Three's A Company

Chapter 1- A Start To A New Year

It was their seventh and final year in Hogwarts. Harry, Ron and Hermione had just arrived on the Hogwarts Express. Not only had Hermione gotten top scores on her OWLS two years prior, but also was now made Head Girl of the school. She wasn't quite sure who was made Head Boy, but had a rather disturbing feeling on whom it was.

"So I hear we are going to be living together Granger." Malfoy sneered.

Her guess was accurate but for once in her life she wished she wasn't right.

"Wow…that just made my day." She said with disgust.

"Don't you ever talk to me like that you filthy mudblood!" he spat.

"I will talk to you however I damn feel like it, and there is nothing you can do about it Malfoy!" Hermione yelled.

Just then Draco pulled out his wand and muttered something under his breath but was stopped mid-word by none other than Professor Snape himself.

"Put that wand away Draco, your going to be late for the feast. Come along…you too Granger."

She reluctantly followed the two people she hated the most in the whole universe, but knew Snape was right. She definitely didn't want to start the year off on a bad foot. As she entered the Great Hall she saw Ron's younger sister, Ginny Weasley, waving her hands excitedly in order to catch Hermione's attention.

"Over here Hermione, over here!" she yelled while slapping her hand on the empty bench beside her.

Hermione sat down and Ginny immediately started talking her ear off.

"Oh Hermione I haven't seen you all summer! How have you been? How is Viktor?" she asked while giving Hermione a little wink in her left eye.

"Um…actually Viktor and I broke up right after school ended. But everything else has been good." Hermione said.

"Oh…Oh my…I am so sorry Hermione. I didn't know." Ginny stated knowing fully well that she probably shouldn't have mentioned it.

"No don't worry…you wouldn't have know. No one does…well except for Viktor and I." They both laughed.

Just then Dumbledore stood up to give his infamous start of term speech.

"Welcome, Welcome…to another year at Hogwarts. I am proud to announce that we have recently acquired a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. I am proud to introduce Professor Nymphadora Tonks. Hopefully she will decide to stay longer than our previous Professors!" the crowd laughed. "But on a more serous note I'd like to let everyone know that this shall be my last year as Headmaster of Hogwarts. After I resign Professor Minerva McGonagall will take over my place as Headmistress of Hogwarts."

There was much chatter and confusion throughout the Great Hall.

"Well that is all of the news I have for you…and I am sure you are all starving so now I say to you…Enjoy the feast."

At that the food magically appeared on all the tables.

After filling their stomachs with as much food as they could possibly eat, the students were summoned to their rooms to get some rest. Hermione started towards the Gryffindor Tower but realized as Head Girl she had her own room to go to. Yet she hadn't found out the password. She made her way towards the entrance, which was guarded by the portrait of the Knight Sir Lancelot. She stood in front of the painting waiting patiently for something to happen. After waiting for what felt like an eternity, Draco Malfoy appeared.

"Forgot the password already Granger?" Malfoy sneered.

"No I just never got it!" Hermione stated.

"Well I guess you ought to know, it's Dragonfly. Now don't forget it because I wont be helping you out next time." He said.

"Thanks a lot." She said coolly.

"Dragonfly" they both said in unison.

"Well no need to be so urgent." Sir Lancelot said as he swung the portrait open and Hermione stomped in.

They both entered the common room and without looking at the area immediately went their separate ways.