A/N: I hope you liked the last chapter! Sorry that I've been taking so long to update. I've been kind of busy with college and work _ . On to chapter 9!

Odd Falls for X.A.N.A.

Chapter 9: So it has come

Jeremy's mouth dropped. Why would the virtualization process work when Aelita and he couldn't get it to work? Why now? "Ulrich! Yumi! Get to the virtualization room and fast!"

"I'll go to, Jeremy."

The blonde side-glanced toward the pink princess, as Odd would have put it. "I know you need to, but I would prefer you to stay here, Aelita."

Aelita smiled and suddenly kissed him on the cheek before running off to join Ulrich and Yumi. "I'll be fine!"

The elevator went down towards the virtualization room and the three entered the tubes. "All ready here, Jeremy!" Ulrich called. They were determined and ready to help Odd, but their reasons may have been in the wrong.


Odd struggled his way to the tower, resolving that Rose needed him. I'm coming! He thought as he shot another arrow and missing. He just needed them to get out of his way, he just needed to get to Rose, he just needed . . .A laser hit him in the torso, causing him to cry out. Only once had he felt so much pain. "Rose!" He cried out, trying to ignore the pain, trying to get to her. Jumping over monsters, trying to avoid the attacks they threw at him.

The tower was only a few feet away when he heard Jeremy yell, "Odd! You only have ten life points left!"

Purple eyes were wide at the sound of the genius friend in the Lyoko group. A small smile came to his face as he nodded, "Okay Einstein!" Odd shot off a few more arrows, hoping for more of a distraction than being able to hit anything. With those last shots he ran to the tower, managing to go in as a crab shot. Ripples came across the base of the tower, and there she was.


Jeremy had managed to send the others a little ways off from the tower, from the barrage of monsters. "Head twenty degrees northeast and you'll hit the tower. Odd is in the tower, safe for now. If those monsters manage to knock the tower down then we may lose him!"

The Lyoko warriors nodded in sync before heading to their destination.

The three stopped at the edge of a cliff, "There are too many." Yumi whispered.

Aelita and Ulrich could only nod, for they were that astonished.

The Tower

Odd bent down to the girl he knew and was coming to love. White hair was sprawled on the floor, unbraided, and untampered with, above her kneeled a man, Hopper. The man looked up at him and smiled slightly. "Odd," he spoke, "she was trying to get rid of her sectors…but everything went out of control."

The problem was set before him and a solution seemed impossible to come up with.

Odd was shocked; his eyes were weary of the situation and of the man before him. "What can I…"

The older man smiled once more, but it was sad. "We can only wait for her to regenerate. It could days, or weeks, or months…but if she doesn't wake soon all of you could be in danger. Her programs make it to where none of you can feel pain." He sighed. "But it seems that everything that she has brought up is either down or out of control."

"But I thought-"

"That it was created by me?" Hopper shook his head. "I helped her create them, but other than that," he shrugged, "she had to make them."

A/N: I'm sorry it took so long. You know how when you get older things just seem to become a rush to do, ya know, things. Well here is your long awaited chapter!