Before I Knew

Chapter 12

By Poet


The telltale squeak of rubber against stone was the only sound that betrayed his presence as Ron hurried through the empty hallways. After gaining access through one of the secret passages into the castle, he'd made his way very carefully into the great stone building. Instantly the familiar layout came to mind and he gathered his bearings. To his left lay the Great Hall, silent now at the late hour. To his right lay the stairs and labyrinth of classrooms, offices and sleeping quarters. From what little he'd seen, Ron was sure Hermione was in her own rooms but with her addition to the staff, the location of the rooms had changed. Sighing softly in the near darkness of the corridor he stood in, an idea dawned on him. Stepping as quietly as possible, the red headed man made his way three flights up and two corridors to the left of the stairs. Casting the luminating spell, he held his wand up and squinted at the portraits on the wall. The sleeping inhabitants grunted as he passed, though none woke. Not finding the portrait he was looking for on the left wall, Ron turned and began searching the right. Three portraits down he came upon the painting of a knight, slumped over, face shield down. In the silence of the castle he could almost make out the paintings occasional snore.

Tapping the portrait with the tip of his wand, Ron waited for Sir Cadogan to awaken. The knight just stirred and rolled over. Glaring, Ron clearing his throat rather loudly and tapped quite forcefully against the portrait frame. It had the desired affect and the knight fell off the chair he'd been perched upon.

"What! Who goes there. State your name you wretch and face the mighty Sir Cadogan!" Indignant and alarmed, the knight had jumped to his feet and was wildly swinging his sword around within the frame. Ron rolled his eyes and cleared his throat again.

"Do shut up you old gaffer. I have a question for you." Whispering, Ron's tone was vicious and impatient. The knight stilled and lifted his helmet, glaring blearily out at the man.

"And what pray tell, might that be? I've better things to do then entertain insolent children like you!" Ron pointed his wand at the portrait and sneered.

"Watch your tone. Imagine if someone were to paint over you or spill a little paint thinner. I doubt you'd be so rude then." The look of horror on Cadogan's face made Ron laugh, the noise of it though, reminded him of his surroundings. "I've got a question for you and little time to find an answer."

"A quest is it!"

"Not for you. There is a woman staying here. The Charms Professor, Hermione Granger. I'd like to see her. I'm an old friend you see." The small figure of the knight settled onto his chair and thought for a moment. Then with a snap of his fingers he bolted upright and drew his sword.

"I have seen her! Though she is not a professor. She's assisting the Potions Master with something. Mind you, it has been some time since either has been seen around the castle, I'm almost sure she's still here." Ron was growing evermore impatient, the images of Hermione in bed with someone still streaming ruthlessly through his head. If Hermione was spending a lot of time with Snape it would explain the dark figure he'd been unable to make out, lying beside her. As his lips curled in disgust he caught the tale end of what the knight had said.

"What was that?"

"She's moved out of her chambers though, I think she's staying in the dungeons." This was too much for Ron and he practically snarled. Turning from the portrait he ignored the protests of the knight and stormed off, in search of the stairs.


The weight of Severus's body, draped across her left half was comfortable and Hermione let herself enjoy the warmth for a long time. She'd slept a few hours, pulled awake by something she could not fathom. Passing it off as merely a dream she'd gladly accepted Severus's sleepy embrace and tried to return to sleep. The attempt was unsuccessful and she'd been awake for nearly an hour. Her glance out the window told her it was still very early. Sighing, giving in at last Hermione gently untangled herself from the man beside her and rose from the bed. Instantly a slight chill settled across her and she shivered. Pulling her robe securely around her body, she turned and looked back at the sleeping man. He looked exhausted and despite all his worry about her well being, he was starting to feel the strain of everything. Careful not to wake him, she opened the door of the bedroom and slipped out.

The sitting room was still littered with books and rolls of parchment. An utter mess of course. Groaning inwardly at the cleanup that was undoubtedly in the very near future, Hermione completely bypassed the room and went into the corridor outside her chambers. Looking both ways down the long hall, she couldn't quiet shake the feeling that had woken her earlier. Shrugging into her robe more deeply, she set off for the kitchens. It was one floor up and at the far left of the castle, just adjacent to the Great Hall. On many sleepless nights as a student, she'd found herself wandering there for a glass of pumpkin juice or hot cocoa. The elves were more than accommodating, practically bowling her over with entire meals and platters of food. Though she'd long abandoned S. P. E. W., she still felt guilty about their work and did her best to be as courteous and thankful as possible when they went out of their way for her.

Pulled from her thoughts by the sound of footsteps on the stairs ahead of her, she frowned. At this hour it was almost unheard of for even the most daring student to venture out of bed. The sound of the footsteps was hurried and recklessly noisy. 'Perhaps there is an emergency.' Biting her lip, a sudden wave of apprehension washed through Hermione but she ignored it and took several cautious steps up the winding staircase.

The voice, uttering curses, was unmistakable and Hermione froze. The apprehension grew into a terror so stark and unrelenting she nearly fled. Her body wouldn't respond though. It was as if some invisible force drew her forward. Panic flooded her system as the footsteps drew menacingly closer and the last thing Hermione could think to do was draw her wand. Just as she aimed, a red faced Ronald Weasely came barreling around the corner and they collided.

The sudden impact forced the breath from her lungs as she and Ron tumbled down the stairs. Landing with a bone jarring thud at the bottom, she gasped softly and saw black threatening her vision. The man beside her stirred with a groan and she watched him pull himself up to his knees. Weakly she lifted her wand and aimed it at Ron's face. He paused, considering the witch before him for a moment.

"Fancy seeing you here Hermione." His tone was almost civil, his face betrayed anger just below the surface.

"I could say the same for you Ronald. What are you doing here?" Struggling to keep her voice even, Hermione managed to get to her feet, her wand still leveled at the man in front of her. His eyes flashed with something she didn't recognize.

"I'd have thought that would be obvious. Love." His sneering features and the emphasis on the last made a wave of nausea roll through Hermione. The voice in the back of her head was screaming at her to hex him, but her body wouldn't respond. To her horror, she found herself lowering her wand. Cautiously Ron took a step forward and removed it from her weak grip. Looking down at it for a moment, he grinned and tossed it out of reach. Closing the distance between them, he raised his hand and she flinched. "Oh no, no no no Love. I'd never meant to hurt you. Never. Those other times, I was just being crazy." Hermione shuddered as he ran a clammy palm across her cheek and down her neck. Ron mistook this for pleasure and smiled. Before Hermione could flinch away, she found Ron's lips pressing insistently upon hers. She stiffened and tried to pull away but he was quicker and pulled her securely to him. When his tongue ran across her lower lip she couldn't help but gag and he took the opportunity to slip it into her mouth.

Suddenly a scream tore itself from Hermione's throat and she pulled violently away from Ron's embrace. Anger was written clearly across the features of the boy and he advanced on her. Backing away as quickly as possible, she ended up against a wall with nowhere to run. Horrified she watched Ron pull his wand from his robes and point it at her.

"You little WHORE! I'm tired of your games Hermione. I know you want me. I'm going to have you. YOU BELONG TO ME!" This time Ron raised his hand and intended to strike her.

"That will be quite enough Mr. Weasely." The commanding voice of Albus Dumbledore sounded from the left and Ron whirled, startled. The old man was dressed in robes lined with gold and silver, his long beard hanging neatly. His hands were empty, no wand drawn but Ron could feel the power emanating from the older wizard. Not knowing what to do, he pulled Hermione roughly away from the wall and held in front of her, shielding his body from any spells cast. "Release her Mr. Weasely. Release her unharmed and you shall safely leave the castle."

"What guarantees do I have Headmaster? For all I know you'll curse me the moment you have her." Panic was evident in the boys voice, he hadn't counted on this.

"If I had wished you harm my boy, I would have had you removed from the shrieking shack when you first inhabited it." Ron stared at the headmaster, completely amazed. If the headmaster had known he was there and hadn't removed him then what else did the man know? Hermione moved suddenly, trying to wrench herself from his grasp and he pulled her roughly against him.

"Severus!" Hermione's cry drew Ron's attention back the Headmaster, who he saw was now joined by the very angry Potions Master. Though Albus had no wand drawn, Snape's aimed unerringly for Ron's face. The dark man seemed on the verge casting and stepped forward. Albus place a hand on his outstretched wrist and spoke quietly to Severus, shaking his head. Glaring hard the the red-haired boy holding Hermione hostage, Severus relented and lowered his wand.

"It's a bloody party now, isn't it? Though I reckon the ones you and Hermione have been having, are a bit better, eh Severus? Taking advantage of a girl half your age. What'd you do, put her under the imperious?" The barb struck hard and Severus took a menacing step forward. Ron tensed and turned his wand towards Hermione. "Stay where you are."

"You wont hurt her Weasely. You need her."

"Well, you're certainly right there. She's mine." Pausing, Ron took the chance to run his wandless hand up Hermione's body before settling it possessively around her waist. Snarling at the boy, Severus advanced and Ron took his chance. "But I wouldn't miss the opportunity to hurt you." Without hesitating Ron threw a curse at Severus who barely ducked in time. His evasion wasn't fast enough and a nasty cut appeared above his right eye.

"Enough!" Dumbledore stepped foreword and placed himself between the Potions Master and Ron. With a wave of his hand, a large marble column shifted and a lit passage way appeared. "This passage will safely lead you from Hogwarts Mr. Weasely. Release Hermione and make your way." Though the man was still wandless, his tone left no room for argument.

Behind the Headmaster, Severus had managed to regain his footing and stood. Blood was running down the side of his face and soaking into the robes he wore. Glaring at the boy holding Hermione, he dropped his gaze to her. Her eyes were focused on him, concern written across her features. No longer fearful, she looked as if she was begging him to stay away, to stay safe. The look did not escape Ron's notice and he sneered, edging towards the passage.

"I'm the one she's dying to be with, not you." Suddenly he turned Hermione in his arms and kissed her forcefully again. Severus advanced, disregarding the Headmaster's order to remain still. Ron watched the man draw closer and shoved Hermione in his direction roughly. As she flew into his arms, Severus lost his balance and his momentum. The pair toppled to the floor. By the time Severus looked again, Ron was gone and the lights in the passage were disguised as the stone column moved back into place. The urge to let loose his rage nearly overwhelmed him. Hermione's gentle hands on his face distracted the anger. As she probed the wound above his eye, the Headmaster came into view. Unspeaking the older man rested a hand on his shoulder before turning from the pair. After a long moment, they were alone in the hall.


In the safety of his private quarters Hermione tended Severus's wound in silence. The cut was mended quickly, disinfected and then healed. A small, faint scar was all that remained, though blood was still drying in his dark hair. Scowling into the fire, Severus couldn't remove the image of Ron touching Hermione from his mind.

Hermione left Severus to brood, retreating into his bathroom. Her side ached where she'd come off of the stairs and she was certain a bruise was forming. Disrobed, her suspicions were confirmed by a dark shape on her hip. The taste in her mouth was nearly unbearable though, and she ignored her injury for the time being. The memory of Ron's lips on hers, of his tongue invading her mouth made an entirely new wave of nausea roll through her. Shuddering, she reached for a glass and turned on the tap, from which poured a strong mouth wash. Rinsing several times, she still felt ill but could stand the taste no longer. Looking into the mirror she found Severus resting limply against the doorframe, watching her. She reached for a towel and ran it under the tap which this time ran with warm, soapy water. Motioning to Severus, she indicated that he sit on the edge of the large tub. He complied wordlessly.

Hermione released the buttons on his outer coat and pushed it from his shoulders. Whispering a cleaning spell, she removed all traces of blood from it and set it aside. Taking the warm washcloth, she began to wipe the dried blood from the skin of his neck and face. The skin turned red from the cloth but she was satisfied that it was clean. A few strands of his hair had blood tangling them and she ran the cloth over them, though it had little effect. He chuckled softly, her concentration amusing.

"Don't laugh. I was terrified!" Hermione scolded, making Severus laugh harder.

"As if the boy could harm me." He lifted a hand to toy with a few strands of her hair, every now and then brushing against her bare skin.

"What, you let him curse you I suppose?" Hermione wasn't really angry and her fear had long ago passed. Now it was more along the lines of annoyance and concern, though that combination seemed odd. It annoyed her that Severus was so flippant about getting hurt and it concerned her because she'd been terrified it had been much worse then it was.

"I acted foolishly. I put you in danger." Now he sounded resigned. Regarding the woman before him in the safety of his rooms brought the gravity of the evening into light. If Albus hadn't come across her, he wouldn't even think of that. Hermione bent to kiss his forehead, seeing frustration apparent on the man's features.

"You put yourself in danger. Again. Haven't you had enough of that?" Severus's eyes flashed suddenly and he stare savagely at her.

"There's nothing I wouldn't do to guarantee your safety. Never doubt that Hermione." She was surprised at his emotion, though when she thought about it she could understand it. Ron's parting taunt had been cruel and specifically to get at Severus. It worked. Frowning, Hermione pulled Severus against her in a tight hug. "When I saw him touching you I felt a rage I'd never known before. It made me sick, seeing his hands on you." Suddenly Hermione spoke, her voice breaking.

"Make me forget him Severus. Make me forget what it was like when he touched me. I can't stand it anymore." Again and again the memory of his kiss assaulted her and Hermione felt dizzy. Closing her eyes against the threatening wave of nausea, she felt Severus stand and place his hands on her shoulders, steadying her.


"Please Severus. I need you to love me." She opened her eyes to find him staring intently at her. He regarded her silently, considering her for a long time. Bending, he kissed her as gently as possible, the touch feather light across her lips. She groaned and leaned into it, deepening the contact. Tearing himself from her, he gathered her into his arms and carried her to his bed. With a growl he set her there and was hovering above her in an instant. Kissing her again, he paused long enough to speak.

"I could do no more then to love you Hermione. Nothing better in my life then that." Colliding together again, they were lost.


All right, finally a bit more of the ron story fleshing out. It took me like five chapters to even get a plot so it may take a while to fully develop anything further. I know this irritates some people, but oh well. Hope everyone likes this.