Chapter 1: Unexpected

Summary: While Hermione and her friends were getting ready for yet another year at Hogwarts, Herione runs across a certain Sltherin prince, however he is a slytherin prince no longer. Tricked during his summer away from school, Draco changed... Hermione decides to buy him and set him free, but now they are bounded with magic and Hermione's blood! What will Hermione do now!

Someone's POV

Life can be so beautiful, and yet, at the exact some time, it is also very ugly. Being the greatest and pretty powerful, all considering, I was reduced to be treated as some weakling. Pitiful.

How was I reduced to such inferiority? Why do I even ask? I already know the answer anyway.

Being so great and powerful, I had MANY admirers, also, so many enemies. I was cold and arrogant, I know, and seemingly merciless to most. Papered and trained for the best.

Who knew I would be reduced to something like this! WHO! And if I ever knew, I would have killed then for not telling me sooner, most likely end up in Azkaban for doing so, but it'd be worth it.

I've suffered so much pain and humiliation. And to think I use to derive pleasure from the suffering so similar to mine.

-Sadistic and ironic- those are the words; the perfect words to describe fate, destiny even.

I was invincible, indeed. Everyone thought so, at least I sure as hell did.

But it I was so invincible, how was some ancient binding-subduing spell be able to bring me to my downfall? HOW!

Angst, I know, dramatic, too. Why did this happen? Why did this have to happen to ME! ME of all people!

Now there's the question I've been asking all summer.

Through out the …weeks, though it felt like years-, I was transformed into a 'modest', 'lowly' being, in other words: I become obedient. You maybe wondering 'why obedient? What's the connection of being obedient to lowly and modest?' it's quite simple really.

I was forced to serve a pureblood family, even if I am pureblood myself. Even more ironic is the fact that the 'race' I hated… hated the most were the only ones to try and save me from this injustice. The ones I would always call weak and useless tried to help me, ME of all people! How very, very ironic.

The one I suspect responsible for me…enslavement is most likely gathering more power and recruits for 'the battle'.

Stupid bastard.

I was enslaved to a powerful family, well more powerful then average purebloods were anyway… like the Weasel's family,… no their lower then average even if their dad works at the ministry.

Having me around, the pureblood family made me do their dirty work, the illegal kind. Like a muggle Mafia or some sort of crazy thing.

I served this family all summer. Today? It is different. Very much so, since the incident a week ago.

My… master and his family died. I was not there to waste my life trying to protect them when the 'deal' or whatever they were up too went bad. I thought that maybe now, since I no longer had a master, they would set me free.

Apparently, I was painfully mistaken. I'm being sold.

Human slavery is illegal in this day and age, in both the muggle and the wizarding worlds, I might add. I mean, I'm no damn house elf! They now have my condolences and respect, of sorts- at least, their allowed to use magic when they work. I however was not.

So here we are, the slave trader and I, in the middle of a crowd! But no one cares here that it's illegal, this is where most of the shady business in the wizard world goes down, Knockturn Alley.

The slave trader smelled so very much like those gross muggle cigars. And he word the sloppiest clothes that I've ever seen! You Merlin sakes he makes Weasley look fucking rich and that's totally absurd!

Me? I'm wearing a wizarding robe, ratty and torn, probably makes Proffessor Lupin's wardrobe look like the latest in fashion. This robe was the some one I had on my back on my last day of freedom, the same day I got home from Hogwarts, the someday I just 'had' to go for a walk…

I've learned so much since then, how much of a puppet I was and now even more so.

It's hard to believe that nearly three months ago I was at school, admired, popular, VERY sought after, and not bearly even glanced at as I'm standing in the middle of Knockturn Alley, in broad day light (well sort of, it's kind of dark and shady like the people here) being showed off.

Being sold for a very low price. Why? No body would buy me. Nobody in the entire world. Slavery is illegal, very illegal, penalized most severely. Considering my background (being a Malfoy), I was heavy money, and yet, none would buy me.

Although the price on me is still considerably large, it wouldn't be considered so in the world of slave trading in fact, it would even be called a bargain.

Draco Malfoy, a pureblood wizard, one of a powerful statue. Not anymore though.

I haven't eaten for a good 3 days.

Will my new master feed me? Merlin, I hope so.

Hermione's POV:

Ack. How very annoying. How did I end up here anyway? In Knockturn Alley no less! Sure, the boys aren't here to witness me getting lost, but still.

The only good thing I can think of at the moment is the fact I can eventually rub it into their faces that I've been adventurous enough to brave this…place.

Why me? I got everything for school already, I've sure got more interesting things to do and here I go wondering into the shadiest place in the wizard world…

Ron and Harry are definitely a bad influence.

DOES THIS PLACE HAVE NO SIGNS! How am I suppose to find my way out of here!

Hermione was not in the mood for this! She was nervous, but failed to show it. After 5yrs of the boys, Voldemort's attempts to kill Harry, Black's death, and the feeling that the war was practically at their doorstep made them grow up, a lot.

To say she changed over the summer would most likely be an understatement. The battles against Voldemort and against the boys took a toll on her. Her parents, of course were oblivious to the war and that's the way she liked it, no naturally she had to become very well versed in hiding her emotions and for her that was quite a feet.

She had finally tames her hair this summer. She wanted to laugh went Ron and Harry's jaws dropped when they saw her. Yeah, she had gained quite a figure and was showing it off with a pair of hip huggers and a tight button down shirt. But alas all was for not, after they saw it was just Hermione, JUST Hermione, she went back to being one of the guys yet again, just a better looking one. Hermione rolled her eyes at this, at least something's don't change.

Harry and Ron had joked around afterwards that even though she was good looking all the guys would probably still be too scared to ask her out. Something they thought was very funny, she on the other hand was… well, hurt.

Hermione knew she could be… a little intimidating and that she had a hard time making friends, but they didn't have to rub it in her face. Sure it was meant as harmless fun, but it still hurt. She knew she wasn't beautiful maybe cute, but not even pretty. She had to get away for awhile and she ended up getting lost.

'Just Great' Hermione thought wryly. This is what she got for being so damn emotional!

Hermione finally was able to reach the outer center of Knockturn Alley. Here, she found there was many people. A crowd, even.

It was so warm here. With the combination of all the body heat and the extremely warm weather she began to perspire. Suddenly despite the heat, she froze; her body went ice cold.

A tingling sensation went down her spine.

During the course of the summer she had practiced in aura's so this was not a rare occurrence. It was not that she intended to become an Auror, but just wanted to expand her senses. Funny how it just all of a sudden zeroed in on a pacific one like that, was there danger?

The aura it felt so… Sad. Tortured?

Finally nearing the inner center, she caught a glimpse of- platinum blond hair!

Not very many people had that color of hair, she only knew a few, but she was still not prepared for what she was about to see.

Draco's POV:

Here, I was held by chains. Yes, I know. Chains could be spelled off easily, but unless they had some spell or something on them, they won't.

Then the wind picked up, I caught a pleasant scent in the air, way better then this cigar-scented bastard beside me.

The source came closer, she looked familiar… so very familiar.

Then finally, as if she was looking hard for something, she saw me. When she looked straight in my eyes, the corners of my lips lifted in a nearly unnoticeable smile. But, her eyes widened. She looked horrified… frightened even.

What did I do?

Surprisingly, she came near the slave trader and me. Eyeing me with something I would call a critical eye. Her eyes shifted to my neck, landing on the chain placed there. A flame ignited in her eyes.

Ah. The slave trader sees her. He noticed that the young women before me seems interested- yeah interested in screaming her lungs out. Her body tensed up at an alarming rate in her anger.

Curious, most curious, indeed.

Hermione's POV:

Wha- I can't believe it! It's….it's!


It can't be! Did he…what… what the bloody hell's going on! He's a Malfoy.

And, and- is that a chain! What did they do to him?

…he's….he's smiling- at me! What in the Merlin happened?

Then, I look down. I was deep in thought when some male who had the nerve to disturb me, interrupted me thoughts.

"Ah, Miss. I see that you are interested. How much are you willing to spend on the slave?"

Ugh. His breath stinks. Wait, did he say slave? I looked at the blond-haired one. This can't be Malfoy. Besides, I can't see him getting into this kind of situation, his dad would of saved him, wouldn't have he?

At the mention of 'slave' the man's eyes went down cast. Nope. This isn't Malfoy. He would always stick his chin up and sneer, no matter what. You could almost say that his pride is unbreakable.

My right eye nearly twitched. Slave?

Without even thinking, I asked:

"How much is he?" gee. I sound so professional, as if I've been doing this for a million years. How quaint. Now I sound arrogant.

The fat man looked a bit surprised then suddenly, very delighted.

"Let's see. How about a bag of Galleons?"


"Seriously. If you do not tell me now, then you may never have the chance to even have a seller."

My voice sounded so bloody cold to my ears. But what I said was true. No one would buy a slave. My only reason is for me to let the man go, and of course, to question him.

But this blond man looked so very much like Malfoy, the angular face, perfect straight blond hair, everything. Worst off, I started to wonder what I'm getting myself into. Me doing something illegal, I'll never hear the end of this and could end up in Azkaban.

The fat man took me seriously enough though.

He nodded in a smug way and told me to just follow him and 'the slave' to a certain small office and we would talk things over there.

As the slave treader led the way, Hermione's thought were over powering her, making her exhausted. Extremely so.

On the other hand, Malfoy would not stop glancing to his left, Hermione was on the upper left of Malfoy's place of vision.

Finally, they entered a big room, which had a table and two chairs. Taking their seats, a side from Malfoy who had to stay standing as an open display of respect, they immediately went to business.

"Miss," the man started, "this man over here is going to cost a lot. His records were that he served a very notorious and rich family."

Hermione just sat there, bearing the demeanor of an astute observer, mauling over he options and approach. She was just waiting for this man to stop his rambling and get straight to the point

"He would proably cost thousands, millions, even." The fat man continued.

Hermione nodded and thought that now was the best time to say something.

"So. How much is he? You have said many things about him, but you did not answer MY question."

It was plainly obvious that the slave trader was stalling for time in hoped of tiring her out. SO the slave trader thought he would show Malfoy's 'records' where he served a very high in the up economic rank family (who by the way are all dead). Was very well trained in the art of-

"Excuse me, are you going to tell me how much he is or are you going to stare at that folder all day?"

The man actually yelped. He was so immersed in his own train of thoughts that he, for a moment, completely forgot about everything else.

Finally regaining his breath and composure, he gave the said folder to Hermione and told her to read it.

"That might give you an idea of how much he is, miss."

He wanted to show her how good Malfoy was. He wanted to let her see his 'accomplishment'. However, Hermione did not have the patience for this and was tiring of this little cat and mouse game.

"Sir, no disrespect meant, but I honestly do not have the time for this. This record folder thing measures up to 1 inch and I have other things to do. Just answer my question please. How much is he?"

The fat man was very disappointed with this situation. SO what he did was that he told Hermione everything in detail, the oral summarization of the file which was in the folder.

Hermione just listened attentively. Actually, she totally herself that her uncle was much worse.

"So, you see, miss. He might cost you a mere bank." In his leery mind, the fat man thought that nothing could get worse than this. She'd be forced to pay a big amount for 'the slave'.

Hermione knew what game he was playing, so she was very much prepared. Hanging about Fred and George had its benefits.

She smirked.

"No, I don't think that he would cost that much. After all, we are in a free country. No one would dare buy a slave, either they would be rich or poor. If to were to do 'slave trading' out of this… realm, it would most probable only be in Asia, Japan's security for freedom is the loosest. If you go to other countries, you would be caught, almost immediately. I mean, for Merlin's sake- a chain in broad day light!"

With that said, the fat man paled a considerable amount. Hermione on the other hand was smiling brightly, her chest was fluttering. Hanging around the boys definitely made her a sadistic person.

'How very Slytherin of me' Hermione thought wryly.

Besides, that was just shot 1. Wait till shots 2 and 3. He might even hand over 'the slave' for free.

So, Hermione went on and on how illegal it was, how he could get caught, and for all slave traders, there would always be an ultimatum, a time limit.

In the end, Malfoy was sold to Hermione for quite a hefty some of galleons. Hn. Then he flew away like a freighted bird. But before anything else happened, he gave Hermione a small package.

"Miss, you signed the documents and all, so I don't think you need to do anything else…. Ah wait! Here, a package from the lawyer of the family he belonged to earlier. And miss, if you need me, here's my card. Good-bye. I'm off to my inn, the Prancing Unicorn. I won't be leaving for another 2 days if you want to talk to me. I'll see you there, maybe even over dinner."

He winked and left, leaving Hermione cringing in discussed. Truth be told, he would be getting a visit later, that freak, but of an entirely different kind.

Still sitting down she looked at the package on the table. Then she looked at him.

She still did not know his name though.

"Excuse me, but may I know you name?" her tone and voice changed a lot. Compared to the fat man's, she spoke to him kindly, sweetly even. Towards the fat man, she spoke indifferently.

Malfoy, surprised because he was asked for his name blinked a bit then immediately gave his name. In the past master(s) never asked for his name or even called him by it.

"Draco is my name, mistress."

The effect of his name sent her to nearly drop the package in her hands. She stared at him, and even her heartbeat sped up. Draco was confused as to why she would react like this.

Then taking control over her reigns, she calmed down, then smiled.

"All right…Draco, why don't you take a seat?" she pointed to the chair on her right.

Now it was Draco's turn to be surprised. Still, he obeyed.

"Thank you, mistress."

Hermione wrinkled her nose at this, but brushed it aside for later, she gave him another smile, then took on a serious look.

"Listen, I need you to take off that horrible thing on your neck. Can you do it?"

Draco knew he can, but can he really spell it off? There was an enchantment on it. So he thought of something to make her understand.

"Mistress, please read the package. It will explain of who I am. It also explains why I'm not allowed to take it off."

Hermione thought this over and read everything quickly. Nothing came to much of a surprise. She already knew that he was Draco Malfoy, by know.

It says here that she should let her blood drip on the lock of his chain collar, willingly, and it will immediately be unlocked, making her the true mistress of Malfoy… Draco.

Draco was waiting for an "are you kidding" response. But in the end, she just stood up and got a pocketknife from her pocket and wounded herself. Then walked directly in his line of sight and –

"Draco…, please tilt you head a bit, so I can have access to the lock on your neck."

Blinkingly, he obliged. As he bent his head, she came closer.

No sooner had he done so, his metal collar fell on the ground with a clang.

He now officially, sealed through blood and magic, belonged to a young women he had yet to know the name of, and will do her every whim.

At least that's what he expected. Silly Malfoy. Life will never be that Dull!

DigiFox86 here, I hoped you like it and I'd like you opinion if you think it's good enough to continue this story or leave it forgotten.

I'd like to give Credit to the awesomely cool writer LeSinner for the first three chapter of this story and of course the idea just to begin with!

Note: that this is my very first posted fanfic. so try and take it a little easy, k? But I'm open to comments and suggestions. Also I may place a little guy on guy action later in the story, so I'll try to change the ratings then if I decide to do that.

Disclaimer: (I'm only doing this so I won't get into trouble) I don't own HP so yeah enough said, right?

Peace out.