
Rating: T, yeah, you heard me, 'T' for teen.

Summary: Yugi wants his lemon, and Yami's gonna help… YYxY.

A/N: So…what are you thinking is going to happen here? Because…I can almost assure you that you're wrong. This fic really wasn't written to be highly descriptive, either. It's too long in my opinion to be a drabble, but I guess that it could be called that if you want.


Yugi wanted it…he wanted it so bad…but he couldn't get it, no matter how hard he bit, scratched, yelled, and otherwise beat it…it wouldn't bear to him its juicy, sour pleasure. Sure…it was past midnight, but if Yugi wanted this…why couldn't he have it?

Yugi stood up and went to the drawer…he'd get his way one way or another…once inside of it, he picked up a knife, and returned to the kitchen table…he put the knife up to his 'victim.'

"Yugi? Aibou, why aren't you in bed? We have school tomorrow." Yami said, walking down the stairs in black silk pajamas, but no shirt. His hair was ruffled a little, yet his eyes looked alert and awake. His chest gleamed with some type of unknown light.

"I want this…it's a craving, I guess." Yugi said, paying no attention to his darkness as he attacked his prize with the knife.

Yami laughed, "Aibou, you are the only person that I know that would want to eat a sour piece of fruit at 12:30 in the morning." Then he pulled up a chair and sat down next to his Yugi, who still couldn't get the skin off of his lemon, "Here, let me see it."

Yugi didn't pay attention to Yami at all, and Yami, not liking that at all, decided to take matter's into his own hands, meaning the knife and the lemon. He practically threw the knife into the sink and then sunk his rather sharp teeth into the lemon and felt tangy juices enter his mouth. Almost immediately after, he pulled his teeth out and scrunched his face, having never eaten anything sour before.

But he got over it, and started to peel the skin off of the lemon, until Yugi pulled it out of his hands. "Yami…you never cease to amaze me…" He put the lemon on the table.

"Didn't you want that?" Yami asked, but then Yugi's mouth attached itself to his, and Yami thought that he understood.

Yugi pulled away a minute later, "That was a good lemon…"

Yami picked up the lemon and peeled a large chunk of the skin out, then took a bite, the sour sensation not as bad the second time around, "You know, Yugi, I'm hoping that you didn't get up just so that you have one bite of this lemon…you might as well have the whole thing."

Yugi smiled at Yami. That could be arranged.


A/N: Ha! That wasn't what you were expecting, was it? Basically, this fic was just a lame attempt to see how many people out there read fics just for the chance to read a lemon…but this isn't what you people had in mind, was it?

So…now you can review and tell me what a sick, cruel joke I played on you…