A/N: YES, this update is late. VERY late, and I am terribly sorry. I've been writing this chapter for so long, writing for about ten minutes and then stopping. Sounds pretty pathetic, I guess, but I'm just trying to squeeze it in with everything else going on! I don't have proper excuses other than the fact that junior year is a killer in high school. SATs, research papers, ap us history tests practically everyday, have consumed what I consider a "life." I've been trying to de-stress my life right now, slowly but surely. Hmm, what else? Oh, my long-term obsession with the Broadway musical and movie, RENT, steered me away from Harry Potter for a bit. Don't get me wrong, I still looooveeee HP, but RENT is just a little bit higher. Hah, okay, I'm rambling. Please don't let my late update keep you from reading this chapter! Enjoyyy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, but in a few weeks I'll own a copy of the Goblet of Fire DVD! Score!


"We've decided to go back to Hogwarts," he stated bluntly.

We? Ron thought to himself. He then heard loud clunks and saw Regulus Apparate next to Harry. "Whoa," he said while trying to find balance, "I haven't done that in a while…"

Chapter 7- About Those N.E.W.Ts

The next thing he knew, Harry was swirling in a mix of colors, his internal body organs flying about inside of him. He landed, with a hard thud, on a street a few blocks from Hogwarts and looked around. Hermione and Ron stood to the left of him, both looking rather jaded. Hermione, he noticed, had distanced herself, leaving a good three feet between Harry and her. It bothered him to see her acting so childish, but then again, it was actually he, himself, who was being immature. She kept her head bent low to keep from making eye-contact with him; as he looked up he saw Ron blink and nod as if saying, She'll be okay. Regulus patted Harry on the back, motioning for them to move along.

With each step, Harry felt his scar sear with immeasurable pain, and he had no idea why, but when they finally reached a spot where Hogwarts was in clear view, Harry had a pretty good idea. Every muscle in his body tightened after seeing a large skull, with a snake slithering through the mouth, hover above Hogwarts. Hermione's loud gasp stung his ears. He shook it off and continued to march straight toward the castle, unaware that Regulus, Ron, and Hermione had completely stopped.

Harry was now at a point where his scar had seethed so much that his face became numb. He reached the front gates and heard a long, noisy moan heading his way

"S-sir Nicholas?" Harry whispered sharply. The moaning halted.

"Who's there?" Nearly-Headless Nick shouted.

"It's me—Harry."

"Harry?" Sir Nicholas floated toward Harry, "What in the blazes are you doing here? It's very dangerous at Hogwarts now!"

"I'm on a mission that…Dum…ProfessorDumbledore never finished."

Sir Nicholas nodded sincerely, "I'm proud of you, Harry."

"Thanks. Um, actually, I need your help. Are there anymore Death Eaters inside?"

"No, but I'm not one hundred percent certain. Listen, Harry, you must take care of yourself in there. It's…it's not safe. Oh, good gracious, Hogwarts is not safe!" Sir Nicholas covered his eyes with his hands and floated away, sobbing.

Harry turned around and noticed Ron, Hermione, and Regulus standing…idly. What were they doing! They had a mission to complete! He shook his head in dismay and motioned for them to come. Ron nodded and tugged at Hermione's arm. Harry saw her sigh before following, Regulus not very far behind.

"Where first, Harry?" Ron practically yelled while still making his way toward Harry.

"The Trophy Room…"

Hermione could not but feel a pang of loneliness rush through her. Sure, Ron was right there, by her side, but Harry wasn't. He had reserved himself, and Hermione wasn't sure if it was the mission or his never-ending flow of tenacity. She secretly slapped herself for being stubborn as well. But I'm not the one that should apologize! The mulish git!

The corridors echoed each one of the steps made on the cold tiled floor. The echoes were almost eerie. Usually, there were always students bustling about, rushing to their next class. And of course, there were the ghosts and teachers and owls and—

"Oh!" Hermione cried aloud. She felt a hand grasp hers firmly.

"All right, Hermione?" Ron whispered, though it still echoed in the hallway. She shook her head and stopped dead her in tracks. A few shuffles were heard as Harry and Regulus turned around. Ron noticed and motioned for them to continue, "We'll be right there, mate." Harry nodded briefly before sharply turning right.

"Ron," Hermione spoke, "I don't think I can do this." Ron's eyes widened.

"Hermione, I'm the one who's supposed to say that, not you." He gently placed his palm on her cheek. Hermione squeezed her eyes at the incredible warmth generated from Ron's hand. Her muscles relaxed a bit as she continued to find a steady breathing rate.

"Harry's not even talking to me. How am I supposed to do anything knowing that my best friend is not on speaking terms with me? I can't do it, Ron. I just can't. I know this doesn't sound like me at all, but I just…I wish…" she sighed deeply, "I want the post to come to my doorstep. I want it to read that warm and inviting letter that Dumbledore always sends. I want my new list of books. I want that feeling I always get when I see you and Harry for the first time at Diagon Alley—all three of us excited for school…well, me anyway. I want the Welcome Feast, with all of the candles and laughter and oh, the food! And here we are—Hogwarts, the place I've always considered home—looking for signs of Voldemort! I just cannot fathom how a once cheerful and homey place is now…like this…Yes, I sound completely and undeniably selfish and immature, but I…" Tiny, fresh tears leaked out of Hermione's chocolate eyes. Her heart was breaking into millions of pieces. "Wouldn't it be nice to take a quiet stroll next to the lake—you and me—holding hands, worrying only about…the N.E.W.Ts?"

Hermione watched as Ron let out an audible sigh; clearly, she had shared one too many of her thoughts.

"Oh, Ron…I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to worry you. I just…" but before she could say anymore, Ron had silenced her with a warm kiss. She practically melted into him and felt incredibly cold after Ron tore away.

"I'm sorry, Hermione," his expression both sorrowful and stern, "you know I'd love to continue, but Harry and…Regulus are waiting."

"Oh," Hermione barely whispered as she cursed herself for being completely selfish. She started making her way down the corridor, but was stopped suddenly.

"But," Ron said with his sideways smirk, "I want all of the things you just said; trust me, I do…even the N.E.W.Ts. But I know the most important part of your list is that we're together—all three of us. And you know what? We're together right now, which makes this just as good, yea?" Hermione nodded with a grateful smile. "When all of this is done, I promise that I will take you down to the lake so we can take a nice, quiet stroll."

Hermione beamed, "Promise?"

"Cross my heart." Ron crossed his chest with his arm and grinned. Hermione couldn't help but laugh,

"Ron Weasley, I love you." Ron chuckled and grabbed Hermione's hand, strolling down the corridor with her.

"I love you, too," he whispered while laughing. "So, about those ruddy N.E.W.Ts…"

While the rest of Hogwarts appeared dreary and dull, the Trophy Room still managed to shine impeccably from every angle. The medals and trophies were polished carefully, and the satin sashes and ribbons hung gracefully. Harry gulped loudly when he saw his father's name, elegantly engraved in the golden plaque with the words 'Seeker' underneath. He gently ran his fingers over the name, tracing each letter, mesmerized by the golden radiance. Glory. Fame. They weren't everything…

Suddenly, Harry was removed from his daydream when he heard Regulus speak,


"What?" Harry spoke with a half aggravated, half upset voice. He heard Regulus sigh and saw his eyes roll through his peripheral vision.

"…Well," Regulus began, rather flustered, "I was going to point something out, but I think we need to discuss a few crucial matters first—things that will affect this trip."

"What things are those?" Harry tried hard not to blow-up on Regulus because he knew what was coming.

"Your attitude, Harry Potter." I knew it.

"I knew you were going to say that. Look, you're not my…"

"Harry, don't say it, just don't. You've been giving your best friends the cold shoulder and me an even more bitter one. Don't you think this little act of yours is getting old?" Yeah, it is getting a bit old, I must admit.

"How would you know?"

"Judging by how your friends are dealing with your behavior, it seems like this has happened a countless number of times." Regulus smirked making Harry glare even harder. Why does he have to be right

"Sod off," Harry turned back around, facing the Quidditch trophy. He placed his hands once again on his father's name.

"James wasn't this uncouth," Harry whipped around and took two strides toward Regulus. He abruptly raised his fist in the air while simultaneously grabbing Regulus by the neck.

"You take that back, you worthless git," Harry was shaking with anger; his eyes blazing red.

"What are you going to do, Harry, punch me? Fine, go ahead, take a whack at me," Regulus chuckled lowly. Damn him. He's so much like Sirius.

Harry continued to shoot daggers at Regulus with his eyes as he slowly lowered his quaking fist.

"Now, harry, I was going to show you that," Regulus's boney, shriveled finger pointed toward the trophy case; Harry followed it curiously. There, right in front of Regulus's finger, the Hufflepuff Cup sat, a bit less polished than all the other cups. It was large with intricate engravings blazoning the corners and center. The velvet surrounding its base was fading and dusty, the name plate completely hidden. Albeit the trophy had no showiness, it was the most grand to Harry. His eyes glistened over as he thought about the special cup. Of course it's a Horcrux; there's no doubt, and besides, Regulus thinks so as well. Harry smiled after what seemed like months. He heard a few squeaks from the hallway; Ron and Hermione had perfect timing. When they entered the room, Harry smiled brightly at them.

Okay…Harry has definitely gone completely mental to be smiling like that, Ron thought to himself. He decided to enter the lion's cage,

"What's up, Harry?"

"Ron, Hermione, the cup!" Ron watched Harry shoot his finger toward the dirty cup in hidden behind the rest of the trophies. Yeah, Harry, it's a cup…

"Yeah, so?"

"Ron!" Hermione exclaimed, "This might, and most definitely is, a Horcrux!" Ron heard Regulus chuckle and looked in his direction.

"You reckon it is?" Ron asked Regulus.

"…Yes," Regulus said with a smile.

"Well! What the bloody hell are you waiting for, Harry? Grab it!"

"Yes, Harry, go!" Hermione couldn't contain a giggle.

"Yeah," Harry smiled warmly at Hermione, "yeah, I will…"

A/N: Welp, whatdya think? Theending was a bit cheesy, I know.Let me know by reviewing! Thanks and peace out!