Daddy Dearest

Summary: Zack and Cody have been living at the Tipton for one year now, and everything has been going great. But one day, while pestering Mr. Moseby, a new guest checks in. And the guest, is their father.

A/N: It surprised me when in Suite Life, we found out that Carey was a single mother. Usually Disney has the parents together, and a brother and sister. Now we have a single mother and twin brothers, different then their normal setup. It seems inevitable that one day, we will meet the twin's father, and I've been thinking about the situation in my mind.

I'm in a kind of Suite life craze. Usually I love the show, but I've never been this obsessed. And there hasn't been a new episode for weeks…oh well! Better not question it. I just wish there were more Suite life stories on here –COUGHCOUGHHINTCOUGH- Anyway, this is my newest idea for a story.

I'm not much of a…fluffy write. I'm more of an angst writer. So this will be more…well angsty then Disney shows. Of course, it's Suite Life and I feel guilty making it to angsty, so it shouldn't be so bad. Not so bad on angst. I'm rambling, but that's okay. I am bordley waiting for the Suite life of Zack and Cody marathon to come on (when you're sick there's not much else you can do, though it's what I was planning to do anyway)

So, here it, my newest Suite Life fic, Daddy Dearest!

Disclaimer: I do not in any way, shape or form own the Suite life of Zack and Cody. If I did, I'd…I don't know, but I don't own it. We can always dream though right? Maybe my parents will give it to me for my birthday.


Chapter one: A new guest


It was a beautiful day at the Tipton hotel. The hotel was clean, the guests were checking in…

And Zack and Cody were skateboarding through the lobby.

Guests screamed and dived out of the way, trying avoid the skateboarding duo. Mr. Moseby looked up from the desk and yelled in surprise. "How many times do I have to tell you not to skateboard in my lobby!" he yelled, though he seriously doubted either of them were listening. He cringed as Zack barley avoided running into a guest, and when Cody almost knocked over his favorite vase. He wouldn't have this. They would not destroy this hotel, he refused to let them destroy his hotel! Walking over, he was intent on stopping them from this race.

They were in the middle of a race, which had started the moment the elevator doors had opened. They were side by side, though Cody was beginning to earn a slight lead. Well Zack wasn't going to have that, he wanted to win. If he could get Cody to just loose his balance for a moment, he would reach the hotel doors first, then he could go through and skate down to the park, which was their ending point. Grinning at his amazing plan, he prepared his move, not seeing Mr. Moseby drawing closer to the two of them. Zack quickly swerved to the side and cut Cody off. Going out of control, Cody tried to regain his balance but couldn't. "Watch out!" he yelled at Mr. Moseby, but too late. Cody managed to re-direct himself slightly, but though his board didn't hit him, he did. Mr. Moseby went tumbling into a large plant and Cody flew off his board and on to the floor.

Glancing behind him, Zack knew he was the winner, but knew they were in big trouble now. In his thoughts, he didn't see the chair in front of him. Turning around, he yelled as he ran into the chair. The speed he was going forced the chair and himself to be knocked over.

The stampede of guests had stopped, and most were carefully making their way around, as if afraid another set of twins would come flying out of the elevator on skateboards. The more regular guests of the hotel continued as if nothing had happened. They were used to chaos like this by now.

Zack groaned and sat up, holding his head as Cody got up from the floor. "I got further then you did."

"No way!" Cody yelled. "You cheated!"

"Did not," Zack said, standing up and walking closer to Cody.

"Did so!"

"Did not!"

"Did so!"

"Did not!"

"Did so!"

"Did not!"

"ENOUGH!" Mr. Moseby interrupted, causing both boys to jump and turn to look at him. He had made his way out from under the plant and looked quite angry. "There is no skateboarding in the lobby! Something like what just happened might happen! You could have hurt someone or damaged something! If you're going to skateboard and try to kill each other, please do not do it in my hotel!"

Zack and Cody shared a look, saying 'he's crazy' before looking back at him.

Mr. Moseby took a deep breath and turned away, walking back towards his desk. Zack and Cody shrugged and followed him. "You two…you've been here almost a year. You're thirteen, don't you think you should be…?"

"More mature?" Cody asked.

Zack shook his head sadly. "And we thought you KNEW us Mr. Moseby!"

Grinning they moved behind the desk, surveying the lobby. Mr. Moseby sighed. He was too tired to even bother today. Oh well. It's not like it surprised him. And, he reasoned to himself, that they had just turned 13, maybe next year they would be more mature? Well one could only hope. He could always fire Carey, but she was a very good singer and he didn't want to loose her as a member of the staff, she brought in more guests. He glanced up and a man walked through the door and made his way to the desk.

"Hello sir, would you like a room today?" he asked, only half noticing that the twins had taken a step back.

The man wasn't looking at Mr. Moseby though; he was looking at Zack and Cody. Zack and Cody, in turn, were staring at him. Mr. Moseby looked between them, confused. "I'm sorry but, do you know each other he asked?

"Oh we know him," said Zack, a cold edge to his voice, though still looking shocked. "He's our father."

At that moment Carey came downstairs, on her way to talk to Mr. Moseby about that nights performance. "Mr. Moseby for tonight would it be best if…" she stopped short as she caught sight of who was there.

"Carey," he said, turning to look at her. "Is that really you?"

Carey's shocked expression turned into a glare. "What are you doing here Kurt?"

This was going to turn out to be a very interesting time at the Tipton.


AN: Like I said this is the prologue. So what do you think? Should I continue? Please review!

Oh, I know that Disney is making an episode involving their dad, but this is the way I'd see it done.