Thank you so much for the reviews! I love them.

And sorry about the short chapters. I will try and make them longer from now on :)

Chapter 6

Ginny went back to the staff room, closing the door. She leaned back against it, crying and laughing at the same time. Crying because it hurt her to see him again and laughing because she didn't feel like it was real. He was actually there! She had been praying since he left that he would be safe and that he would come back to her. And he did!

He had been given a bath and was now under medication. Silverman was caring for him at the moment.

Ginny nearly jumped when a loud crack filled the room. "Harry! Wha...what are you doing here?" she asked through a cracked voice as she wiped the rest of her tears away.

"I came to see you," he said with a smile, moving in to kiss her.

Ginny backed away, though, before he could. She cringed. She forgot all about having a fianceé when she was kissing Draco. What was she gonna do now? She couldn't just leave Harry, could she?

" can't take any more time off work, Harry."

"Come on, Gin. I've been playing auror for most of my life. Can't I take a break and see my future wife?"

Ginny sighed deeply. She was stuck now. She had no idea what was going to happen next.

"I...uh...Harry, I'm kinda busy now."

"Well can't you squeeze in about ten seconds for a kiss?" he said, coming closer to her, backing her up against the wall. Ginny closed her eyes tightly, wishing he would just go away. When his lips didn't reach hers, she opened one eye, checking if he was still there. He was. He looked at her with a shocked expression.

"What's the matter, Ginny?"

"'s nothing."

"It has to be something. You never acted like this before."

"I...I'm just tired is all. I haven't slept in hours," she lied. Harry's face seemed to look satisfied now. He gave her a kiss on the cheek before saying, "Well, I'll leave you to it then."

He apparated with a crack, leaving Ginny all alone again.

Suddenly, the door burst open. "Miss Weasley! It's your patient. He wants to see you" The trainee's face was flushed.

Ginny quickly ran out of there and down the hall to his room. When she saw him, he was examining his cuticles before noticing her. He smiled.

"Uh...Silverman. You can leave now."

"Yes Miss Weasley," she said

"Well, close the door on your way out."

She did as she was told. Then, Ginny walked over to Draco who was lying on his bed, closing his eyes in relaxation.

"Need to see me so soon?" she said, laughing slightly.

He smiled again. "I wanted to see you. I haven't seen you in six years, nine months, twenty-eight days, and nine hours you know."

"You've been counting the minutes?"

"Every second."

Ginny smiled and reached for his hand, squeezing it slightly. "What happened?"

He sighed. "It's a long story."

"I have time," she said, barely above a whisper.

"Alright. I suppose I should start from the beginning. Well, as soon as I said goodbye to you, I flew out of Hogwarts. I didn't know exactly where I was going, but I just flew. After about a day, I landed in London. I didn't know what to do, since my father probably sent people out looking for me by then so I bought the next boarding plane. I didn't even know where it was going."

Ginny's eyes soon began to water.

"I landed in a place called New York. I finally thought I was free, you know? I got a small job and lived off the streets for a while. After about five years, I had bought a studio and had a steady good job. The muggle life gets pretty easy once you get used to it. I didn't dare go back home, though. I was pretty sure my father was looking for me everywhere. Just waiting to kill me."

Ginny scoffed through her sobs. Him? A Malfoy living in a muggle city? The world had finally gone crazy.

"Then, someone broke into my house, attempting to kidnap me. I knew it was one of my Dad's people. So I cursed him and fled. Since I thought my Dad was now looking for me somewhere in America, I went back to England."

"What did you do for the rest of the year?"

"I tried getting to Diagon Alley once, but all my father's associates were out there, trying to find me. Everywhere I went, there was always someone looking for me. So I hid out. In a cave outside of the city. I ate whatever was left on the streets or anything that had meat on it. I did okay for about a month, then I found someone. Dumbledore."

"Where did you go then?"

"He gave me refuge and let me hide out at Hogwarts. He didn't want to let anyone know I was there, except for the rest of the teachers of course. I stayed in the dungeons, waiting until it was safe to get out again. I was stuck inside that bloody castle for the rest of the year, never tasting sunlight or smelling the air outside. I thought I was going to go mad if I stayed there another night."

"Then, the happiest news of my life reached my ears. Dumbledore had handed me the Daily Prophet, and in it, it said my father had died. At the hands of the Dark Lord himself. He must have done something terrible, you know? To have You-Know-Who kill you himself. I rejoiced and fled the castle, finally happy for once in my life. Then, one of my father's loyal friends found me, tortured me, and threw me onto the streets. That's when I came here."

"And one day on the streets, I picked up an old copy of the Daily Prophet. Guess what I saw, Ginny? Something that made my happy news suddenly dark. That you are getting married to that fucking Potter."

"I...I'm so sorry, Draco. I thought you weren't coming back," she said, through a cracked voice.

"Not coming back!" He suddenly sat up in bed. "not coming back! Ipromised you that I would come back for you, didn't I? Andyou promised me that you would wait!"

Ginny held her face in her hands, sobbing uncontrollably. "I'm sorry!"

"You should have known. A Malfoy never breaks a promise."

"If I could take it back, I would, Draco! But I can't. And...and...I... I'm getting married in a month."

Draco's expression changed quickly. He looked pained, hurt, and like he was about to break down. He turned his eyes away from her, staring at the other side of the wall. Ginny saw tears forming in his eyes and she cried even harder.

"Look at me Draco."

He didn't dare. His gray eyes were now watered.

"I should have died," he muttered, under his breath that Ginny could barely hear him.


"I should have died! I shouldn't have come back. The only reason I was still alive was because of you! I fought harder just so I could seeyou again! And now that you're engaged, I don't think I should have bothered."

"D...Draco. don't mean that."

"Yes I do. So just kill me now, Ginny!" he said, pointing right at his heart. His voice got louder as he spoke. "Kill me!"

Ginny's eyes softened and her breathing became louder and heavier. She felt like she was about to break. That her heart was shredded into pieces.

"I...I didn't mean to," she whispered.

Draco's tears now ran freely down his cheeks. His lips quivered in anger and he was breathing so loud and fast that his chest was thumping. "I love you, Ginny."

At that, Ginny looked up. Her tears weren't running now but her eyes were wide, not blinking at all.

"," he said through ragged breaths.

And then, she did all she could do. She kissed him. Kissed him hard and hungrily. He gave in to the kiss and ran his hands through her silky red hair. She slid onto the bed, now on top of him, kissing him until he couldn't move anymore. Kissing six years from him.

Ginny went back to the staff room, trying to think as she closed her eyes. Suddenly, someone walked in to her. "Oh, sorry Miss Weasley!" It was Silverman.

"It's alright."

"Your fianceé wants to talk to you."

Ginny groaned inwardly and walked to the fireplace. Surely enough, Harry's head floated in to view. "Hey, beautiful."

"Hi, Harry," she replied, dully. She sat down on an empty chair, scooting it closer to the fire.

"I'm taking the girls to the park right now. I asked your mom, and she agreed to let them stay overnight. So we can have the place to ourselves," he said with a mischevious glint in his eye.

Ginny forced a grin. "Um..yeah...sounds like fun."

"Great. I'll see you at home," and with that, his head vanished.

Ginny sighed. What was she gonna do now? Both Harryand Draco loved her. But she only loved Draco back...And the problem is that she was engaged to Harry! Someone she didn't truly love.

The door opened and Soren came in. "It's Mr. Malfoy, Miss Weasley. He wants to see you."

"What was so important that you had to interrupt me from my thoughts?" Ginny said, closing the door as she walked to Draco who was sitting up in his bed.

"What were you thinking about?"


"Where is our child?" he bluntly asked.

"They are with Harry now," Ginny replied nervously. She sat down on the edge of his bed, stroking his hair.


"I gave birth to twins, Draco."

His eyes widened. "Twins? Wow, are you serious?"

Ginny nodded. He lifted himself up to kiss her soundly on the lips. "What are their names? What do they look like? When can I see them?" He rushed all three questions.

"They're names are Desireé and Reneé. They are two beautiful girls. And you can see them when I can manage to sneak them over here." She opened up her wallet to show him the moving pictures. He smiled warmly as he looked. This was a different smile. It was something nice, something happy. He looked so overjoyed that he was about to burst.

"They're beautiful," he whispered. Ginny blushed.

"And one of them looks exactly like you," she said, pointing to Desireé.

"I noticed."

The twins were blinking up at them, giggling and smiling. "I've waited six years to finally see their faces. I hadn't had a clue what they looked like. Can I see them, Gin?" Draco asked, with a softness in his voice.


"Does Potter know I'm back?"


"Are you planning on telling him?"

"Not yet."

"Are you still going to marry him?"

At that, Ginny froze. Was she? She didn't know anymore. "I don't know," she shrugged.

Draco looked at her intensely. "I love you, Ginny," he said, as he pulled her head down to his, kissing her passionately.

"I'm home," Ginny yelled into the emptiness of the foyer as she took off her coat, hanging it in the closet. She made her way into the kitchen, where she smelled something delicious.

"Finally," she heard someone say. From below the counter, Harry stood up. He walked over to her and kissed her softly on the lips. He smiled as she looked around the room. There was a small table for two with scented candles and two champagne glasses.

"What is all this for?" she asked.

He kissed her again. "For you."

She smiled as he softly grabbed her hand and sat her down on one of the chairs at the candlelit table. Then, he went back to the stove and brought out two plates.

"You can cook?" Ginny asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No. But there's nothing a little charm can't do."

Ginny rolled her eyes as he sat down across from her. "This is good, Harry," she said, as she took another bite out of her chicken.

He slightly blushed.

Afterwards, Ginny lay in bed, trying to fall asleep. Harry had tried to kiss her and touch her but she didn't want to let it happen. Her mind was now constantly on Draco. She was wondering what he was doing. Sleeping? Reading? There were endless possibilities and she felt that she could spend all night thinking them up.

Yes I know this chapter was extra fluffy and a bit don't need to remind me.

But anyway, please review!