A/N: I know, it sounds weird, but what the heck, read it and see if you like it, PLEASE!

Odd Falls for X.A.N.A.


A blonde, purple haired boy sat in an old factory with his elbows on his knees and head resting on his hands. He was thinking about her again. The girl he loved, that he had to get rid of. She was virus, and he had to delete her so she wouldn't take over the world; thing is, is she didn't want to take over the world.

"What are you doing, Odd?" Asked a brown haired boy as he sat down next to Odd. "Don't tell me that you're thinking about her again."

He could only nod. "Yea," Odd replied in a sad voice. "I'm thinking of…her."

The brunette shook his head. "Why would you think about her?" He asked his self. He still didn't understand why Odd loved that girl; she was just a virus. "Jeremy said he was trying to bring her back, so you shouldn't worry about her. She'll be fine."

But Odd shook his head. "I want to see her again, Ulrich, I know she wasn't bad... If she was…then she would have gotten rid of us." He stood, "I'm going to go help Jeremy and Aelita."

The boy named Ulrich nodded. "'K," he said as he stood up and began walking out of the old factory. "If you need me, I'll be back at the dorm; just call."

Odd waved his hand as he walked in to the old factory elevator.

The elevator went down and opened up in the super computer room that Odd only knew so well. As he walked in, he saw a pink haired girl and a blonde haired boy were sitting at two different computers typing furiously.

"Jeremy," the pink haired girl said, "I think I found a program on her."

Jeremy, the blonde, got up and went to the laptop to look at the program. "It's a sample I took before we got rid of her." He said as he started to type something in. There was a beeping noise from the computer and Jeremy smiled. "I think we did it Aelita, I think we have her back.

Aelita, the pink haired girl, smiled and suddenly noticed Odd's entrance. "Maybe you should go see if she's down there."

Odd smiled weakly, it was the first smile they had seen for months. "Okay," he said as he walked back in the elevator and went down another floor, to the scanner room. It was already too familiar. Going in to Lyoko to see her, of all people.

When Odd walked in, there was nothing. No one was there. His chest hurt, why couldn't it be easy to get her back? But it wasn't. He began walking back in the elevator, before pausing to look at his surroundings once more. When he came back to the super computer room, he shook his head to the left and right. "She wasn't there." He said as he looked at the floor.

Aelita and Jeremy frowned. "Sorry Odd," Jeremy said as he walked over to him and patted him on the back. "Why don't you sit down?" He gestured to the side, "We'll tell you when we're through. Okay?"

Odd nodded and sat down in a corner on the floor. He was very upset that he got rid of her. He missed her. He use to come to the factory everyday to see her; and even though he wouldn't admit it, he loved her. Even more than anyone of his friends knew.

A/N: I know, it's short, but I hope you liked it anyway! R&R! PLEASE R&R!