Disclaimer – Don't own the characters or universe, just playing with them, will return them unharmed and without making a profit.
AN: This was written as an entry for the Dradis 499 Contest, where the premise was that a secret needed to be revealed by Lee or Kara. The idea has grown with me and I've decided to write a full story to answer all the loose threads.
Summary: Inquiry of Captain Lee Adama…When Jennifer Evans died aboard the Rising Star last week, she left behind a note and an 18 month old little girl. Her letter indicated that Lee Adama was the father of her child.
"Based on her birth date, she was conceived shortly after summer solstice, two years ago, right around the time of Zach's death. Accidents happen, Lee, but you can't ignore your responsibilities."
Lee shoots his father an outraged glare, "You of all people, have no right to lecture me about the requirements and responsibilities of fatherhood."
Ever the diplomat, President Roslin intervenes, "Captain, I realize that this is a highly personal and private matter that we're delving into, but we have the welfare of a young girl to consider here. No doubt during that time on Caprica, you were grieving, hurting, and there's no shame in turning to other's for comfort." Her smile turns slightly melancholy, "When faced with the reality of death, we often do things that are out of character just to prove we're alive."
Kara watches the proceedings, her feelings alternating wildly between numbness, disbelief, anger, and shame. The anger finally wins out, "For fraks sake Lee, just tell them the names of the people you slept with that week?"
The pain of betrayal mars his face when he replies, "I spent one night with one person. It was not this girl's mother."
"The evidence would suggest otherwise." Tigh interjects, "The paternity test is positive, showing 88 percent genetic compatibility."
"That's impossible."
"Is it?" Lee looks up upon hearing the dejected tone in his father's voice, "You've admitted to having a one-night stand during the critical timeframe. The DNA matches. And then there's the letter. How can you be so sure?"
"I never slept with a Jennifer Evans" Lee hisses.
"You've gotta give us something to work with Captain" Tigh demands. "If it wasn't Jennifer Evans, than who was she? What was her name?"
Kara notices that Lee's face has gone from frustrated anxiety to stone cold anger, "I'd like to exercise my rights under article 23 of the colonial law."
"Captain, you're remaining silent on this matter will only leave us to judge you based on the scientific evidence" Adama concludes.
"Stop this." Although spoken in a whisper, the commanding tone in Kara Thrace's voice is clearly heard by everyone present. "He's not hiding anything; he's just being stupidly noble."
"Captain, there's no harm in releasing this young woman's name when, in all likely hood, she never survived the attacks" Roslin reasons.
Lee's stomach is churning with a vile mixture of guilt and anger. How can he explain this? How frakked up is your life when you'd rather people thought that you were a deadbeat dad, than know the truth?
Tigh's voice cracks the painful silence, "Forgive me Bill, but I doubt that you had a fling with young Ms. Evans the week of Zach's funeral, which means Lee must be the father."
"He's not" Kara states firmly, rising from her chair to stand beside Lee.
"And how could you possibly know that?" Tigh asks in exasperation.
William Adama watches transfixed as Kara takes Lee's hand into her own and squeezes it tightly. It's a sign of support…and silent admission.
Reviews are always appreciated...if you're intrigued, I'm doing something right...if you're utterly confused as to what the secret is, review and yell at me because I've screwed up. Thanks for reading...next chapter will dig deeper.