A CSI Christmas

By: KC Clark

Summary: It's Christmas at CSI and three new people come into everyone's life at the CSI Christmas Party. Brass, Nick, and Greg met the women of there dreams and two relationships already in the mix fire up. (Grissom/Sara, Warick/Catherine)

Chapter 1

"Grissom are you in here?" Sara asked poking her head in the door of Gil Grissom's office. Sara smiled at the sight of a sleeping Gil Grissom with his head lying on top of a stack of papers and a pen poking into the side of his face. Sara walked in and pulled the pen out of his hand and laid it down. She ran her hand over his head and smiled down at him. 'I can't believe how cute he is when his asleep.' Her hand made its way over his hair, down his neck, and over his shoulders. She sighed and turned and went to walk out.

"Sara," Grissom said suddenly and sit bolt up right, a paper stuck to his face and he quickly batted it away. Sara stood at the door looking at him.

"Grissom are you alright?" She asked when he apparently didn't notice her.

"Sara…Yes I'm fine…What happened?" He looked down at his desk and saw the displaced paperwork.

"You fell asleep…I was just about to turn out the light and close the door." She said looking at him confused.

"Oh….Well, thank you." He looked around and shook his head. Sara smiled and turned to walk out the door.

She turned around suddenly and looked back at him. "Oh and bit the way Merry Christmas Griss." She smiled and closed the door.

Grissom looked at the calendar on his desk it was Christmas Eve. 'What the hell?' Grissom looked down at his watch and sighed. The package hadn't gotten there yet, he looked out one of the windows of his office that showed the hallway. He saw Sara going into the locker room.

He sighed again and laid his head back down. He must have dozed off because he didn't remember anything till a knock at his door jerked him awake. It was Jude, the receptionist, holding an envelope.

"Sorry, Dr. Grissom but this just came for you." She laid it down on his desk and turned to walk out.

"Jude," Grissom said, the woman stopped just short of the door. "Thank you and a very Merry Christmas."

For a moment Jude looked shocked but after a few minutes she smiled and said: "You're welcome and Merry Christmas, God Bless You." She left the room a little bouncer that she had entered.

Grissom ripped open the envelope and pulled out the small piece of paper inside. "Perfect." He said and got up grabbing his coat and took off out the door of his office. Sara's car was gone; he jumped in his Denali and headed toward her apartment. He arrived at her apartment and turned off the ignition. He had the right mind to charge in there and just tell her everything but not yet he couldn't do it. He looked up to her window and saw a light was on and she was standing in the window looking out. A Christmas tree stood in the corner behind her. He knew she didn't have anyone to expect presents and that she had no real reason for putting one up. But she was just like him she just put it up for sentimental reasons.

He watched her for a few minutes and then looked at the paper in the sit beside him. Would she like it? What would she think of him after he gave this to her? He looked at the steering wheel as if gaining energy from it and then got out of his SUV.

He walked up the stairs and got to her door. When he reach it the door came open and Sara stood there wearing her coat and holding her keys.

"Grissom!" She exclaimed when she saw him standing there. "What are you doing here?" She asked after several minutes of looking at him.

"I…uh…have something for you." He said as he reach in his coat pocket and removed the paper.

"For me." Sara looked at him slightly confused and then smiled when he handed her the paper. "What's this?" She asked looking up from it.

"It's a gift." Grissom said a blush forming on his checks.

"From the Star Registry?" Sara gave him a questioningly look.

"Just read it." Grissom said shuffling his feet around. Sara read and then reread the paper in her hands.

"You had a star named after me?" She looked at him and smiled at the cute blush on his face.

"I thought it would be a nice gift for you." He said looking at the ground and the bushes beside the door.

"Well, it…its really nice…thank you." She looked at him and noticed a change in his stance. He was standing slightly closer to her and looking at her with a glimmer in his eye. Sara's eyes locked with his and they slowly came closer and closer till their lips touched. It was slow and cautious at first then Sara shifted closer and crushed her body against his and their mouths turned hungry and wanting. Sara wrapped her arms around Grissom's neck and tilted her head back as he kissed his way up and down her neck.

"Sara I…" Words seemed to fail him as he looked deep into her eyes.

"I know Grissom…I already know." She smiled and let him go. "Are you going to the Christmas Party?"

"Christmas Party?" Grissom gave Sara a questioning look.

"The one they have every year Griss you know." Sara looked at him and sudden understanding came over him.

"Oh yeah that one…I usually don't go but if you would like to go with me I guess I could find time to go." Sara smiled and kissed him.

"Well, if you incest on us going together, then I guess I have no chose." Sara grabbed his hand and Grissom lead her to his Denali and they drove toward the Tangiers.

At the Tangiers the CSI Christmas Party was well under way. Brass, Nick, Warick, Catherine, and Greg all sat at a table in the middle of the room talking and laughing. Greg and Nick were well looped and were trying to get Catherine to get on the floor with them. The front doors swung open and three women came in closely fallowed by a smiling Grissom and Sara.

"Hey, hey, hey what the hell's going on look at those two?" Greg yelled as he looked at Grissom and Sara. They made their way over to the table along with the three women they had entered with.

"Hey guys," Sara said lining over on Grissom's shoulder and smiling up at him. Grissom smiled down at her and kissed her forehead.

"What the hell is going on?" Greg asked again.

"Nothing Greg that you need to worry about." Grissom said giving the younger CSI an evil look.

"Ok I didn't mean anything by it boss." Greg said slumping down in his chair like a child waiting to be lectured by its father.

"Anyway who are these three young women you have with you Gil, one not enough." Brass said jokingly as he slapped Grissom on the back when he sat down beside him.

"These women are transferring to graveyard shift tomorrow and I thought it would be nice if everyone got to know them ahead of time." Grissom said motioning to each of the young girls in turn introducing them. "This is Tiffany; she graduated from the University of Tennessee with her degree in Forensic science with a minor in Physics and Forensic Entomology. To her left is Stephanie; she graduated from Harvard University with her degree in Forensic science with a minor in accounting and law. And then there's Samantha, she graduated from Berkley with her degree in Forensic science with a minor in Medicine and Radiology."

The girls smiled and said hello to everyone in turn.

"So Tiffany Forensic, Physics, and Entomology that's pretty impressive." Brass commented pulling Tiffany into a conversation about her old professors and classes. Greg looked at Samantha and asked her to dance, Samantha laughed at his drunken stammer and agreed, and Nick and Stephanie were already engrossed in conversation before they even knew each others names.

Sara and Grissom looked at each other and turned to Catherine and Warick the only two people who weren't talking. Catherine was steering her drink in her glass and Warick was watching her pushing the ice around.

"So what's going on with you two, why aren't you two talking to each other?" Sara asked as she motioned a waiter over.

"No reason." Catherine said getting up and walking out to the terse.

"She's pissed at me." Warick said watching as Catherine made her way across the floor to the terse.

"Why's she mad at you?" Grissom asked as Sara ordered herself a cocktail and Grissom a beer.

"She said I lost a important document on the way back from a crime scene and then turns out she had it all along, she didn't even apology to me for it." Warick turned and looked at them finally.

"Have you tried talking to her?" Sara asked sipping her pink cocktail.

"Yes, but you know Catherine she wouldn't listen to anyone even if it was God himself." Warick lend back in his chair and took a swig of his beer.

He kept looking at the terse with sad eyes. Finally Sara just said what she thought about the whole situation.

"Warick I think this is about more than you losing something important from a crime scene. Catherine has been a little out of it here lately and I think you know why. So cut the shit and tell me what the hells going on." Sara's words almost knocked Grissom out of his sit.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Warick said with a nervous look over his shoulder at the terse.

"Warick, you had better just come clean you don't want me on your case right know, do you?" Sara was turning serious now.

Warick gave a heavy sigh and shook his head.

"Catherine is going to kill me." He said then looked at the two people across from him. "After that case where the guy was framed for killing those two girls and Cat was involved I've been spending a lot of time with her and by a lot I mean a whole lot, like after work everyday, taking Lindsay to ballet, just things a man in Catherine's life might be expected to do."

"If you two were married, maybe." Sara commented looking at him.

He gave her a look but continued. "I guess it was about six months ago it turned really serious and we got involved more than we probably should have. She got sick a couple of weeks ago and went to the doctor. She's almost four months pregnant." Grissom's eyes got wide and Sara spat her drink back into the cup.

"Catherine's pregnant…by you." Grissom whispered over to Warick, who nodded his head.

"Dear God in heaven." Sara said looking at Warick.

"What's going on?" Catherine had just reappeared at the table.

Sara jumped and looked up at the older woman. Grissom just took another swig of his beer. Catherine knew right away they had been talking about her.

"You told them didn't you?" She shot Warick a look that said plainly, 'I'll kill your sorry ass.' And sat down.

"They kept hounding me…I had to…don't hurt me." Warick put his hands over his head and bent his neck down.

"I'm not going to hurt you stupid ass, I just want you to keep your fucking mouth shut when I tell you to. I was going to tell you two tonight but I was obviously beat to it."

"My ass is going to the bar for another round of tequila." With that Warick took off in the direction of the long bar.

Catherine gave a sigh and looked at the two people across from her. Before she could say anything Ecklie's voice came over the room sending it into a complete silence.

"Hello everyone and welcome to the 2005 CSI Christmas Party. I just wanted to say that it has been my pleasure to have worked with all of you guys on some of the biggest cases this year. I also want to announce that there will be a dance contest in ten minutes, so grab a partner and get on the floor." Ecklie was as drunk as they came by this point.

"Catherine is you going to make me dance." Warick reappeared at the table looking rather drunk himself.

"No, I'm taking your ass home, come on Martian Luther King, lets get going. See you guys at work tomorrow." Catherine hugged Grissom and Sara then turned to her very drunk 'boyfriend' and they walked out together.

"Can you believe it Catherine and Warick are going to have a baby." Sara shook her head and Grissom just sat there and stared at her.

"I don't even want to think about it." Sara looked at the dance floor, not many people were there. The only people who were were Nick and Stephanie, Greg and Samantha, Brass and Tiffany, and Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Ecklie.

"Come on lets show them how to dance." Grissom's comment almost knocked Sara out of her chair.

"What?" She asked looking at him as he stood up and grabbed her arm.

"Let's have some fun baby doll." Grissom said pulling her toward the floor.

"I know you're not that drunk." She said but fallowed him anyway.

"No, I just want to dance with you hold you in my arms once more that's what they invented dancing for I just want to dance with you." Grissom sang to her and she giggled at the sound.

"I never was one for county but I think I like that song now."

A really slow number queued up, Grissom and Sara swayed to the music in perfect time.

"Why Mr. Grissom you are a divine dancer." Sara smiled at him and he gave her a grin.

"The way I remember it you were the one who taught me?"


"Gil that's my foot," Sara whined and rubbed her sore foot.

"Sorry," Grissom said for the fifth time since they had started this stupid activity.

Sara was trying to teach him how to dance. His mother had sent his to lessons but he hadn't never really taken a liking to them and he was a little rusty.

"That's ok, just try again." Sara grabbed his hand and then started the music back.

The sound of classical music filled the small space of Sara's dorm room.

"Just fell the music let your body do the talking." Sara looked up at him. Those chocolate brown eyes shining as she started to move with him.

"Good," Sara said when they had reached an appropriate rhythm. "Very good," she said when the song was over.

"Hey you're quite the teacher."

"Yeah well you're the ideal student." Sara said looking at him over her shoulder and smiling a genuine smile that he didn't see very often.

"Yeah well I always was a fast learner." Grissom said watching her load another CD.

"Now we try to step it up a bit, the waltz." Sara gave an evil little laugh and Grissom groaned.


"I do believe you are right Mr. Grissom." Sara giggled again.

Everyone had stopped dancing but them. They looked at each other and smiled as they glided in perfect 3\4 time with the music. When they song ended they reluctantly broke apart.

"Lets take this somewhere a little more private, what do you say?" Grissom looked at Sara and smiled.

"That's the best idea you've had all night." Sara said and grabbed his hand leading him out of the hotel\casino and toward the car.