Hi ppl well here's my other fanfict

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Seed or any of the characters

Cagalli, athrun, kira, lacus, dearke, and mir are all16

chapter one

Kira was in his apartment in the PLANTS packing, ready for his next day to leave for ORB. Then Athrun came in.

"are you almost ready there?" athrun said

"almost… I cant wait to see Cagalli though, I havet seen her in like a year" he responded

"oh yeah… your sister that your always talkin about" he said "maybe I should go with you so I can meet this sister of yours that your allways talking about" he teased

Kira gave glare " hey im not gonna let you date my sister so you just dump her in like a week… like you've done with all your other girlfriends" kira said

Athrun threw his hands up in defense " hey man im just joking…jeez" "but anyways how are things going between you and Lacus" athrun said trying to change the conversation.

"It's going great, we went out yesterday…" kira said

"and…" athrun added

" I asked her if she wanted to come with me to ORB and she said yes, im sure cagalli will be excited to meet my girfriend… shes gonna drop dead once she finds out I started dating before her." he smiled

"so Lacus is gonna go with you… man am I ever going to be bored" athrun said bumed out

" you should come with us, you have nothing better to do here anyways…" kira said

"maybe…" "but what will I do there, I don't think I know anybody there" Athrun said

"don't worry you'll have us there… plus you'll meet new people" kira said

Just then the door bell rang. "I'll get it" kira said

Kira went to open the door. There standing was none other than his girlfriend Lacus Clyne.

"Hey Kira" " I'm done packing so I came to see if you needed help." she said

"Hi lacus" he greeted and kisses her in the cheek " I'm almost done, but im trying to convince Athrun to come with us." "but I don't think he wants to" kira said

"hmm, maybe I can convince him" Lacus said walking over to Athrun who was sitting on the couch.

"hey athrun, so are you coming to ORB with us?" lacus asked

"I'm not sure, if I go I wont do anything" he answered

"Oh come on it'll be fun, well do lots of things there…" she said "and you'll meet the Princess of ORB, come on by what kira says she sounds like a nice and fun person" she tried convincing him

"Umm…" Athrun wasn't sure

"come on Athrun im sure my sister wont mind if you go, you got nothing better to do here anyways" kira added

"Fine Ill go but will that get you off my back" Athrun said giving in.

"well then you better start packing" Lacus said cheerfully, happy that he friend was going on the trip

"ok" he said, with that he went up the stairs and up to his roomand started getting ready

"this is gonna be lots of fun" lacus said smiling

"if your with me it'll always be fun" he said puting his arms around her waist and placing a kiss on her lips.

Lacus was a little shoked but responded to the kis by wraping her arms around his neck. A while later Kira pulled away from the kiss. "well I gotta finish packing" " wanna help me?" kira asked "sure isn't that what I came here for?" she said laughing

"well then lets go" kira said as they went up to his room hand in hand


Meanwhile with athrun he pretty much finished since he didn't have that much stuff to pack. Then he remembered his old pal Dearka.

'Hey I think dearka moved to Orb not to long ago with his girlfriend' he thought to himself. 'Maybe I should call him'

He got his cell phone and dialed his number…


While Kira and lacus where packing Kira cell phone rang… he answered it

"Hello?" kira said

"Hi kira it's me Cagalli" she said from the other line

"Hey sis what up" he asked

" I'm just calling to say that I wont be able to pick you up because of my stupid meetings" she said " but I'm sending kisaka to pick you up, sorry I cant do this myself." cagalli said sounding sad

"Don't worry its ok ill see you at you house once you get there, you don't need to apologize" he said

"I know but I asked for this day off to pick you up but they called me yesterday saying I had an important meeting I had to attend" now she said sounding mad

"Don't worry sis well be ok?" kira said

"We?" "Who's we?" she asked

"Oh yeah I almost forgot to tell you if it's ok if I bring two friends with me" "well… Actually my girlfriend and a friend" he said smiling

"Yeah its ok, it'll make things more fun…WAIT you have a girlfriend, when did this happen, and since when have you started dating-" she said but was cut off

"Don't worry ill tell you all about it when we get there…"he said

"I WANT TO KNOW NOW!" she demanded

"Have patience my dear little sister ill tell you when we get there" he said

"Fine, well I have to go see you tomorrow" "bye" she said and hung up

"Who was that?" Lacus asked.

"Oh it was mi sister saying she can't pick us up, but she'll send someone for us" he said

"I can't wait to meet her she sound like so much fun" Lacus said excited

Then Athrun came in and wanted to talk to them.

"Hey kira I just got out of the phone with one of my old friends." "He said he would show me around tomorrow if you don't mind" he asked

"No that's ok, my sister isn't going to pick us up anyways… so you can have fun while we go to her house and unpack and stuff like that…"

"Ok, he said he would show me around and how to get to the ORB palace so you don't have to worry about picking me up or anything" Athrun said. "Oh ok" kira responded

"see i told you you would find someone to hang around with" Kira said and smiled

"i know you dont have to make fun of me... i had just forgotten that he moved there but im glad i remembered" Athrun said

"Lacus are you going to spend the night here?" "It's too late for you to be going home so you can stay in the guest room" Kira said worried about her safety.

"Okay then we should all go to sleep then" Lacus said "We so leave pretty early." she added

They all went to their room to bed. Kira was excited for getting to meet his sister again, Lacus was exciting about meeting a new place, and athrun was excited about getting to meet his old friend…

But unknown to Athrun tomorrow he will meet the one person that would change his life…

I think Ill leave it off there. In the next chapter Athrun and Cagalli meet. In what kind of circumstances is something you have to find out… hope you like my story R&R no flames pls, and thanks.


- While cagalli was walking home someone accidentally bumped into her, she fell to the ground

- "HEY watch were your going" she said without looking at the person

- "I'm sorry it's my fault" …………………