Ok next chapter. This is seven, And...I'v decided to try something different. Its writen as though it were a page of Himenos diary and it is while Hayate is away. I hope you like it. So Ladies and jellybeans, Boys and squirrels, on with the show.

Dear Diary.

Here I sit alone and board. No school, No real friends. I wish Hayate were here. He has something to say to me. I know what I hope it is. But I am just not confident that he loves me like I love him. I still thinks he looks at me like a sister or something. But he kissed me. HE KISSED Me!!!!! That has to mean something right? Guys just don't kiss you for no reason. And when he looks at me, its so loveing and careing. It makes my bones feel like they are going to melt. But...I just can't believe it untill he says it to me. It's so dumb but I need to hear those words.

I am scarred though. It feels like time is running out. The rules of our school say that we either have to be engaged to be married or have an aprenticeship by our graduation ceramony in two weeks. I don't have anything. Being Natsue's step-daughter won't make a difference. Believe it or not Mayune has had three offers of marriage. Granted one was old baldy Mr Tanaka. I fell out of my chair laughing and got punished but it was worth it just to see Mayune's face. Thankgod it wasn't me. I really shoudn't say that though. What if no one offers for me? What will happen to me? This rule is so dumb! Why do boys get to go off and fight? Why can they be knights and we can't? I am really good at fighting. I would be an awesome knight. But unless I become Queen, I don't get to change the laws. Maybe I could talk to Sasame...

On to some good news. I think Mawata and Sasame really hit it off. It makes me soo happy. I set them up after all and Mayune doesn'tt know. HAhahahahahhahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! Mawata likes him so much and is afraid to tell Mayune because she knows what the reaction will be. I really do love Mawata and I want to see her happy. Even if she doesn't get any marriage offers, she is going to study to be teacher. Sometimes I wish I was kind and gentle like Mawata. Sasame is so perfect for her. I love Sasame like a brother and Mawata like a sister, so all I want is there happiness.

Shit, there is Dad calling me again. Gotta go. He has been doing all these dumb tulip statues and nameing them after me. It's so annoying. If it is anouther tulip, I'll just have to bust it up like the last one.HA!