Recap: Looking at Hermione seriously, making it known that he was taking her safety and his protection of her very seriously.

"Not that you're unable to yourself," he add sheepishly, he paused before adding, "I don't think it'd be so bad… being stuck with you all night I mean."

Commenting on her earlier… teasings.

"You mean… you have to stay in my room?"

Chapter 4: A Token of Comfort

"You mean you have to stay in my room?"

Draco pulled away from Hermione's embrace, feeling hurt.

"Do you not want… me to?"

He could barely keep his voice from cracking, why did he feel so hurt and rejected all of a sudden? Maybe it was cause he felt safe with Hermione and the fact that she had extended friendship after all that has happened, meant a lot. What if she did not think him worthy anymore or she realized just whom it was she was talking too.

Seeing the panic, hurt, and confusion flash across his face; Hermione realized how it must sound to Draco.

"I didn't mean it like that Draco," she said softly and gently pulled him into her arms, "I just don't want you to have to stay with me cause of the slave bond."

They both were aware that because of the blood bond they'd really not have much of a choice.

Draco wrapped his arms around Hermione's waist, nuzzling into her chest.

"No, I want to…," He looked up into her eyes, "I would like to protect you, I can never pay back the amount of kindness you have shown me in a life time. I want to… be your friend, to stay with you. That is, " he looked down, "if you'll have me, of course."

Hermione thought for a while before replaying, choosing her words carefully, "I am glad you have accepted my invitation for friendship… I don't mind if you stay with me and please know that you have my protection as well. And if you ever feel like talking, Draco, I'd be more then happy to listen to what you have you say."

Hermione felt Draco nod against her chest. She would not push him, especially when he wasn't ready. She couldn't imagine what it was like to b a slave and the things his 'masters' had him do.

Hermione shook her head with disgust at the turn the world had taken.

It started to get late and Hermione thanked whatever god it was that had the boys too tired to talk to her tonight. Truthfully she wasn't sure how she was going to explain Draco to them. If she told them about Knockturn Alley and the slave trader no doubt she'd be in trouble, but she couldn't possibly tell them that Draco had been a slave… could she? She hated to think ill of the boys, but their first thought would probably be to try and make Draco suffer as much as they did.

She wanted to do the right thing, she had informed Dumbledore and no others till he or Draco said so, so she didn't have to feel bad about not telling the boys… right?

Hermione sighed, since when had the world gotten so complicated?

Her head jerked up as the bathroom door opened. Draco stepped out, she had to admit he looked a lot better then before.

Hermione gave him a soft smile, "Do you feel better?" The tension in his posture had dissipated, she noticed with some relief.

His body felt relaxed and less sore, "Yes, thank you." Hermione had been the utmost kind to him and very understanding in Draco's opinion, he really wished he didn't feel so helpless.

Pushing those thought out of his mind, Draco looked around the room. "Uh… Where should I sleep?" A slight blush highlighted Draco's pale face.

Hermione nodded, mostly to herself, "I was thinking of that, if you don't feel too uncomfortable we could share a bed, " she was trying very hard not to brake out into a blush, but the ability escaped her. "I could make the bed bigger I suppose, if you'd like."

Draco shifted uncomfortably, she was having him choose, normally he would be very glad if his master's gave him a choice, but this was quite different.

Draco struggled with himself for awhile, on one hand he didn't want to make Hermione uncomfortable, after all she had done so much for him already, on the other hand he very much would like to be near Hermione, she made him feel safe, a feeling that he was not at all accustom too.

"If … If you don't mind…I'd like to, uh, stay with you." A very flustered Draco, meekly responded. Hermione couldn't help but notice how cute he looked just then.

"It's fine, really Draco, but I suggest we get to bed, it's quite late and we have a big day ahead of us."

Draco nodded and shyly moved towards the bed, giving Hermione a small smile he crawled in beside her.

Settling down in the covers, Hermione absently wondered about the confrontations that awaited them tomorrow, mainly with the boys.

Draco shifted his body in the sheets, he felt so stupid, but he really wanted to ask Hermione to… hold him. Mentally cringing at himself, Draco felt so childish for the thought, but it could not be helped.

He silently scolded himself for absently wondering if Hermione would reject him, if he were to ask. For one she had been nothing but kind and understanding, caring even, second he should just stop thinking about it.

'But it's so hard!' Draco wined into his mind. It just wasn't fair, Draco decided, he wasn't sure what or why, but whatever it was, it was unfair.

Draco gave a mental sigh, this was getting him nowhere, after all Hermione would understand, right?

Swallowing hard and with his heart beat racing, Draco gently tugged on Hermione's nightgown like a small child.

Giving a small yawn, Hermione turned over to face Draco, "Everything alright?"

Draco shifted a little, "uh… do you think you could …um hold me?" he's voice lowered at the last part, cringing not believing he actually said it.

Hermione arched a brow, it was just so… cute. Snapping back into focus, she nodded.

"Of course." She whispered back.

They both laid there for a while unmoving, not wondering as much if this was a boundary to cross, but who was to make the first initial move. Reminding herself that Draco was quite unsure of himself after all he's been through, Hermione gently slid her hand up over his waist to his back. No words were spoken as Draco shifted closer to Hermione and in turn wrapped his arms around her. Draco cuddled himself a little downwards to that his head was buried in Hermione's chest and so she could tuck his head under her chin.

A sigh of content was released from Draco's lips as he melted into Hermione's embrace; her warmth and smell of Jasmine surrounded him, lulling him into a peaceful slumber.

Hermione smiled upon seeing this and soon followed him into the realm of dreams.

Alert Read Me!

DigiFox86 here, thank you for reading my story so far, I look forward to your comments and opinions about the story.

I seem to had lost… I mean cough misplaced my muse. And it's been, ur missing for a long time, this was actually a backup. See I write and type out a story before I post one chapter, I try and have the next one ready just incase my muse gets stolen… cough I mean lost… I mean misplaced. So thankyou for being patient and I hope that my muse comes back so I can write chapter 5…

On another note… I want your opinion on something… I am planning on writing another HP fanfic in the future, what pairing do you think is better, Draco/Hermione or Snape/Hermione cuz in the next HP fanfic I plan on doing…. There will be and OFC in it.

Please forgive me if some of the chapters seem a little short, I'm doing the best I can to make sure that the story runs smoothly, plus with college and work, you'll have to forgive me for not posting chapters as fast as you'd like me too. Thankyou

For all of you who are wondering what has happened to Draco, please be patient, I'm doing a foreshadowing flashback thing, and trying to build up more suspense for that section of the story.