their faces.

Marik and Seto start spitting out the "fruit" they had just eaten.

"Couldn't you taste the difference?" Yami wondered.

"I'm used to eating bland stuff." Marik whimpered.

Yami turns to Seto, "What's your excuse?"

Mokuba interrupts him, "I don't think Seto has taste buds. I put worms in his spaghetti once (Seto: What! O.O) and he didn't notice a thing. It was really disappointing."

Everyone laughs.

"MOKUBA!" Seto yells.

-Five minutes later-

Yami finds Mai in the middle of the party dancing with Joey. (Seto's eye twitches) "Um, Mai I need to duel you now."

"Right after this song." Mai said while dancing rather horribly.

"I need to duel you now." Yami stressed.

"Just a minute Yugi." Joey added.

Yami sits in the corner waiting for Mai. A few minutes later, a dizzy, Mai, stumbles to the corner where Yami is. "What did you want to ask me?"

"I need to duel you for the princess." Yami reminded.

"This shouldn't take long." Seto said, rolling his eyes.

"Oh that. Follow me." Mai beckoned.

Mai leads them to her own dueling arena that was stol- … I mean… borrowed without permission from Pegasus who is still locked in the closet. Mai and Yami duel and as always Mai almost defeats Yami but he snatches victory from the jaws of defeat, (again). Bakura then, using his millennium ring, sends a cursing Mai to the shadow realm.

"Hey! I said no sending people to the shadow realm!" Misha scolded.

"Well I had to get rid of her somehow." Bakura defended.

"Better bring her back when we're done or else!" Misha growled.

"Or else what?" Bakura sneered.

"She'll kiss you!" Tambre added.

"All right, all right." Bakura surrendered.

Yami getting back on the subject, "Now all I need to do is find the princess."

"She's in the highest room in the tallest tower." Marik pointed.

"How do you know that?" Bakura wondered.

"Ever since I started living a normal life I've been trying to catch up in my reading." Marik explained.

"You're a disgrace to ancient Egypt!" Mutters, "Reading fairy tales."

"At least now we know where she is." Yami pointed out.

"Well lets go get her already so we can end this stupid movie." Seto grumbles.

Yami and the fairies run to the highest tower and Yami starts running up a few of the thousand steps.

"Where are you going?" Seto called after him.

"I'm going to rescue the princess." Yami answered.

"You'll die before you get to her that way." Marik pointed out.

"What other way is there?" Yami demanded.

"Did you forget about my ring?" Bakura reminded while holding up his millennium ring.

"Oh, yeah. That would be faster."

Bakura uses his ring to get everyone to the top of the tower.

"There's the princess. Now for the gross part of the movie." Marik spoke.

"Watching you eat wax was pretty gross." Yami remarked.

"What could be more disgusting than that?" Bakura asked.

"Watching Pharaoh kiss the princess." Marik replied.

"Who comes up with this nonsense?"

"Some no good loony."

Yami slightly relieved, shrugged. "Well if it must be done then I must do it."

"It sounds like he wants to do it." Marik gasped.

"Are you mad?" Bakura demanded.

"It can't be all, bad. She didn't eat poison." Yami shrugged.

"Let us turn around first." Marik decided.

Marik and Bakura turn around as Yami kisses Tea. Seto suddenly bursts into the room sweaty and panting. "Bakura, your stupid ring didn't take me to the tower with the rest of you." He sees Yami and Tea. Both of his eyes start twitching like mad. "AH! What the heck! MY EYES!"

Tea awakes with a start and punches Yami in the jaw.


Seto, Marik, and Bakura laugh mercilessly at Yami.

"I'm so sorry. You startled me." Tea blushed.

Yami said while holding his jaw, "I'll get over it. At least you're awake now."

Marik whined, "Bakura, please get us to the palace before anything else happens. While you're at it, FIX SETO'S EYES! THERE MAKING ME NUTS!"

-Twenty minutes later-

"It is the prince and princess's wedding and all the kingdom has gathered together to watch, including the fairies who were forced back into their dresses, (sniffle)." Ryou narrated once again.

Bakura takes over and sulks into the wedding hall next to the other fairies. "I hate happy endings!"

"I hate parties." Seto added.

"If you can call this a party. The food is wax here, too." Marik complained.

Tea walks down the Isle in a green prom dress to Yami, whom is dressed in a outfit that would be common for a pharaoh to wear. The cardboard priest does his thing and Yami tries to kiss Tea but is too short.

"Ha, ha, ha! So much for true love's kiss." Seto mocked.

Yami and Tea walk next to the fairies. Yami stands on Seto's feet and he and Tea kiss again.

Seto twitching, if possible, worst than ever, "AH! YUCK! GET OFF!"

"And so ends our weird movie. Thank goodness!" Ryou gets out of the sound booth, "can I get this dress off now?"