Kai: (cheers) YAY, more ramblings of Kai at 11:06!

Satoshi: (raises eyebrow) What happened to "midnight- 30"?

Kai: (sweat drops) Satoshi, you can't say midnight-30 when it isn't midnight 30! Duh!

Satoshi: (falls over anime style) Right…issues.

House: You do realize that it's physically impossible to lose more blood then is in your body, right?

Kai: (ignoring House) How about we do disclaimer instead?

House: (mock pouting) Oh sure, just ignore the cripple.

Kai: Say my disclaimer and we'll talk

House: (ponders)No clinic duty

Kai: Well…

House: Take it or leave it

Kai: (mutters) Spoiled rotten cripple…Fine.

House: (grin) Kai doesn't own this thing called D.N.Angel but feel free to read and review the crappy non-medically correct story.

Kai: (sticks out her tongue) You suck, let's just start the fic

Satoshi: (hides under a rock) You do that, I'm staying right here.

Kai: (rolls eyes) Chicken.


Dark sighed as he tucked the unconscious boy under the blue and white stripped sheets. Satoshi whimpered and snuggled into the sheets causing the thief to sigh again before sitting down on the couch, his head in his hands. "This is going to be a long night," he muttered, eyeing the sleeping boy.

Hiwatari-kun is going to be okay now, right Dark? Daisuke's questioned echoed in the back of the thief's head.

"The kid is lucky to be alive," Dark replied, yawning. "Given enough time to rest, he should be back to his same old ice princess self in no time."

Dark, he's badly injured and all you can is joke about it. Daisuke snapped, frustrated with the thief.

"I'm not trying to poke fun Dai, I'm just trying to lighten the mood," Dark protested, while Satoshi fussed in his sleep. The thief let out a yawn before he ascended the stairs of his Tamer's bunk bed to check on his patient. Satoshi's bangs stuck to his sweaty forehead as he tossed in his sleep, apparently stuck in a nightmare. Dark rolled his eyes and brushed the matted bangs away, the comforting gesture seemed to calm the young tamer as he began to sleep peacefully again. "Hey Dai, you weren't planning on sleeping at all tonight, were you? Since I'm beginning to think Satoshi isn't going to let us."

You're on your own with that one, Dark, goodnight.

Dark looked down at the blue haired boy who was snuggling against him. "I hate you, Daisuke, I hope you know that." He grumbled as he crawled next to Satoshi and leaned up against the wall. "Leaving me all alone with Creepy Boy."

Krad wouldn't like it if he saw how close you were to his "precious Satoshi-sama" Daisuke joked.

"Fuck Krad, I'm too tired to care," Dark mumbled falling into a light sleep, while inside Satoshi's head Krad was gagging to himself about the thought of ever having sex with the rotten Niwa thief.


The bright sunlight shined through the half blinded window of Daisuke's room causing Satoshi to whimper and wrinkle his nose in disgust of being woken up. The birds were chipping a happy little tune outside the window, which was good. Good because that meant he was still breathing, which meant he was still in the realm of the living. "Where am I?" Satoshi pondered out loud to himself, jumping slightly when he was given an answer to his question.

"Welcome back to the comfy accommodations of your boyfriend's room, curtsy of your personal nurse, Dark," a voice mocked as a mop of purple locks invaded Satoshi's personal space bubble, "Good morning, Sunshine."

Satoshi gave Dark a groggy glance as he tried to get his mind to focus. "How long have I been out?" he asked, though it came out more of a grabbled mess of words.

Dark gave the boy a confused glance as he attempted to decipher what he had just asked. "About a week, give or take," he replied when he finally figured out what the kid had asked. Satoshi nodded slowly trying to sit up. "Hey, take it easy, you may have slept a week but I'm still not letting you out of this bed yet."

Satoshi sighed, as much as he didn't want to agree with the thief he did kind of have a point. "Well, it's not like I can stay here forever," he muttered, eyes suddenly becoming very interested in the blankets he was wrapped in.

"You're right, you can't," a new voice stated, the two figure looked towards the door to find a very pissed off look Emiko standing in it. "Good to see your awake, now you can leave."

Dark frowned, shaking his head as he walked up to Daisuke's mother and drug her out by her arm. "Emiko, can I have a word with you?" he question, waiting till he thought he was out of Satoshi's hearing range to speak with her again. "What's with you? He's still too injured to go home with no one to watch him."

Emiko glared towards her son's room before turning her attention back to Dark. "I don't care, I don't like the Hikari being here," she stated, crossing her arms. "He's too unpredictable, Dark, he'll turn into Krad and all hell will break loose."

"Satoshi is too weak to do much of anything, Emiko," Dark assured, "Which leaves Krad in the same predicament"

"But he will…" Emiko began again before Dark cut her off.

"Don't worry about it," he stated, hugging her in reassurance, "Let me handle Satoshi and Krad, besides, they owe me." Sighing Dark watched Emiko leave down the stairs before he walked back into Daisuke's room to find Satoshi attempting to climb down the stairs to the bed. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" he caught the boy off guard causing him to lose his footing sending him tumbling to the floor in a heap.

Satoshi whimpered as he tried to sit up only to fall flat on his face again. "Bring me home," he demanded, growling in frustration at his own weakness.

Dark shook his head as he bent down to Satoshi's level, checking him over to make sure he hadn't reopened anything. "You can't go home just yet, Satoshi," he said, propping the boy up in his lap. Satoshi whimpered again and it took the phantom thief a second to realize that the boy has started to cry. Crystallized drops fell from his ice colored eyes making Dark's shirt wet.

"She doesn't trust me, not that I blame her," Satoshi finally remarked, though his voice wasn't louder then a whisper. "I want to go home."

Dark sighed, pulling the boy closer to his body. It felt awkward to the thief, but if it could make Satoshi feel a little more at ease then he guessed it was worth it. "Go to sleep, Satoshi," he commanded, keeping his tone as gentle as possible while he ran his fingers through Satoshi's hair. After a few tense minutes, Satoshi seemed to relax into Dark's grasp allowing the calming effect to take over him and wisk him away to dream land.

Dark, are you really sure Hiwatari-kun will be okay? Daisuke questioned the worry apparent once again.

Dark didn't answer his tamer right away as he stared at the sleeping child in his lap. "I really don't know anymore, Daisuke," he replied, after the long silence. "His mind seems to be in a very fragile state after everything that's happened in the past few days and with no one to really look out for him; I don't know what will happen." The Phantom Thief sat there for along while just watching the young Hikari sleep, he didn't have the heart to pick him and pick him up and put him back into Daisuke's bed especially with him sleeping so soundly. Dark was just drifting off when he heard a familiar whimpering noise and he stared down to see golden eyes glancing up at him.

"Hello Dark," Krad greeted, catching the thief completely off guard by the demon's sudden change in character.

Dark growled as he stared at the Hikari's curse, trying to fight the urge to push him off of his lap. Logic finally winning over hatred as he knew it would only further harm Satoshi. "What do you want, Krad?" he inquired, his tone more harsh then he meant it to be. "Satoshi doesn't need you stealing his energy."

Krad glared at Dark for the comment, but chose to remain still. "Do not speak to me about what is good for Satoshi-sama," he spat, "I mean him no harm I was actually going to thank you, but perhaps I've changed my mind."

"You what?" Dark repeated, puzzled. "You're going to thank me…I'm beginning to think Satoshi's blood loss is starting to effect you, Krad."

"The object you seek is in the place where Satoshi-sama was being held," Krad remarked, his eyes closing as if in thought. "I hid it before I killed that bastard."

Dark grinned. "Well that's mighty thoughtful of you to tell me where it is," he stated as Krad turned his head to stare out the window. "What's the catch?"

"No catch; consider it payment for you helping us."

"Works for me, while the Commander's away the thief will play," Dark remarked, the playful grin returning to his face.

Krad stared at him for a moment before speaking again. "And one other thing," he said, his voice this time taking its usual deadly tone. "No harm must come to Satoshi-sama, if one hair is out of place again I will personally see to it that I gouge out your eyes so that the Wing Master may never look at precious Satoshi-sama again," with that the blonde angel disappeared into the depths of the Hikari's mind and Satoshi reappeared in Dark's lap once again, still sound asleep.

"This is turning out to be a full time job," Dark complained to know one in particular as he placed the blue haired boy back in Daisuke's bed before taking off into the night sky. "Krad's going to owe me a little more then a crappy mirror if he expects me to keep Creepy Boy out of trouble.


Kai: (sighs) Awww I missed mid-night 30 again Since it's 12:45am

House: Has anyone ever told you that you have some SERIOUS issues?

Kai: (tries to count on fingers) Yeah lots a people, but I didn't listen

House: …..

Satoshi: I like that chapter.

Kai: (raise eyebrow) That surprises me, Satoshi-sama

Satoshi: Why? I got to sleep through most of it

Kai: (falls over anime style) I give up, please read and review!