Disclaimer: I don't own Beyblade or any of the perfect characters….I wish I didn't own Kami and Micah…but they follow me now. . .

p.s. A few things differ from the original story line of Beyblade. -wince- Sorry...I kinda improvised on things I couldn't remember...lol...

Opening her violet eyes the panther tossed her look sparingly. She had been out on a shopping day with her brother, or more to say he bought her everything and anything while she gave irritated looks and noises of disapproval. But either way he wouldn't listen, because he was, in his own words, making up for all the years she went without.

In the same respects he also showered her team-mates with the same pleasurable ways. They all disagreed just as strongly as she, but he wouldn't budge, and them trying to talk to him brought up another problem for them, that being that they had to talk to him. Something about his cheerful nature seemed to irk most of them, although Spencer didn't seem to mind one way or another.

Shrugging it off she let her gaze wander thinking about the events to come...More or less she was nervous, a newer feeling for the stoic teen. In the abbey one didn't experience anxiety. There was a fear for a prolonged moment, but when said thing was inevitable there was no use in getting jittery.

Glancing at the clock the red letters read 12:56 a.m., meaning there was less than 24 hours until Tala's battle with BBA Revolutions Daichi. The red-haired Russian seemed carefree about the whole fiasco, his nerves proving to be steel plated as he bragged himself up as usual. The wolf had taken more of a liking to harassing her brother and as it did give her valuable time to think how she could possibly complain. Besides that Spencer was always fussing over said twin so he never was in more than he could handle.

Kai had disappeared again, although in actuality she knew his exact where-abouts. He was on the hotel roof, honing Dranzers skills to a fine point. His battle with Tyson the only thing clouding his vision, all his senses caught on drawing up the perfect defense, offense, and over-all battle technique. Just as usual he had reverted to a typical battle mode, blocking out anything that didn't spin. Not that she minded, having known Kai for so long she knew his ways, and respected each.

Bryan was more or less passed out on the bed next to her; one arm propped up to shield his eyes from the long stream of light that was flooding their room from the partially open bedroom door. Rolling to her side she let out a heavy sigh before releasing herself from the worldly times, the arms of sleep whisking her away into the fields of her blissful night terrors.


Crystalline eyes narrowed at the small object, as if challenging it. The flaming red hair fell free over the pale shoulders. The male heaved a sigh before turning his gaze back to the blade held tight in his protective grip. Tala let his eyes roam the scenes of the night life, his mind caught in another time and place. Memories plagued his thoughts, making it near impossible to concentrate on a good practice.

He had tried for it all night and still the male couldn't get his mind in place, and so after hours of failure he gave in. Wolborg seemed as restless as he and yet neither, once started, would ever find the right set. Somehow it perversely reminded the Russian of a song he had once heard, the main lyrics being that of, "I just died in your arms tonight". Chuckling to himself he ran a hand through his damp locks, shifting his orbs from the window.

The clean sheets felt crisp and taut under his feel and a small smile tugged at his lips after thinking of why it was the linens needed changing. The room still smelt heavily of incense and candles, and among the many different mixed aromas was that of sex. It had been nearly a week since Kami's birthday surprise and still the smells lingered, leaving a daily reminder for his lecherous mind.

Yawning the male rolled to his back letting his mind wander. Only 14 hours until his battle with Daichi of BBA Revolutions. That little brat had made a fool of him once before and the Russian would be damned before it happened again. His team had been ranked first in the world well before the monkey child had been blading. In fact, shouldn't that entitle him to being the greatest?

Nodding along with his newest theory he smiled. Of course he should be the greatest; even more he was the greatest. Letting out a content sigh a faint smile fell across his porcelain face. This battle would be an easy win, of this he was sure. After all he was him. Tala Valkov, top blader, future World Champion.


"Hmm, would you say he is as big as the Jolly Green Giant?"

"Are you referring to the Mascot for canned vegetables?" the deep voice responded.

"One and the same. Now answer!!" the first replied, the tone demanding and yet keeping its soft edge.

"No. He is like ant to person big." Spencer tried rubbing his tired eyes with the backs of his hands.

"So this big person. How big would he be?"



Dranzer surged forward, slicing the tins cans as easily as a blade of grass. She was beautiful. She was powerful. She was merciless. She was perfection.


"Kai I wanted to talk to you. And considering neither of us are very good at that I'm just going to throw it out there….About Kami…and fucking…well….yeah….you see the thing about that is…." Tala's words raced outward. Walking as he practiced his speech he took no notice of the fact that he was thinking aloud.

Crimson eyes full of exhaustion surveyed the wolf in his pacing moment. Not bothering to stop him as he struggled with whatever it was he needed to spit out. Moments later the phoenix, near fainting, acknowledged the oblivious comrade. Clearing his throat loudly.

Tala's face paled visibly as he noted for the first time in fifteen minutes that he had an audience. Clearing his throat and masking it over with arrogance he turned away. "I assume you heard all of that."

A faint nod.

"Well then about that…it was a mistake. I don't want Kami-chan."

A dark eyebrow raised in response, "Change of heart."

Rolling his crystalline eyes the man snorted, "She isn't my type."

Fiery eyes danced with ill humor. "Tala I don't ask much of you." His husky voice was a bit of a lighter tone in comparison to the previous weeks.

Tala fixed Kai with a wary look. "I guess not. So what is it you want?"

The bluenette's fists clenched automatically, his eyes darkening in hidden emotion, "Get me there Valkov."

Blue eyes flooded with relief, and then churned with the sudden realization of a coming challenge. "My pleasure Hiwatari."

'My pleasure.'



"Gooo Strata Dragoon!!!" Daichi shrieked bouncing from the ground in his pre-victory mode.


Lights flooded the stadium as the fans jumped out of there seats. Eager for more of this jam packed action. There craving driving them crazy as their favorite D.J. pumped the crowd for excitement.

Tala and Daichi's match had finished a tie and now it was all down to Kai and Tyson. Former friends pitted against each other, both pinning for the same outcome. A victory over one another.

Amethyst eyes turned to clash with violet.

'This is it then. The day we've been waiting for. Kai I know it's a game of fate. The outcome has already been pre-decided by GOD himself. But for what it's worth….I'm cheering for you.'

Words remained unspoken between the two. For now wasn't a time for words. Now was the time for victory.

"Kai!" Tala shouted as the said Russian was heading towards the stadium doors. "We've all done our parts. We got you this far. It's your time now." Icy eyes dark he grinned, "You're up."

Trudging to the steps the phoenix turned his eyes towards the only family he had. His team. And although most of the time he wanted to bust on of them in the head for something. They were his best friends. His only friends. 'I'll do it.' Reaching the stairs his eyes found his oppositions. "Tyson. You're mine."


The dust settled to the ground as the life-altering battle fell to a finish. A finale fit for kings. Seconds after the last blade stopped the screams echoed. Friends dashed from the stands, feet pounding, hands waving as they rushed pass the slate haired teen.

His pale eyes watched the scene with nothing short of respect. Tyson had won. The call so close it was unbearable. But somehow it was okay. He was okay.

Turning to a silent call of his name he barely had time to react as a dark splotch bombarded him in an unusual grasp. His eyes widened in a quick show of surprise as it took him a moment to re-gather his thoughts after his lover had nearly tackled him. "Kami?"

Burying her nose in the collar of his torn jacket the female let out a stiff sigh of relief, weaving her lithe body under this right arm for a bit of support. "I had faith. I had faith it would turn out."

"Turn out? He lost!" Tala grunted from behind the two. Chuckling to himself he sighed. I suppose you all know what this means.

Unanimous sighs.

"Well technically Tala you didn't win either. A tie isn't a win or a loss for either side." Micah chimed a bright smile plaguing his face. The new addition still hadn't quite adapted to the less animated sides of his new "friends".

Blue eyes narrowed in irritation. The red heads fists clenching.

Grabbing Micah suddenly Spencer spun the boy around and started a walked, "So I'd say about 4'3' in honesty. Definitely no bigger than 4'4"."

"Are we talking meters?" Micah inquired all previous worries scattered to the winds.

Violet eyes shone with the start of a smile, secretly supporting the weight of her loves the team, add a panther, exited the stadium lost in their own celebration.

'I had faith'


Wow it's been a long time since I've had to type in that a/n…..feels…kinda good.

Okay now I know the thoughts in the crowd about now….


Yes…it's true…all of it's true…and you know what is just the icing in the cake…this whole time I've been procrastinating I've known I only have 1-2 more chapters left and I still didn't move my fat ass…-winces- But I got a review recently that said that after reading this story again they still liked it…and….well I knew I couldn't give up and just stop. I didn't want to be one of those authors that tells you the chapter before they are almost finished and then never finishes…I was close to becoming one….bit I didn't!! Ha!!!

A lot has happened recently….manly bad but a little good….I'm single again and it blows…. . But I'm going to try and get the next chapter up sooner. I think it will be the last chapter and then there will be an epilogue….But I'm also going to get up another chapter of "A Bladers Real World" and "The Twin Business" as of "The Past Unveiled" I don't much like it right about now. I want to take it down because I don't like the "poor me" of it all….anyway….I'm also in the moment of Re-Vamping this story….now right now I want you all to be thinking, "Why would you ever want to change anything about this story!! I love it!!!"

..but I know you aren't. T.T

You see I have times I get very emotional…as writers all of us carry the curse…I'm sure you all know what I mean….and then I release it here…and it turns out…well….lets use the word shitty shall we?

Kami: Or corny or dramatic.

Or those. –clenches teeth- So I've been working on toning down the drama because when Kami was created I wanted her to be more "-shrugs- Oh don't be so whiny Grandmother." –ish. Instead of the "I'll beat your face in and then scream and use a scary voice!!" –ish. Granted overtime she has…well let's say she has evolved a bit. Either way less corniness…less drama. I promise. . Thanks for waiting for me. –sheepish smile- I still love you all!!!

This is Tawnie begging for forgiveness. –hands out candy hearts- Remember… I heart you!!