Dear readers and fans,

I know that you're looking forward for this story to go further and what will happen next,
I'm writing this to tell you that I've been downloading this story and that I've been fixing the chapters,
you know on grammar and even on story, the first chapters haven't changed that much, only on grammar,
but the further I got, the more I was changing things as well, I've been even putting some chapters together and all that.
I won't upload anything to this story here anymore, but instead I'll be making a new story and post all the new and fixed chapters there.
So, with this I just want to let you know that I'm working on the story,
and that you can read it in the new story instead, the title will be the same,
and to let you know, I'm writing on the story and I will finish it this time,
I'm only not sure yet how many more chapters there will be coming and when I will end it,

but I hope you can enjoy the story there and that you're looking forward to read it!

Thanks so much for your patience, thanks for your support and your reviews!