Midnight Massacre

by Nina Elric

Chapter One - Two Inches Taller

I DO NOT OWN Hagane No Renkin Jutsushi. WAHHHH! I wish I did though...

Shitoko's POV

The boy's eyes lit up when I showed him that I had a 'Fake' Philosopher's Stone. He snatched it out of my hands and examined it while I was steaming at his extreme rudeness.

"EXCUSE ME! YOU DIDN"T--" I tried to finish my sentence but Al covered my mouth up.

"Ssshhhh...don't interrupt him...he'll get angry..." Al said quietly, "Besides, he won't steal it, he's just looking at it...uhh--"

"Shitoko? That's your name right? Anyway, where are the design specs?" Ed asked his eyes glowing with wowness.

"I...I...don't have them...sorry..." Suddenly, his eyes dulled. He walked over to Alphonse and banged is hand a little on the armor. It sounded...hollow! Ed then unhatched Al's front chest plate; where the person who would wear it would get in; and showed me what was inside. Nothing. Nothing at all was inside! I couldn't believe it. I didn't know how to react, so I sighed.

"This..." Ed said, "..is what happens when you fail at something so sad." He paused for minutes. I opened my mouth to speak, but he began before me. "Humans. Alchemy. When you combine the two and try to resurrect someone...this is what could happen."

"You...you did...the forbidden?" I asked nervously.

"Yes..." He paused and push up is sleeve of the right arm. "Automail is what I have to replace my arm..." I could tell he wasn't done talking, so I satyed silent. He then pulled up his left pant leg and show me another automail. "And this to replace my left leg. This...is why we need the stone, to get our bodies back." My eyes were small and sad at the time-being. They were falling apart and I could not do anything to fix it. But maybe I could help them find, or even create the real stone.

"Um...Ed?" I started. Ed looked up after pushing down his sleeve and pant leg. I had a calmed look on my face, plus an added small smile. "Maybe I can help. Or even be of any assistance. I can help you find or even create the real stone. How's that sound?" I looked into his now, brightened eyes and my smile became full.

"..." He was silent for a minute, then, "t-that...would be great!" he cheered and his brother looked at me. If he had actual emotions that were able to be seen, he'd be in overjoyed mode. So I kept a big smile. Though I knew I had some secrets of my own, I'm sure they'd find out eventually. So I stared at them with joy-filled eyes. I was sort of happy, but I had my doubts...and my own problems. Me, the Winter Alchemist, afraid of the truth, but I still went along with it.

Ed's POV

I was overly joyed with what the girl had said and/or asked me. She was kind, nice...wait...that's the same thing, kind and nice, right, well, let's go on...beautiful, and she had the most beautiful eyes. Crystallic blue. B-E-A-U-tiful. I couldn't keep myself away, she had to join us, no matter what! That's when it happened. I leaned over the bed where she was lying and fell unconscious. Something went straight into my neck...ithad a pinching feel to it, and I could feel fluids being forced into my veins. Had someone been trying to killed me? Suddenly, I had blacked out completely. All I could hear was the slurred voices of Alphonse and that Shitoko girl yelling my name.

---Three days later---

"...Ed..." the voice of a young girl is what I heard, "ED!" My eyes slowly opened but quickly shut tightly. My eyesclosed thanks to the blinding light that came through the blinds. It was unbearable, so I kept my eyes closed until I was satisfied with the position and brightness of the area. When I was comfortable, I opened my eyes and waited for my eyes to clear a bit. Everything was blurry at first, but soon went back to normal.

"Where...where am I?" I asked with a slurred voice, kind of like if I was drunk or something. It was more of a 'I-just-woke-up' voice, though. I looked around. I had been lying on the bed with the comforter and the sheets covering my body up to the bottom of my shoulders. "Oh..." Is all I said from then on.

I was quiet for a long time. I notice something strange with my hands, however. My hands were shaking uncontrolably, non-stop. I slid my legs over to the side of the bed and stood up slowly. Even though I had gotten up slowly, I couldn't stand up on my own. I had seemed to had lost energy. But something didn't feel right, I...I felt...taller? I looked down at the automail limb that replaced my leg and noticed it was about two inches off the ground. Three days had gone by and I had grown a whole whopping two inches! That was awesome. I cheered in my head as I walked slowly and tiredly to the bath room.I looked into the mirror and saw a familiar face. It was me. I was over-joyed and happy with the news that I had gained two inches, but now I needed repairs. I guess it was time to go back to Resembool. I limped back to the bed and called Al to my side.

"Al?" I began softly, "We need to pack up. We're going back to Resembool."

"We are? But Nii-san...why?" I looked Al in the so-called eyes, I then looked down at my leg and showed him the reason.

"Al...remeber how I was just able to reach the floor?" He nodded and asked,

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, in the past however many days it has been, I must've gained at least an inch or two." I stood up firmly and showed him that my automail was elevated two inches off the ground. However, nothing was under it. If Al had expressions, it would be shocked. Shitoko looked at it and said,

"Not a problem. I can fix it right now." Al and I stared at her with confused eyes. "Don't give me that look. I'm a mechanic, so what?"

All I did was shrug and say, "Fine...whatever.." I sat back down onto the bed and waited for Shitoko to begin her 'stuff'. She went digging through her stuff and finally came back to me with a tape measurer.

"Okay, then...let's see..." She kept mumbling what sounded like measurements, but I wasn't quite sure, so I shrugged it off. When she was finally finished she pulled out screw-drivers, nuts and bolts, screws, wrenches, and lastly...a needle? A NEEDLE!

"You AREN'T putting that...that thing in me...are you?"

"Yes, Ed." She took it and lay it down on the desk. She then pulled out a medical bag and pulled out some cotton swabs. After that, she pulled out some cleaning alchohol. She stuck the cotton swab in the bottle and soaked it of the rubbing/cleaning alchohol. She grabbed my arm and I began panicking.

"DON'T TOUCH ME WITH THAT...THAT THING!" I screamed and kicked and shouted. But nothing worked, her grip was like an iron one, yet, it actually felt like it too. Did she have automail? Naw...she couldn't, but then again...I've met others with automail, so...it wouldn't surprize me. But I felt limp after she had let go of me. I looked over to her and saw her with the needle in her hands. I tried moving but...I felt paralyzed! She stuck the needle but I didn't feel it. Shitoko was finally done with the most hardest part...the needle.

"That was a new fluid that makes you go numb and so you can't feel anything. I am no going to take your automa--huh?" A loud snore sounded from themy mouth and I was fast asleep.

"Man...he must've been...tired...from...sleeping..all...day...nevermind..." Shitoko was still a bit weary on why I fell asleep so easily, but I didn't care. I was too busy sleeping my life away and dreaming a wonderful dream...or was it? My dream had became a nightmare and then a reality...

A/N: So...Chapter One is up. Midnght Massacre s coming along slowly, but surely...so don't hesitate to flame me on this one...enjoy!