Author's Notes: It's almost heart-wrenching to write this. I can't believe that this the last chapter already. Fortunately for all of you this is only part one of the series. There will be a sequel can see it at the end of the chapter.Sorry it took so long to update,but things have been kind of hectic around here lately. I hope youenjoy the lastchapter!

Disclaimer: I don't own Shaman King. Never have, probably never will.

Chapter 8: Carnelian

'...if Amethyst and Carnelian are not brought together, a disaster will befall Amethyst and the power is tranferred to Onyx...' A cool breeze played with Anna's blonde tresses, as she gazed out over the stone wall, watching the sun rise. 'Today's the day. Am I ready?'

Anna heard a door open behind her, but she didn't show any hint of acknowledgement.

Soft footsteps approached Anna until they stopped next to her, on her right. "It's a beautiful morning, isn't it?" Tamao asked quietly. She inhaled the fresh cool air and smiled as warm rays of sunshine lit up their faces.

The two stood in silence as the rose-colored sky gave way to a brilliant blue and the surrounding forest became alive with the melodic sounds of the morning birds.

"...Miss Anna..."Tamao started tentatively. "Are you sure you are ready for today? Do you think it will work?"

Anna closed her eyes momentarily, soaking in the last few minutes of peace, while there was some, then let out a slow quiet breath and opened her eyes to reality. She glanced at Tamao to find her face lined with worry.

"It will work out Tamao. No matter what happens, I promise you, we will all go home together."

Tamao frowned slightly, "But are you ready?"

"I have to be. Regardless of the outcome."

Anna focused her attention back toward the distance, without actuallyseeing it. 'I have to be...'

Tamao's brow creased in anxiety and she opened her mouth to voice her concern when the door flung open once more to reveal Horohoro, gasping for breath.

" two...are. I've...been looking for you...everywhere!" he managed to get out. He took in a large amount of air and let it out evenly. "Geez, why did you two have to hide all the way up on the top floor? Anyways, come on, the preparations for Akumu's would-be-wedding has started and we need everyone's help. We don't want Akumu getting suspicious now, do we?"

Anna turned around, her face as blank as ever, and headed through the door, as she began her descent of the stairs.

Tamao watched her leave in silence, butheld a look of worry on her face.

Horohoro looked at her. "Is everything alright?"

Tamao nodded her head. "Yes. I'm just nervous about today, and I'm worried about MissAnna."

Horohoro gave Tamao a reassuring hug, causing her to blush hard. "Don't worry. It'll all work out. Anna will be just fine, she knows what she's doing."

"I know. I just have this weird feeling that..." she shook her head. "Nevermind. Let's go help," Tamao cut herself off as the two walked through the door, shutting it with a click behind them.


The wedding was to take place later that night, when the new moon had risen in the sky.

During the day, everyone was busily preparing for the "upcoming wedding." They went about their business as if nothing was wrong, but their anxiety of what was to happen only grew as the day wore on. By the time the sun was setting and there were mere hours until the ceremony, the atmosphere inside the castle had changed rapidly.

The air seemed think with anticipation, doubt, excitement, fear and confidence. Conversations were strained in attempts to conceal any outward signs of anything, in case Akumu were to show up at any moment.

As an added precaution, Jeanne had volunteered to watch over Akumu, and was instructed to notify everyone immediately if Akumu tried anything...funny. However, all had been going smoothly, as Akumu was too concerned about getting herself ready for later that evening, to have any time to do anything else.

In fact, Akumu was ready to walk down the aisle right now, but Jeanne had forgotten the bridal veil in Akumu's room back on the second floor. (The two of them were currently in a small room, located down the hall from the the throne room, it was the only other room on the entire floor.)

Jeanne excused herself and calmly walked out of the room to fetch the veil. As the door quietly shut behind her, a smile slowly spread across Akumu's face. She walked over to a floor-length mirror hanging on the wall andturned this way and that, admiring herself. Then she suddenly twirled around in a graceful movement, stopping when she was facing the mirror again andgrinned wickedly as her eyes flashed dangerously. "Let the fun begin."


'There's only a few hours left,' Anna thought as she walked down a hall, heading down toward the kitchen. She turned a corner and came to an abrupt stop, startled by the sudden appearance of a person before her.

"Good evening, Anna," the person greeted sweetly.

"Akumu." Anna replied icily, her eyes narrowing in disdain.

"Now, now, none of that," Akumu scolded cooly. "What have I ever done to you to deserve that tone of voice?"

"Drop the innocent act, Akumu. It gets really irritating, really fast," Anna replied as she crossed her arms across her chest in defiance.

Akumu's smile faltered for a split-second, but she regained her composure and spoke in a dangerous yet sweet voice, as walked steadily toward Anna. "You really don't think that you can stop me do you? You realize that I am aware of everything that goes on in my castle? My domain?"

Akumu's face broke out into a sly smile as she came face-to-face with Anna. "Oh yes, my dear, I am very well informed of your schemes to overthrow my wedding. My wedding to your fiance, of course."

Anna's eyes alighted with rage.

"Ahh now. That's the look I was hoping to recieve from you," Akumu continued with delight, amusement laced throughout her words. "It makes the sudden hopelessness of your situation so much more fun for me when I do this!"

Akumu drew out a vial that had been concealed behind her back and smashed it on the floor between them. Anna jumped back in shock, gasping, as Akumu shielded her face with a black silk hankerchief.

Anna realized too late that she had inhaled too much of the powder being released from the shattered glass when she began to feel her body go numb.

The concoction worked quickly and Anna's limb body dropped to the floor. However, the mixture was created for a temporary body paralysis and so Anna could still hear and see everything going on around her.

Akumu smiled down at Anna. "Don't worry, I promise not to kill you. I still need your power after all, yours and everyone elses. Have no fear, I will keep everyone else alive after the ceremony. I think they will make wonderful empty shells for servants, don't you? Completely void of emotion, just like the one you love..."

Akumu grinned wickedly as she lowered her voice to a whisper, "Just like in your dream."

Anna's eyes swirled with emotion as she felt her heart being torn in so many directions.

Akumu smiled deviously, "I'll end your suffering for now and let you sleep for a few hours. That way, when you awaken, your loss will be greater, knowing the ceremony is taking place and that you can do nothing to stop it."

Akumu's laughter filled Anna's ears as everything faded before her eyes and went black.


"Have you seen Miss Anna?"a pale faced Tamao asked Pirika as she raced into Pirika's room, panicking. "The ceremony is starting in a few minutes and no one has seen her for hours!"

"What?" Pirika questioned in alarm, dread filling her heart. "Where could she be? We can't do this without her!"

"Calm down," Ren said, taking charge. "If you keep this up, you're going to get everyone upset. Here's what we'll do. Tamao, you get everyone up to the ceremony and stall for time. Pirika and I will go and search for her. Akumu's not expecting us to show at the ceremony anytime soon anyways."

Pirika and Tamao nodded in agreement. Then Tamao ran out of the room to gather everyone together and fill them in on the new plan.

Ren looked at Pirika and said, "Akumu?"

"Has to be," Pirika responded firmly, as the two raced out of the room after Tamao to begin a desperate search for Anna.


"Ow, my head," Anna murmured as she opened her eyes blurrily. "Akumu!" She exclaimed and jerked her head up as the recent events fell into place before her eyes.

Anna tried to stand up, but found that she could only move her head and neck. "Damn it. I forgot about that blasted vial. Where the hell am I anyways?"

Anna looked around to find herself sitting in the corner of two damp stone walls, withcold metal bars forming two more walls, completing her cell.

"Great. The dungeons. Perfect," she muttered. "Judging from the light coming from the hallway, I can't be too deep in inside though."

She sighed. "But being awake means that the ceremony has started...damn her...," she trailed off as she glared at the ceiling above.


Pirika and Ran raced down the hallways, checking inside every room.

"Where could she be?" Pirika gasped.

"I'm not positive, keep looking. For crying out loud, why does this castle have to be so big!" Ren yelled out in frustration.

He opened the last door on his right and began to check inside when he heard Pirika call out his name urgently.

"What is it? Did you find her?" Ren asked as he raced back into the hall. He came to a sudden stop beside Pirika, who was standing at the corner of the hall and looking down at the floor.

"Broken glass?" Ren questioned outloud as he gazed at the shattered pieces about the ground. He studied the pieces for a moment before an idea struck him. "Follow me. Quickly," he said as he began to run down the hall.

"Where are we going? What's going on?" Pirika asked as she chased after him.

"I think I know where she is," Ren called back over his shoulder as the two descended a back staircase.


Doors wereopened wide as the wedding march began.

Akumu held her head high and walked gracefully down the aisle, the veil on her head hid her wicked smile as she saw Yoh standing at the alter, his face as blank as ever.


'Only a little bit more,' Anna thought, flexing her fingers. 'Now if only my legs could move.'

She frowned.


"Hurry Ren! The wedding should have started by now!" Pirika yelled in a panic.

"We're almost there, hold on!" He called back as they approached a heavy wooden door.


Akumu reached the alter and the music faded.

With her back to everyone, she spoke inamusement, "Do you really think that you can stop this?"

She turned to face the front as she lifted her veil.

Akumu smirked. "Well. If you want to try, by all means, begin," she said as everyone drew out their Yume stones.

She grasped hers in her hands, as well, where it glittered menancingly in the candlelight.


Ren grabbed the keys off a torch lit wall as Pirika ran ahead, calling out Anna's name in the semi-darkness.


Anna stood up shakily. 'Finally. I can move again, but my body is still a little numb. But more importantly, how do I get out of here? There has to be a way...'

"Miss Anna!" A desperate voice echoed down the hall. "Miss Anna, where are you?"

Anna's heart gave a jolt as she recognized Pirika's voice.

"I'm down here! Hurry! We don't have any time to waste!" Anna shouted back up the hall.

"Miss Anna! I'm so glad we found you!" Pirika exclaimed joyfully as Anna's face came into view behind the bars in her cell. "Are you alright? Did she hurt you?"

"I'm fine, just hurry and get me out of here," Anna replied as Ren hurridly unlocked her door.

The second the lock sprung open, they threw the door open, andall three ran backup the hallway toward the stone staircase that would lead them out of the dungeon.

"Miss Anna, the ceremony has already---"

"I know," Anna interrupted Pirika as she raced ahead of the two, the numbness disappearing with every step she took.

The pair glanced at her questioning-ly, but didn't push the matter when they caught sight of Anna's set face.

The three raced up staircaseafter staircase, taking all the shortcuts they knew of, and finally made it to the seventh floor. They sped up upon hearing strange noises coming from the room up ahead.

Right before they reached out to open the doors, the doors flung open and the body of a small person knocked them all to the floor.

"What the hell was that for?" Ren asked the figure, but stopped upon seeing Manta's drained and exhausted face.

"You're here...Hurry...we can't hold her off anymore...she's too powerful, " Manta managed between gasps for air.

Anna raised her head to find everyone looking as bad as Manta, if not worse, but Akumu looked as pristine as ever. The candlelight, the only source of light in the room, not counting the Yume stones, threw shadows across every surface. The lack of moonlight made the window-filled room appear even darker than usual.

Anna slowly rose to her feet and walked through the doors, her hair covering her eyes. As she walked into the room, the fighting ceased and all eyes focused on her.

"So," Akumu's cool voice floated across the room, "you managed to make it after all."

Anna's head snapped up and her face showed pure determination as she continued right up to the raised platform that Akumu's throne sat upon, which was serving as the altar. Everyone else struggled to their feet and stood behind Anna.

Anna looked straight into Akumu's eyes as she stated, "The game is over, Akumu. You lose."

Akumu faltered in a mixture of suprise and confusion, giving everyone a chance to create a last desperateattack and distract Akumu, while Anna raced forward.

Anna's heart skipped a beat as she recognized the empty-looking face of the person standing behind Akumu. Shedidn't giver herslef any time to thinksecond thoughts as she threw her arms around his neck and whispered, "I love you Yoh." Then she gently kissed him, in front of everyone. ' Please...wake up...' she pleaded as a single tear fell down her cheek.

She drew back in suprise, breaking off her kiss,when she felt a familiar pair of comforting arms encircle her waist. Her eyes widened when she found two warm brown eyes gazing back at hers, accompanied by a trade-mark grin.

"I love you too, Anna. I knew you could do it," he whispered back as a reddish-brown light formed between the two. Yoh released an arm from Anna's wait to grasp ahold of the crystal-shaped stone taking shape in the ball of light.

A gentle smile graced Anna's face as Yoh's hand touched his Yume Stone and he whispered, "Carnlian."

Suddenly a voice shrieked out in pain and suprise, causing everyone to turn their attention to the source. The source was Akumu who was looking at her own Yume Stone in shock as it began to crack.

At the same moment, Anna's Amethyst burst into a brilliant violet light, soon followed by the glow of everyone elses'.

The twelve Yume Stones broke free from their chains and soared toward the Amethyst, creating a dazzling display of color about the room.

The light engulfed everyone in the room and they looked at themselves in wonderment as they faded from the room.

Anna, however, kept her gaze on Akumu and watched as Akumu's Onyx shattered and the light from her eyes vanished as she fell gracefully to the cold stone floor.

Then Anna was forced to close her eyes as the light intensified...


Anna slowly opened her eyes to discover warm sunlight pouring in through a window in her room.

She bolted upright and hurridly looked around the room to confirm that she was truly there. She glanced down at herself to find she was stilling wearing the same cotton yukata she had gone to bed with on, but doubled back upon noticing the violet, crystal-shaped stone hanging on a silver chain around her neck.

She slid the chain up over her head and studied the stone critically as it twirled gently in the sunlight, reflecting off a soft violet light.

Gracefully sliding out of her bed, Anna crossed the room toward a shelf, set chest-high on the wall. She opened up a wooden box and carefullyset it down on the velvet lining.

She stared at it a moment longer, until a soft knock sounded at her door and a voice called out, "Miss Anna? It's seven o'clock. It's time to get ready for your wedding."

A soft smile flickered briefly on Anna's face as she shut the box and headed toward the door.

"Already, Tamao? I thought the ceremony didn't start until one in the afternoon. Why do we need that long to get ready?"


Stars filled a dark, velevty, night sky and peekd in through the windows set inthecold stonewalls.

A single candle shone valiantly in the lonely darkness.

The light reflected off dark fragments of shattered glass, illuminating their depths and throwing shadows across the room, almost as if the fragments had sprung to life...

The End of Dreamcaster

Sequel Title: Returning Nightmares