hey everyone, this chapter is extra long so I hope you like it. I just wanted to say that I did make a mistake in saying that the contest ends on august 21, I meant that it endeda6 dayslater, ok, sorry for the confusion, and I'm glad you all like it so far, so here's the chapter you all have been waiting for.
Sam's POV, Italics are her thoughts.
Friday finally came, and it was one of the most memorable fake double-dates I will ever have. "hey sam!" I heard behind me as I walked into the main school hallway. it was Valarie. "hey valarie." I greeted dully. she may or may not be danny's crush but I do know that she likes danny for real.
"Can't wait to meet Ryan." she said walking with me to my locker.
me too.
he's really nice,he can't wait to meet all of you guys." I said forcing a smile I show my parents when ever I have to. "really? does he go to this school?" she asked raising and eyebrow and looking around. "uh...you know him."
she does know him!
oh, I know, your little plan." she said giggling, my cheeking were burning. "really? you know about the..." I stoped, looked around and made sure noone can hear us, I whispored everything in her ear. "well, I didn't know then but I know now." she said laughing.
"what!" I screamed furiously. "oh yea, an ex-mean rich girl can still be a mean girl." she said smirking.
I should have never let my garud down like that!
how did she do that?
I don't know! she used to be friends with paulina, mabe she picked up some tricks from that slut.
maybe, but now you have to keep this under wraps, tell her that.
"look, val, I --" she cut me off. "sam, I won't spill your secret, I promise, I know I didn't like it when Paulina didn't keep my secret in the second grade, so I won't tell a soul." she finished. I smiled,. "thanks, that's a really un-mean girl thing of you." I said.
did that even make sense?
"yea, well, I havea revenge scheme planned for her, since she said that she's never liked the real world, so she has her parents pay for everything, so what I'm gonna do is..."
she whispored her so bad it's good scheme in to my ear and I started laughing. "I wanna be there when you make the call." I said. "shh, it won't happen for a while." she said, then the bell wrang for class.
Valarie's not so bad, she was just hanging out with the wrong crowd that involved paulina.
yea, she's not bad at all, wait who does she like again?
well, we both have good taste in guys than.
she also liked tucker.
well, we have good taste in some things.
"where's danny?" she asked looking around our homeroom. I looked outside the class and heard a few faint screams yelling ghost or something. "I uh, gotta get something from my locker." Valarie said running out of the class. I called danny on his phone and he awnsered. "I'm in the middle of some--DUCK!"he yealled while panting.
"yea, I know, in fact so does valarie, she's on her way down there so I just wanted to give you a heads up, and good luck, ok?" I said pacing. "...crap, she's here, I'll get back to you." He said hanging up.
a few minutes later everyone is back in class and and since fridays go a hell of alot faster than mondays, I went straight home while danny flew home to get ready for his date with Valarie. Tuckercame home with me.
ew, re-phrase please.
Tucker came over my house after school to help me get ready for my fake double date. "ok, so now that I have what I'm gonna wear, let's see what you're gonna wear." I said walking into my closet full of black. "ok, on 'hot look for something a rocker guy would wear." I said pulling out my dress that I wore to the freshman prom.
"I found it," he said pointing to my computer screen. "nice." I said approvingly. "now just click on the shopping cart there, and..." there was a knock on my front door, it was the girl that drops off my clothes when I shop online. "thanks, lilly." I said signing the clipboard. "ok, tucker, all you need to do is get dressed. and you need to work on your rocker attitdue." I called upstairs.
yep, we all knownow who the mystery Ryan is. surprise!
(A/N:yea, ROSECAT was right, go ahead and pat yourself on the back.)
ok, tucker pretending to be a rocker was a surprise, even when I thought it up, what was a bigger surprise was where our date was going to be, the exclusive reasturaunt called Le miour of course, it's french, and I was wondering the whole way there who was gonna pick up the check.
ok, I wanted to stop the car tucker's mon was driving and turn it around three times before we got to the restuarunt. "it's gonna be fine, sam, you and danny will be together in no time, now, how's my make-up?" Tucker said looking in the rear-veiw mirror. "good, now, promise me you'll never say those words again.'' Tucker's mom said looking at us strangely. when she pulled up to the restaurant, she told usto have a good time and stuff, then gave tucker some extra cash.
there they are." I said pointing them out while tucker checkthe reservations and soon we were at the table with danny who cleaned up pretty good.
pretty good? he looks very good.
"hey guys." I greeted them sitting down. "this is ryan." I said introducing tucker under alot of black, it still looked good, I mean who goes into a fancy restaurants with chains and boots, I wasn't wearing that, a black speghetti strapped dress and mathing shoes weren't much of a fashion statement but it's better than going in and looking like your'e gonna kill someone.
"hi, I'm danny, this is Valarie." He said said introducing himself and val.
we got our menus alittle after the small talk, I was pretty blown away by the price of the salad, but noone puts a price on being a veggitarian. Tucker showed me the price for steak, $50.99, the buger was half that and the salad was the same price of the burger.
"I'm gonna have a salad," Valarie said closing her menu. "yea, I too will have the cheapest thing on the menu, maybe cut danny and tu--" I cleared my throat, almost saying tucker.
"maybe we could give danny and ryan a break." I said laughing lightly. "yea, they are paying." Valarie said and we both started laughing. Tucker didn't look like tucker, he looked different because no glasses or berret, I got my hair dresser to make his hair look alittle like danny's.
"so, ryan, sam tells me you don't go to our school." danny said starting the conversation as the waiter wrote down what we all wanted and left with the menus.
"uh, yea,I'm uh, homeschooled. I met sam at Hot topic the other day and it's a pretty embarrassing story." he said looking down. "no come on, sam didn't even tell me how you two met." valarie said eyeing me.
"well, ok, so I'm at hot topic and I'm shopping for some more chockers and armwarmers and when I was trying on a chocker, he said the amethyst one matched my eyes." I said. "aw. that's so sweet, and so familiar, it's almost like the line tucker tried on me in the seventh grade." Valarie said raising an eyebrow.
"yea...when you think about it, it's almost as cute as when danny and I met in pre-k." I said smiling at the memory.
flashback, danny and sam at the age of five
A shy little girl with raven black hair and lavender scrucheis in her hair to hold her pony tails up in place roamed the playground looking for someone to play with. at the same time, a little boy with messy raven black hair was hanging upside down the monkey bars, he started giggling because the little girl was looking up at him with a weird face, almost confused. "Hi." the little boy said and before the little girl awnsered, he fell on top of her. "sorry." he said getting up and helping her up. "it's ok, I'm sam." the little girl said brushing the sand of her knees. "is that short for something?" he asked her brushing off some sand off of his knees as well. "yea, samantha, I don't like it though, so call me sam." she said looking in his baby blue eyes. "ok, same with me, I'm danny, it stands for Daniel, but you only call me that when I'm in trouble." he said as he motioned her to walk inside to get a drink. "ok"
end of flashback, back to the date, in danny's POV
''Oh yea, I remember that, I was sorry," I said looking at sam who was eyeing ryan. "you also were klutzy, sometimes you are now." sam laughed. my cheeks grew warm. "that is cute." Valarie said. "yea, but it's sorta embarrassing." I said trying to change the subject. "maybe to you but not to me." sam replied smirking.
she looks really good tonight.
yea, careful, don't drool.
"so, ryan, do you have a sister?" I said trying to change the subject. "yea, she's like 18," he said. "yea, I have one, she's 16." I said. "yea, dude, aren't they annoying, she's always in my face asking me questions and stuff." he said rolling his eyes and laughing. "yea, it's so weird, even though they mean well." I said remembering that Jazz knows my secret and will do anything to keep it a secret, even though she's a little nosy at times.
"will you guys excuse me, sam? a word?" Valarie said getting up and going to the bathroom, sam following.
switch to sam's POV
"so, the date is going pretty well sofar." I said walking in and checking my hair, valarie did the same thing. "yea, if I didn't know that was tucker, I'd say this is pretty good." she said laughing. "yea, I just don't know how to break it to danny." I said in a worried tone. "how about you say that you like him and all you wanna do is be with him." she suggested turning to me.
"well, I was thinking more along the lines of telling him the truth?" I said turning to her, "ok, do what you want,now come on, our food is probably at the table by now." she said leaving, I took one last glancein the mirror and followed her out.
when we got back to our table, our drinks and food had arrived. Danny and the supposed Ryan had been talking and laughing like he and the real tucker do. I guess you could say that I felt pretty bad lying to him, but In that moment, I found out a new way to break it to him.
Late after we ate, we all went for a walk in the park, just to walk off all the food we ate and stuff, that also counted dessert, a huge piece of cake and ice cream and pie and stuff.
"so, what do you think of ryan?" I asked danny, Valarie and ryan were on the swings talking. "he's great, I'm glad you like him." he said frowing slightly.
just do it, fast, like ripping a bandaid off fast and easy.
"ouch!" I said accedentally outloud he gave me a confused look. "Ignor that. anyways, I'm glad you're glad I like him." I said smiling, we looked in eachother's eyes, like the first day I met him. we pulled away blushing alittle, that always happens, so we focused our attention to the swing set wherewe were a little shocked at what we saw but we both tried to hide it.
Valarie and "ryan" were kissing!
"Hey Valarie! what the hell are you doing!" I yelledgoing towards them, Danny right besideme. "oh, uh...sam, you didn't tell him?" Tucker asked pulling away from a blushing Valarie. "tell me what?" Danny asked turning to me. "I thought she did, my bad." Valarie said looking down. "what? what's your bad?"Danny asked again. "I didn't tell him! andcan you guys just not eat eachother's mouths out?" I asked fursterated. "tell me what?" Danny asked again, this time a little frusterated.
I sighed. "that's not ryan." I said guesturing to tucker who was swinging softly on the swing next to Valarie's. "it's not?" he asked looking atTucker. "no, that's just Tucker in alot of black." I awnsered. "um, we'll just leave you two alone." Tucker said getting up with Valarie,and ran for the other side of the playground.
"so, you lied to me?" He asked looking at me. I couldn't stand to look in his eyes. "in a sense, but you like Valarie, so it doesn't really matter now," I saidfrowning even more. I didn't know that was possible. "well, don't feel bad, bbecause, I don't like Valarie, although, I'mnot sure I could say the same for her." he said looking up at me.
whoo-hoo! she doesn't like him!
"really? that's great!" I said excidedly. than stopped. "uh..I mean...aw crap." I said while my cheeks burned up furiously. "I sorta have to tell you something too." he said.
here it comes!
it all leads up to this!
"yea?" I asked, "I lied to you too." he said looking backdown, We took a seat on theswings. "ok, it's not exactly what I wanted to hear, but, ok." I said swinging softly. "well, I kinda figured you wanna hear something else." he said than pointed to valarie and said "Valarie was never my date for anything and I guess it's the same situation you're in onlywith a little twist." he said and we both laughed lightly.
"so we bothlied to eachother.what does that mean?" I asked him, we both turned to eachother and once again, I realize that I'm staring into his adorable baby blue eyes. "well, it could mean that we might possiblywant to hear the same thing." He said blushing.my cheeks were burning hotter than ever.
"really?what words would that be?" I flirted back. ''well would they be, um, would you like to go out on a real date? like to the movies? "ryan" and valarie could stay back if you want." he said. "yea, I would really like that."I awnsered. and than we kept starring into eachother's eyes, and we got closer and closer and closer untill we were practically breathing eachother's breath. my heart pounded like crazy. we closed our eyes and then we heard some cheering a few feet away.
ohh so close! so freakin close!
we pulled away embarrassed and looked over at the noise makers. "no keep going!" Valarie yelled in our direction. '' come over here!" danny called and they came.
"hey tuck, so much for not caring if danny goes with Valarie." I said to him as he walked over with Valarie smiling. "I can honestly say that this is the most weirdest double date I have ever been on," I laughed lightly, it really was because When Val and I saw the bill, and saw the check for the dinner, and saw the looks on the guys' faces, when they weren't looking we each put in a twenty, totaling up to what we owed, but not nearly enough for a tip for our waiter.
"but," Danny continued., "it's one I'll never forget." he said. "yea," Valarie agreed. "by the way, tuck,of should I say Ryan,nice acting." he said smirking."so does that mean that you and danny are together? for real?" Tucker asked in anticipation.
"well..."Danny started. "we do have alot to talk about if we are going to go out," he said looking at me. "yea, and if we actually go do go out, we're going to the movies, with no Ryan or Val with us, if you don't mind...so... it's not official, but yea." I said looking back in his eyes, "we're going out," I said smiling, he was smiling too. then we both added at the same time "for real this time."
we all laughed. "so, you two love birds are finally together, what do you think the school will say?" Tucker asked. "well, I don't care what they think." I said boldly, "me neither." Danny added. "wait that's not true," Valarie said laughing slightly. "what?" I we all said in unison. "yea, if you and danny never cared about what other people thought, you wouldn't be in this mess." she laughed.
holy crap, she's right!
that's wrong! it's not fair!
but it's logical.
I eventually started laughing, then danny and then tucker and valarie. "ok, lets pretend that fact isn't real." I said gigging. "yea, it was all her idea." Danny said to me.
"was not!"
"was too!"
and then since it was getting late, we allsaid our goodbyes andwent home, but danny asked iftucker could keep valarie busy, so he flew me home, and it was the best way to end the night, fake double date or not.
And that's the end! oh wow, I 'm soo glad that I finally got this posted, because, well, alot of stuff has been happeing and by the way, Tevin and I are still friends, we're not danny and sam. anyways, ok, first prize for reviewing the most upto this chapter, (send thanks later) is...a tie, yea, weird, I know but it's true. between the4 of the reviewers,
Oais Blackmore
Wally's Girlfriend
HM babe
and mental mess
... and to you all I give you...money! hahaha no way, I don't have and real money, let alone cyber money, you all get thanks and cookies and if your'e a girl, a date with Danny, but don't expect a kiss, cause he's with Sam. if youre A guy, than, you get a date with Paulina. (ew!) and for everyone else, I would like to thank all 115 of my reviewers.
beside the four winners, there's way too many of them, good gawd you all really do like the story, thanks, anyways, since there's way too many of you all, I'm sorry but you can't blame me so I'm skipping that part, and thanking my best friend (she's more of a penpal) online, emria, who always reviewed my stories, nomatter how crappy or corny they get, thanks alot! and now as promised, a little surprise.
earlier in the chapter, Valarie tols sam a secret plan on how she;s gonna get back at paulina... what was it? tell me if you like them and my chapter after you read all of them, k?
"ok, here, this phone isn't traceable so they can't call back." sam said giving her an old phone. "this is great! ok, shh." Valarie said giggling as she dialed the number she wrote down on a napkin. they were in the girl's bathroom at lunch and were putting there plan into action.
"hello? Mrs. Sanchez?" Valarie started asshedeepend her voice alittle."yes, I'm calling about your credit card bill..uh huh...yes, well, it's maxed out now...it was last used at..." she trailed off and looked at sam who whispored "Macy's" valarie coughed alittle "it was last used at Macy's yeaterday afternoon...yes, well...thankyou for your time...you too...bye." she said hanging up and both girls were laughing hysterically.
they met up with the guys at lunch where a couple of tables away, Paulina was talking to her very pissed off mom. Later that day at paulina's house, she walked in and her parents ordered her to go to the kitchen with her purse. "Paulina, I knew this is what happened when you get what you want. your'e practically spoiled rotten, with your credit cards and cell phone and is that a new pair of shoes! you just got a new pair last week!" herdad exploded. "but those are so...last week." Paulina tried to explian to her raging parents.
"you don't understand! they expect me to be all new and I keep my popularity like that!" she cried. "but we expect you to make real friends, not buy them off, using our money, which is why...we're cutting you off!" her dad said opeing her wallet and taking her cards and cutting them with siccors.
"I'm sorry, I don't understand." she said in a daze. "give us your cell phone." the dad said glaring it. "I'm sorry, I don't understand." she repeated. "start pulling your own weight and get a job, so you could pay for the money you owe or better yet, retun some stuff."he said and left the kitchen. the mom ran after him saying "for gawd sakes, honey, she's sorry! she doesn't understand!"
so the next day as danny and tucker were roaming the mall, they pasted by the shoe store where they usually saw paulina, but tucker noticed something different. "dude, Paulina's working in the feet!" he excalimed. before Danny could awnser he saw paulina's vest with the words trainee on it. "ugh, what do you want?" she said glaring at them. "a new pair of shoes." tucker smirked.
"this is a lady's shoe store, dumbass." she shot back. than noticed her supervisor watching and said "what size?" he looked around. "I don't know, Valarie's birthday is in a couple of days, what size is she?" he asked. "I think, a size 8 1/2 " she said calmly. "dude, I'm going to Hot topic to see if I could get something for sam." danny said leaving.
as soon as he left, Paulina kept her cool and sold her first pair. she was so excited. "yes! thanks techno-kid, uh, I mean Tucker! you're my first sale!" he walked out saying "no prob, I figured you might need some help." and they said there goodbyes. "dude, wait up!" Danny called with a bag from hot topic. "so you got valarie shoes?" he asked looking in the bag. "nope, my mom and val have the same shoe size, I helped out the school slut make a sale and I'm gonna go get val something else, like...what do girls like?"
he asked passing by a jelwery store. they looked inside the window and went inside. danny put his money together with tucker's to pay for one-fourth of the price, it was a tiny gold locket. with the help from jazz and danny's parents, he could get sam that's of eaqual value or something.
ok, I have a feeling that the ending sucked, but you gotta admit that what they did to paulina was funny, making her parents take away her credit cards and stuff! ha! ok, so review, and thaks for making my tenth, but not last story happen, I'm always coming up with ideas, so after you review, check out my profile for what's my next story is going to be about!
thanks again! you all rock, and since I've been typing for a while, I can't feel my fingers.