Chapter 11- Facing Dumbledore...and the School

Ginny had been sitting at the Gryfinndor table when Hermione came into the Great Hall. She waved her over so that she wouldnt have to sit alone. Sha also wanted to talk to Hermione about last night, because the boys had come back into the common room and went straight into their bedrooms. Well basicallt Ron had, and Harry had followed to make sure he didnt do anything rash and stupid. Hermione saw Ginny and went to sit next to her but not before Draco had whispered something into her ear. Ginny had noticed that she and Draco were indeed holding hands in front of the entire Hogwarts population and felt proud that Hermione was bringing the realtionship out.

"Hermione...hey over here." Ginny said to her.

"Hey Ginny. Good morning." Hermione replied. "Wait where are the boys?"

"Um...I'm actually not really sure. Ron came storming into the common room last night and before I could ask any questions Harry was chasing after him to their room." Ginny replied. "So I am assuming it didnt go so well with those tow last night?"

"Actually Harry was fine with it. He told me as long as I trusted Draco he would too." Hermione replied. "But Ron on the other hand..."

"Trust me I can only imagine." Ginny replied.

"Yeah...he definintly didnt take it too well." Hermione stated. "And now look...I'm going to be the talk of Hogwarts for the next year. All because I'm going out with Draco Malfoy."

"So it's true?" Lavender asked.

"What?" Hermione replied.

Lavender was sitting a few seats down from Ginny and Hermione and was listening in on the whole conversation.

"So it's true you are going out with the Draco Malfoy?" Lavender asked with a smile.

"Um...yeah I guess I am going out with the Draco Malfoy." Hermione replied.

"Ohh...this is so good!" Lavender replied. "I cant wait to tell Parvati!"

"Wait Lavender...please don't tell a lot of people." Hermione said desperatly. "I dont want everyone to know."

"Oh don't worry Hermione they already have an idea seeing as the two of you came in here holding hands. And then he whispered in your ear." Ginny stated.

"So how long have you been going out?" Lavender asked.

"Um...can we change the subject now?" Hermione asked.

"You can change it all you want, but dont worry I will find out." she replied. Then she got out of her seat to tell the world what she had just found out.

"Oh everyone really will know by the end of the day." Hermione said while buttering a piece of toast.

She finnished her breakfast and left the Great Hall to meet with Draco. He noticed she was leaving and excused himself from his table as well.

"Well that went well." Draco said to her.

"Ha thats what you think. Lavender Brown just found out about us so by the end of the day the entire world will know we are going out." Hermione laughed.

"That doesnt bother me. Does it bother you?" he asked.

"Well I dont know. I'm not used to people really paying any attention to me. I'm just the bookworm, muggleborn, Granger who is friends with Harry Potter. No one really pays me any attention." Hermione said sadly.

"Now how could that be?" Draco asked. "You're gorgeous! People are stupid to not pay attention to you. But hey...more for me!"

Hermione laughed and Draco kissed her lightly on the lips.

"You are all mine now." Draco replied.

"And you Draco Malfoy are all mine!" Hermione replied kissing him back.

"Hey you should really be getting to Dumbledore's office. You told him you would come talk to him after breakfast today." Draco said. "Do you want me to walk you there?"

"Oh I forgot...yeah that would be great." she replied.

Draco took her hand and they started walking towards Dumbledore's office. As soon as they got there Draco kissed her and told her he would meet her in their common room after her meeting. She faced the statue in front of her and asked to speak with Dumbledore. They statue sprung to life and moved aside to reveal a spiral staircase slowly moving upwards.

"Wait. How did you do that?" Draco asked. "I had to sit here and go through all the names of muggle candies to try to open it. And you just come here and ask it to move and it does."

Hermione laughed. "All you have to do is ask to see Dumbledore and the statue will let you in, silly."

"Oh." Draco looked disapointed. "I guess I'll try that next time."

"Alright I will talk to you later." Hermione replied and began to walk up the steps.

"See you." Draco replied.

As soon as Hermione made her way up the steps she was in front of a door.

"Come in Miss Granger." Professor Dumbledore said through the door.

Hermione walked in and sat down in the seat across from Dumbledore.

" wanted to talk to me about my situation?" Hermione asked fearfully.

"Yes. Now Miss Granger I want to let you know we will do everything in our power to help you with the baby. That is if you still would like to keep it." Dumbledore said.

"What yes, of course I am still keeping the baby!" Hermione said a bit too forcefully.

"Right of course...I figured as much. I just wanted to make sure." he said.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didnt mean to get mad at you. It's just you're the second person to ask me that and I makes me about every doing something to a child that innocent." she replied.

"I quite agree Miss Granger. But now onto more inportant matters. As you are still a student, we can perform checkups for you at the hospital wing. Madame Pomfrey is a very talented mediwitch and I believe she was in the maternity ward a few years before she started here. I would also like you to not tell many people about the baby for the time being. We can help you conceal your looks until we feel it is the right time to let the school know. I would also like to ask you who the father is." Dumbledore said.

"Well...the father is Draco Malfoy." she said timidly.

"As I assumed." Professor Dumbledore replied.

"Wait you knew?" she asked.

"Well I knew something was up when Mr. Malfoy brought you to the hospital wing and then came and got me looking very upset." he replied.

"Right." was all Hermione could say.

"And as for you Head Girl position..." he started to say but was interupted by Hermione.

"Wait Professor am I going to get into trouble for this? I can't lose my Head Girl badge...I just can't!" she said while looking very upset.

Dumbledore laughed. Hermione began to look very nervous. "Why is he laughing?" she thought to herself.

"Calm down Miss Granger. I was only going to offer you give up the position because you are going to have so much on your mind. But if you wich to continue with it, be my guest. I can see from this that you dont plan on giving it up though." he said.

"Oh dont worry, I can handle it. I promise!" she said quickly.

"Alright that is all I wished to discuss with you. You may leave now. And remember if you need anything just let me know. Oh and one more thing. I will be informing all your professors about the baby so if there are any problems you may see them as well." he said.

"Thankyou Professor." Hermione replied and walked out of his office to her common room.

On her way back to the common room she walked right into someone.

"Watch it mudblood." Pansy Parkinson said to her.

"Um excuse me for not moving out of the way for you." Hermione spat.

"By the way, this rumour about you and Draco better not be true." Pansy said to her. "He is mine. And always will be."

"Well I'm sorry to burst your bubble Pansy, but Draco and I are together and there is nothing you can do about it!" Hermione replied with a smile.

"I just wait will get it." Pansy said before walking off.

Hermione pushed the encounter to the back of her mind and entered into the common room.

"Draco. I'm back!" Hermione yelled throughout the common room.

But no one answered. "Hmm I wonder where he could be?" Hermione thought to herself. She checked his bedroom and noticed a person lying on the bed. "Asleep...figures." she thought. She pulled up the covers and got under and snuggled next to him. He shifted slightly and drapped his arm over her until he realized what was going on and woke with a start.

"Who...What...oh Hermione you scared me." he said to her.

"Hermione laughed. "Sorry, but you looked so peaceful sleeping here so I thought I would come join you."

"Oh I dont mind." he said pulling her closer. "So how did everything with Dumbledore go?" he asked.

"Everything went well actually. He already figured you were the father, and said he didnt want the school to know about the baby until the time was right so he is going to help me conceal my bump from the school." she said. "He also told me I could get checkups from Madame Pomfrey in the hospital wing instead of going to St. Mungos which is nice."

"Well I'm happy everything went well." he replied. He gave her a kiss on the lips and held her close to himself. He placed a hand on her stomach and sighed. "I can't believe this is actually happening."

"I know me either. Who knew I'd get knocked up while I was in my enemy." she replied laughing.

But Draco did not laugh.

"Hermione I am really sorry about everything I did and said to you." Draco said sadly. "There really is no excuse for my actions and when we have our baby I will never have it grow up like I did."

"Dont worry Draco. That was the past. This is now. And now you treat me like a queen and I love you for it." she replied. "Don't beat yourself up about it. Not to mention, you are going to be the best father a baby could ask for." she said with a smile.

"Thanks Hermione. I really appreciate it and I love you too!" Draco said before hugging her and placing a kiss on her lips.

"So how about some lunch. And then we can go talk a walk around the lake." Hermione said. "It's actually really nice outside today. We should take advantage of that."

"Sounds good to me. Let me go get changed and I will meet you in the common room." Draco replied.

She walked out of the room and sat down on the couch. Draco walked out a few minutes later and they made their way towards the Great Hall for another encounter with the school.

A/N: Well this is mighty second chapter in two days! I hope you enjoyed only really took me an hour or two to write so i didnt edit it too much. I hope everyone is checking out my new story Changes (it can be found within my profile)...and remember to leave messages! I enjoy getting emails and everytime some leaves a message it alerts me! Thanks a bunch 3 Jennifer