:Be wary of the one you find in there. His thoughts are slippery.:

Whatever that had meant, Arden wasn't sure she wanted to know. It had been too many years since she'd actually used the Force to remember what slippery thoughts entailed. However, Kreia had seen fit to warn her, so she might as well be careful. Pressing a sequence of buttons, she watched as the door flew open and revealed the room's lone occupant- a rather scruffy-looking human male with a bored expression on his face that quickly changed into a leering smile when he saw her walk in.

"Nice outfit. What, did the miners change their uniforms while I've been in here?"

Arden crossed her arms over her chest, it was rather unfortunate that she hadn't been able to locate any clothes before running into anyone. The only coverings that seemed to be around were still on corpses, and she really wasn't interesting in wearing a suit peeled off anyone's dying body. "How about you just keep your eyes pointed up and tell me who you are and what you're doing here?"

"Uhh…" he stuffed his hands in his pockets, as though he were considering something.

After a few long moments, Arden tried again. "I didn't think the question was all that difficult, unless you've got something to hide."

"Sweetheart, we've all got something to hide. But that's not what I was thinking about."

"Well, what were you thinking about?"

"You mean besides your, uh, wonderfully attractive attire?"

Arden pointed her finger at him and looked at him sourly. "What did I say about keeping those eyes pointed up? And you can keep your mind pointed up while you're at it."

"Oh, fine. But that's still not what I was thinking about."

"Okay, then why do you keep changing the subject, only to bring it back up again?"

The man removed his hands from his pockets and scratched the back of his head. "It's, well… it's kind of random, really."

"Random I can deal with, but not until I know what it is."

"Well, see… I've always wanted to introduce myself with a song."

Arden stopped and gaped at him for a moment. "A song?"

"Yeah, you heard me. A song! Something snappy and catchy, you know? But I always thought I'd sound silly. I mean, uh, not that I'm ever silly or anything."

"A song." Arden had to keep herself from rolling her eyes. "Do you have a number prepared or something?"

"Actually," he started, and then stopped. "Never mind. I'll sound ridiculous."

"You already do," she pointed out. "You're standing there in a force cage, talking about introducing yourself with a song."

"Well, when you put it that way…"

There was a pause. "So, do I get to hear this song?"

The man stood there for a moment, apparently trying to decide if he actually wanted to break into song. It was a rather incongruous thought, as most musical numbers don't take place in captivity on abandoned mining stations. However, whether it was the half-naked presence of Arden, or the lack of presence of anyone else that made the difference, he finally came to a decision. "All right, I'll sing it for you. But you'd better not laugh."

Arden schooled her face into the most serious expression she could manage, and nodded sagely. "Never, of course."

"Okay. And I'm going to have to sing the chorus part, too… since I don't have extra people with me."

He wrote an introduction with a chorus? This is one strange little man… Out loud, she said, "Great."

He straightened up into his best singing posture, took a deep breath, and started.

Oh, better far to live and die

Under the brave black flag I fly,

Than play a sanctimonious part,

With a scoundrel head and a scoundrel heart.

Away to the cheating world go you,

Where scoundrels all are well-to-do;

But I'll be true to the song I sing,

And live and die a Scoundrel King.

For I am a Scoundrel King!

And it is, it is a glorious thing

To be a Scoundrel King!

For I am a Scoundrel King!

You are!

Hurrah for our Scoundrel King!

And it is, it is a glorious thing

To be a Scoundrel King.

It is!

Hurrah for our Scoundrel King!

Hurrah for the Scoundrel King!

When I sally forth to seek my prey

I help myself in a royal way.

I blast a few more ships, it's true,

Than a well-bred monarch ought to do;

But many a king on a first-class throne,

If he wants to call his crown his own,

Must manage somehow to get through

More dirty work than ever I do,

For I am a Scoundrel King!

And it is, it is a glorious thing

To be a Scoundrel King!

For I am a Scoundrel King!

You are!

Hurrah for the Scoundrel King!

And it is, it is a glorious thing

To be a Scoundrel King.

It is!

Hurrah for our Scoundrel King!

Hurrah for the Scoundrel King!

He finished with a smile. "The name's Atton, by the way. You'll excuse me if I don't shake hands, the energy shield only causes mild electrical burns."

"Right. I'm Arden Moore… and now how about telling me a little more about what's going on here?"