DICLAIMMER- ok I think everyone knows they are not mine, the only thing that is mine is the coach, no wait someone else did that damn!
Ok this was written because of all the reviews I got for a trip for everyone so this kind of popped into my mind, hope you enjoy.
Catherine Willows was stood outside the crime lab tapping her fingers repeatedly on the post she was lent on.
"How long do we have to wait?" she questioned Grissom.
"Our transportation will be here soon" he replied picking up his suitcase and dropping it on the curve.
"I don't see why we all have to go to this stupid thing anyway," moaned Sara who was sat on her suitcase by the edge of the road.
"Because it will help our team work and communication," announced Greg mocking Ecklie as he came round the corner. Sara's face lit up, if she was forced to go away for this weekend the only thing that would make it bearable would be Greg.
"That is correct," announced Ecklie causing everyone to jump as he slammed his case down. Great not only were they being sent away but also they were to be imprisoned with Ecklie for the three hour ride there.
"Glad I'm not late" said Greg taking a perch besides Sara. "So how are we getting there?" he asked.
"Well if you were here on time you would know that we are going by coach," snapped Catherine as she continued to examine her nails.
"Me and Warrick are going to take it in turns driving" announced Nick as a coach pulled round the corner. It wasn't a full sized one, more like one you hire for a day.
"Right we need to get going were already behind schedule" announced Grissom taking his suitcase and putting it in the back trunk.
"I'm driving first," shouted Warrick practically throwing his case at Grissom in order to grab the keys and get in.
"I'm sitting at the back," shouted Greg.
"Don't be so childish" said Catharine. Sara couldn't pass up this opportunity to wind her up.
"I bag sitting with Greg" she shouted in a girlish voice as she went by Cath and handed her case to Grissom before scooting up the steps after Greg who had run full pelt to the back and collided with the back seat spilling the contents of the sports bag he was carrying.
"Sweets!" exclaimed Sara as she helped him pick the bits up and on coming across a paper bag containing jelly babies refused to give him them back.
"The secret to any road trip"
"What?" asked Nick sitting on the seat in front of them and dumping his bag next to him along with Warrick's. He turned so he was sat on the edge able to see all down the corridor rather than sit directly at the back with Greg and Sara.
"High sugar content food" said Greg trying to grab the bag back of Sara who had retreated to the opposite end of the back seat and squashed her self against the window.
"Mine" said Greg diving on her like a small child. A few seconds later and Greg had the bag back in his hand.
"Fine", mumbled Sara straightening her hair.
"We can share," he announced opening the bag so Sara could take a handful.
"Thanks" she grinned showing the gap in between her teeth. Catherine had opted to sit further up the bus and next to the window so she couldn't be involved in whatever was happening at the back. Her hand luggage took up most of the seat and only allowed a small amount of room for herself. As she put the bag down it made a noise rather like glass clinking together attracting unwanted attention.
"What's that?" Asked Warrick turning from the drivers seat.
"Oh Cath's got contraband" shouted Greg receiving a glare.
"It's a anti boredom device"
"You know I've heard of those they usually come in the form of alcohol," replied Nick.
"Catherine you brought alcohol?" said Sara, Catherine wasn't sure whether it was disappointment, shock or excitement in Sara's voice.
"Wow I didn't think that would be something you would do…not which it's wrong... It's" Catherine's question was answered as Sara tried to dig herself out a hole unsuccessfully.
"I have vodka and beer" said Catherine shoving her bag to one side as Grissom got on wondering why everyone had shut up and Sara and Greg were both looking rather strange. Greg made a chocking sound as he tried not to laugh.
"Greg are you ok?" asked Grissom looking concerned.
"He's fine," laughed Sara hitting his back a little too hard.
"Ow…I mean thanks," muttered Greg as Grissom eyed him up and down.
"Well ok. Lets get going then" he said to Warrick as he sat on the opposite side to Catherine and a seat in front he began reading a textbook. Catherine settled in her seat and began reading a magazine. Ecklie had some sort of paper work laid out on the seat in front of Grissom which he was filling in, thankfully away from everyone else.
"Come on one more" moaned Greg from the opposite side of the seat to Sara.
"Fine" she took a jelly baby out the bag and throwing it at Greg's mouth. He missed and it fell under the seat as Sara shoved some more sweets into her mouth.
"Hey Greg what music you got?" asked Nick picking up his MP3 player. Nick began going through the list as Greg returned to his position next to Sara.
"Hey Nickelback" said Nick pressing play.
"I thought Sara would like it," said Greg sheepishly.
"Thanks" smiled Sara, the gap showing in her teeth made Greg's face light up. Nick turned the volume up full so that the three of them could hear it through the headphones.
"Someday, Somehow gonna make it all right but not right now" Sara began to sing quietly. Greg loved her singing and decided to join in.
"Lets rewrite a ending that fits…" Nick now joined in "GONNA MAKE IT ALL RIGHT BUT NOT RIGHT NOW" the three burst into fits of laughter as the song finished and Ecklie's subtle coughing could be heard over it.
"Sorry too loud?" asked Nick. Ecklie just made a snorting noise. Catherine could hear everyone laughing and decided that since she wasn't going to beat them she might as well join them.
"Hey" she smiled sitting opposite Nick. "You have food!" she smiled starring at Greg's bag.
"What is it with woman wanting my food?"
"It's because none of them want your body," explained Catherine.
"Oh" squealed Greg as Sara nearly spat chocolate raisons over him from laughing.
"I like your body" she smiled nearly chocking on her food. Greg grinned madly back at her, Sara Sidle just told him that she liked his body this trip couldn't get any better, could it?