Part 4 -

"Brush , Brush , Stroke." Phoebe made a swishing sound by pressing her lips together and letting whispers escape between them. "Lavender or Blue?" She quietly asked herself , glancing at the pallet with the seven spaces of color lying on the side table next to the easel she was painting on.

Phoebe had never been an astoundingly great artist , but while in college she had learned the basics.

"I'm painting a picture for Dex , he'll hang it with the best , it won't mean anything less , Oh , yes ! It's all for my sweet Dex." She sang , still very very softly. It was 6:00 AM and Dex Lawson was yet to have risen with the sun.

"Whoops." Phoebe turned over her sketching pen to erase a mistaken line. She giggled and tilted her head and showed her utmost adorable state. Her dark brown hair was up in pink tails , her brown eyes glimmered a light hazel and on her she wore nothing but a simple white silk bed sheet. Her arms and shoulders were exposed.

"Baby.." She mused out loud , sketching something in her painting then lovingly running her finger over what she just drawn. "Perfect.."

"What's perfect ?" A sleepy , but happy looking Dex came in from the loft's sleeping area. "Oooh..." he raised an aroused eyebrow seeing her wrapped in only the bed sheets. "..Your perfect." Phoebe laughed , throughly amused. She turned on her stool so that her back was to him.

Like a tiger he prowled behind her , finally closing in and slipping his arms around her waist. He leaned down to kiss the point where her neck and shoulder connected. He hadn't seen her drawing.

"Dex.." She whined. It wasn't at all that she minded him kissing her but right now she felt distracted. "I'm working here.."

Dex unhurriedly lifted his chin so that he could see. "Wow." he gasped. Dex didn't know she could draw. "Honey , that's really good." He nuzzled her cheek. "In fact , it's better than good , it's great."

Phoebe slyly gave him a look , still a warm smile on her face. "Okay , If it's that great , than what is it ?" The painting was traditional drawing. He knew that. There were people , and animals. It was an outdoor scene. A park or lake maybe.

"Well that's easy." Dex stood up tall , he needed to see the whole thing to be sure. "There's you and there's me."

Phoebe laughed , "No. That's Piper and Leo. There's me." She pointed to a character that did resemble herself. "That's Paige , Wyatt and Chris."

Dex nodded. He , himself saw three other characters. "What about those two little girls ? And is that a dog ? "

Phoebe once again ran her fingers lovingly over the painting. "Well that dalmatian is our dog. Spot. We will have had him for five years then."

"Uh huh. What about the little girls ?"

"They ... They're my babies. Melinda and Grace. My little lady bugs." Phoebe had that motherly gleam in her eyes.

"How old are they?" Dex rested a supporting hand on her shoulder.

"Well , Melinda's 3. And Grace , She's a year old."

"Their beautiful sweetie .. But where am I?"

"Gone." Phoebe tilted her head. Her smile turning into a frown. "Because with you , my little girls don't exist."

TBC ..

Oooo... Creepy , huh ? lol. Review and you will get ICE CREAM ! yay !